Chapter 15

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Sabina's POV

I've been here for a month now, working in the Garden every day. Sophia lets me have some days off once in a while. Usually if we see that there isn't anything to pick she'll tell me to go and enjoy my day, that she can handle the rest on her own.

When I started working with her, the garden was in real rough shape. Sophia couldn't keep up with how fast everything was growing. Now with the two of us it looks better than ever.

I have a routine most days. Wake up at 6:00am, get dressed in clothes that I don't mind getting dirty. Caper is usually up then to in his work out gear, so that he can go lead training sessions. We don't shower early in the morning because I'm literally in the dirt all day, and he trains the security team. We go down to the Dining Hall together, and have a simple breakfast, usually just toast or oatmeal. Then we head our separate ways.

Most days if Caper has time after training, he'll go back to his room then shower. Then he goes to meet with Charli. I, on the other hand, continue working throughout the day. Sophia and I, usually take turns grabbing lunch from the Dining Hall. After the day is done I meet Caper and Teagan for dinner. Then we head back to our rooms. I go strait into the shower when we get back, and then I go either to Caper's room, or he comes to mine, and we talk about everything. Or he sometimes teaches me some stuff that I should have been taught when I was younger.

He has also decided to take it upon himself to teach me "Sex Ed" as he calls it... That day has to have been the most awkward day in my life! I spent the entire time with my face red as a tomato. I couldn't look at him in the face for 3 days.

After those days passed by, things started going back to normal, except that every time one of the other girls would talk to him I could feel myself growing angry. There's this one girl, Charity, she works in one of the shops here on Base, she always seems to be touching his arm, or leaning her boobs way too close to him.

Today Caper and I have finished with our work, and have now met up for dinner by ourselves. And look who decides to show up. I roll my eyes as soon as I see Charity "UUGH! Disgusting slut!" I think to myself. That's a term the Teagan uses when she sees Charity. After she had explained what it means to me, I can agree that it's 100% accurate.

Charity walks up to us at our table, acting as if I don't exist. "Hey Caper, how was work today?" She asks him, sitting down on the booth a little too close to him for my liking. I can feel the anger building in me almost to the point where I'm going to loose it.

Before he can reply, I stand up. I can't deal with this bitch anymore. "I'll see you later Caper." I tell him and walk out of the Dining Hall. At this point I'm furious, but I'm not entirely sure why. I decide to go back to my room to calm down with a new book that Caper gave me last time they went on a supply run.

After a couple of hours I decide that I should probably shower and get ready for bed. I go over to my wardrobe and grab two towels, then make my way over to the bathroom.

I don't bother knocking, not thinking that Caper will be back yet. "He's probably still with that slut Charity." I think to myself. I open the door quickly, only to find Caper there, about to get in the shower. He's naked! I screech and throw my towels at him. He catches the towels no problem, and covers himself quickly. I turn around, rushing out of the bathroom, back to my room.

Yes I've been here a month, and usually we lock the other door when we enter the bathroom. I guess he forgot? I don't know what to think right now. I can't even begin to explain what I saw in there. It all happened so fast. I try to replay the memory in my head, the memory that only happened maybe a minute ago.

I hear a knock on my bathroom door, and look up. I see Caper standing there, with sweatpants, and a shirt on. His eyes downcast. A look of guilt on his face. "Come in" I say, just barely above a whisper. He comes and sits on the bed beside me, not too close.

He runs his hands down his face. I see that he's really nervous. I put my hand on his thigh, in comfort. And he visibly stiffens, after a second he relaxes. He sighs. "Look Sabina, I'm sorry you had to see that. I was so lost in thought that I completely forgot to lock the door." He explains. "When you left dinner, I saw that you were very upset. And I think I know why. If it makes you feel any better I put Charity in her place." He admits

I look up at him in confusion. "Look, I never meant to make you upset. That's the last thing I want to do." He admits. "I care about you Sabina. It pains me to see you upset. Lately I've only ever seen you upset when Charity comes around. Her and I have had a fling in the past. But there were never any feelings towards her. So tonight I told her I don't want her to come anywhere near us. That I'm not and never will be interested in her." He finally finishes.

I stare up at him now, in utter shock. "Why?" Is all I can manage to mutter out. Charity was always so persistent, clearly she wanted Caper in her bed. I mean don't get me wrong he's hot. If I'm being honest, she was rather pretty too, but you could see that she tried too hard.

"Because my heart is somewhere else right now." He says. There's a look in his eye that I can't quite describe when I look at him. But after he says that I can feel my heart breaking. I look away. Maybe a part of me was hoping that he'd like me that way.

I've come to learn that the feelings I get when I'm with Caper are more than just attraction. Teagan says that she thinks that I'm falling in love with him. But after hearing him say that his heart is somewhere else it just makes me want to curl up in my bed and cry.

I look back up at him, and say. "Okay. Well it's getting late Caper, and we need to be up early tomorrow." He gets the hint and gets up to leave.

Before he goes through the bathroom, he turns around. "I'm sorry Sabina." He says one last time before he leaves my room.

That night I don't shower, I'm too mentally exhausted after the talk I had with Caper. I trudge to my wardrobe, grab a pair of pyjamas, and change. After I've changed I go back to my bed. I curl up in the blanket. The tears that I've been holding have now broken free. "I can't believe that Caper doesn't want to be with me. What have I done to make it so that he doesn't want to love me back?" I think to myself.

Eventually my tears dry up, and darkness takes over. 

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