Chapter 5

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Sabina's POV just before she gets in the shower

There's a knock on at the door after Caper and I make plans to get something to eat. A girl probably younger than me walks in. She's got long brown hair, probably a bit darker than mine, when my hair is clean. "Hello Sabina, I'm Teagan, Caper's favourite sister" she says enthusiastically. I look over to Caper and he seems quite annoyed with his sister.

He gets up and holds his hand out in front of him. I gently place my hand in his. His hand is so much bigger than mine. I can feel the strength that it carries, it makes me feel at ease. Carefully I bring my legs to the edge of the bed.

Once my feet are securely on the ground Caper asks, "are you ready?" I nod. I place my other hand into his outstretched one, and slowly pull myself up. Now that I'm standing Caper asks again "do you want me to help you get to the bathroom? Once you're there Teagan will be able to help you."

I look up to him "Wow he's tall, and handsome." I think to myself. I can feel my face heating up again. I shyly nod my head, and notice that he's got a huge smile on his face.

Caper slowly helps me make my way to the bathroom where Teagan is unpacking some things from a bag and hanging up some clothes. I start to feel a little bit nervous about being left alone with Teagan, even though she seems really trustworthy. I turn to Caper, "Caper, is it ok if you stay close by? I'm sorry if I sound kind of clingy. But I don't know anyone else other then you and now Teagan. I trust the two of you more then I trust anyone else right now." He looks down at me with a smile, and nods his head.

He turns to go back into the room with the bed in it, while Teagan closes the door. "Alright, so how do you want to do this?" She asks me.

I look at the shower and see that it is in fact not a tub, which means that I'm going to have to stand. I look over to Teagan and tell her, "well umm... I guess I should be ok to stand. Would you be able to just sit here, just in case I need help?"

She smiles at me, "For sure!" She replies. She carefully helps me out of the gown that was put on me, over the step and into the shower. Once the water is at the perfect temperature I stand there just enjoying the way the water flows down my body. The water is beating down on my head and I watch as the dirt starts going down the drain. The steam starts flowing in my lungs. I can feel my vocal chords begin to loosen up.

After a few coughs to clear my throat I peak my head from around the shower door. "Hey, Teagan? Would you be able to help me with my hair? My legs are still kind of wobbly, so I'll need to hold onto the wall." I ask Teagan.

She stands up and comes towards me. I turn the water off so that she doesn't get wet. There's no point for her to get more wet then she needs to. Especially since I'm the one supposed to be getting clean.

She pours some soap onto her hands and starts lathering it into my hair. The soap smells very citrusy, and it makes my stomach growl again. The way Teagan's hands massage the soap into my hair makes me want to close my eyes again. "Ok done. We can rinse your hair now, but I might need to wash it with the shampoo again." She takes the shower head off the wall and starts rinsing my hair. If I thought the dirt going down the drain earlier was gross, this time it looks like strait up mud. Suddenly I've lost my appetite.

Teagan shuts the water off again and goes for round two on my hair. While she's doing that, I decide, now that I'm more stable on my feet, I can wash my body. I take the cloth that's hanging on the bar, and lather some soap onto it. Carefully I start to scrub away at the dirt that's on my skin. It feels wonderful to be able to get clean again.

After finishing my shower I wrap myself in a big fluffy towel. Teagan helps me dry my hair. I never realized how long it's grown. "Hey Teagan? Do you think you could help me cut my hair? I don't want it super short but I'd like it shorter then what it is now." My mother used to always cut my hair when it got too long. But after she died and I got separated from Jonah, I hadn't been able to cut it.

Teagan rummages through her bag and pulls out a hair brush, and a pair of scissors. "I came prepared!" She smiles. She pulls the bench over from the wall and placed it in front of the vanity. "Have a seat, and I'll brush out your hair. Then I'll probably chop off quite a bit at the bottom." I make myself comfortable on the bench and she starts brushing.

The knots and tangles are so bad at the bottom of my hair, that the hair brush won't brush through it. I look up at Teagan, "That's a good place to cut it. This way you don't have to fight it. And that's usually where I used to have it when I was younger." I tell her.

While she's cutting my hair, Teagan tells me some stories about when her and Caper were younger. There are moments where we're giggling like children. She finishes my hair, and looks very happy with what she's done. "You look so beautiful Sabina!" That's when I get a good look at myself. I'm clean, my hair looks so beautiful, and I look exactly like a younger version of my mother. Then the tears start rolling down my face.

Then there's a light knock on the door. I hear Caper call out, "Is everything ok in there?"

Teagan packs up her stuff leaving the brush, and soaps. "Get dressed and come out when you're ready." She tells me then quickly walks out the door closing it just as quickly. I hear her tell her brother "She'll be out in a few minutes. She's kind of emotional right now. Give her some time." She tells him. Then I hear another door open and close. Teagan probably left the room.

I get myself dressed in the thin t-shirt and warm oversized cream coloured sweater. I pull on the black pants that Teagan left for me as well, and look at myself in the mirror. "Wow! I've changed so much since the last time I'd been able to get a good look at myself!" I admire myself a little bit longer then decide that Caper has been waiting long enough.

I go to open the door, and quickly make my way towards the bed. Except, there's a wall right I front of me. I feel myself loosing balance. Then there's something grabbing my arms, keeping me up. Once I'm steady on my feet, I look up only to see that it's Caper that I ran into. His eyes are so wide and his mouth is gaped open. He looks like he's in shock.

He quickly shuts his mouth and my cheeks start to heat up again. "Why do my cheeks keep heating up like this, when I'm around him?" I ask myself, as if I'd be able to answer myself.

"You're so beautiful!" He quietly says. That probably wasn't meant to be said out loud. And the look on his tells me that I'm right. My cheeks heat up even more after hearing that. I bring my hands up to my face to hide the redness.

"Don't hide your blushing from me." He softly grabs my hands in his. "You really are beautiful." He says as he gently places his hand on my cheek. His hand is so comforting that I find myself leaning into him. Just as I'm getting comfortable with him my stomach decides to make itself known.

"Looks like we'd better get something to eat now," he says with a smile on his face. He starts walking out of the room. I go to follow him, then a thought hits me. "Where's my stuff!?"

"Umm... Caper, before we go, where's my stuff I had with me? More importantly where's my Katana? My brother left that with me. It's the only thing I have left from him, or any of my family for that matter." I started to panic a little bit. I couldn't loose that blade.

Caper walks over to another door in the room. One that I never noticed before. When he opens it, I see my katana right away. I run strait for it and sling it over my shoulder. Now that it's there, I feel much better. I turn to Caper and before I even realize what I'm doing, I reach up throw my arms around his neck. "Thank you Caper!" I exclaim.

Then I feel him snake his arms gently around my waist. "I would never get rid of your things Sabina." He whispers into my ear. I squeeze him tighter, then let go. He grins down at me then says. "Let's go get some food now."

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