Chapter 16

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Caper's POV

The look on her face when I told her that my heart was somewhere else. It's a look I never want to see again. The sadness in her eye's will forever be etched into my memories. I didn't intentionally want to make her sad. I was hoping that after saying what I did, she'd see that I my heart belongs to her. But I guess because of that stupid bitch Charity, Sabina has now become, I don't know, insecure?

Then it hits me. She's not insecure, she jealous! I need to find a way to make it so that she doesn't need to be jealous. She already has my heart. She's had it for a while now.

That night I go to sleep thinking of ways to make it up to her. And a way to finally make her mine. It has to be sweet, but still with a bit of edge. She seems to like that about me. The fact that I have an edgier side.

Lost in thought, darkness drifts over my senses, as I fall asleep.

The next morning I'm woken up by my alarm. Sitting up I stretch, and go to get ready for training. I decide that today I'm going to go to the garden this afternoon to have lunch with Sabina. This way while I'm with her, I can explain to her that she has my heart.

Packing up my training gear I head out to the field. By the time I get there, everyone is already warming up. "Alright people!" I holler out, "today we need to work on melee training. Everyone grab your weapon. You'll see that to the right, in the corral, are enough walkers for everyone to have a few goes."

A couple hours go by and after watching everyone slaughter zombies, I'm ready to call it a day. There is a small team heading out this afternoon. They're going out to scout the area for hoards of zombies, and hopefully to find survivors.

After I dismiss everyone, I walk over to the Dining Hall to pick up some lunch for Sabina and I. Grabbing the bag I make my way over to the Garden.

"Hey Sophia!" I yell out to her since she's out near the back. She waves back to me. She stands up, wipes her hands on her pants, and makes her way over to me. She smiles up at me, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Have you seen Sabina? I brought some lunch for her." I explain.

The smile on Sophia's face falters. "She hasn't come in yet today, Caper." She replies.

This time the smile on my face has replace itself with a look of worry. I know that after our conversation last night, she was extremely upset, but maybe she was more upset than I thought. "Thank you, Sophia." I tell her.

As I turn around and head back to the Living Quarters, I notice that Sabina's stuff is placed where she always puts it when she's working. I turn my head back to Sophia, and raise my eyebrow in suspicion. With a sad look on her face she simply shakes her head.

I sigh, and nod my head. Before turning to leave, I place the bag down near Sabina's things. At least this way she'll still be able to eat something.

As I walk away I start to think. "Why doesn't she want to see me? I wonder if she knows how awful I feel?" Before I know it I'm back at my room. I walk into the bathroom, making sure to lock Sabina's door, I strip and walk into the shower.

After washing the sweat and zombie remains off of me. I quickly change, and go to meet with Charli. We're planning a trip off Base, much further than we usually go. Sure it'll take longer, but hopefully we'll be able to get more stuff.

By the time the meeting is finished it's dark out. We managed to plan everything out. Who will lead each team, how many trucks we'll be taking and also how far we will be going. The only thing left to figure out, is who will be going. We'll figure that out closer to when we leave.

I leave Charli's office, and decide to take the long way home. Passing the Garden to see if Sabina is still there. She's not, which isn't all that surprising. I stop at the Dining Hall to grab a quick bite to eat. "Hey Michelle." I say when she looks up at me.

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