Chapter 26

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Caper's POV

"Caper!" Sabina screams out in absolute fear. She takes her Katana out again, and starts slaughtering walkers. The zombies keep coming at us, from every way possible. Thankfully my team have some of the best members in it so we're able to take out a good amount of zombies.

A zombie comes up to towards Sabina and I. I let go of her hand in order for her to slice it's head off. But while she does this, another pulls her backwards. "Sabina!" I scream out to her. She swings her blade up, and back. The blade cuts through the zombies face like butter. She scrambles to get back to her feet.

Once she's back on her feet, she hugs me tightly. Her breathing is laboured. "I wanna get out of here." She says. I nod my head. I look around, the team has just killed the last of this group of zombies. We all take a quick breather.

"That's not all of them. There are A LOT more here in this hospital." Izzy informs us. "And now the they've heard all this noice that we've made, I can guarantee that the rest are on their way right now. If we have any chance in surviving, we need to get out NOW!" She continues.

We gather the rest of our things. I pull out the radio again "Harper! Come in Harper!" I say into the radio, hoping that he's alive and in range.

After a moment static comes through the radio, then "Yes sir, Harper here." We all let out a sigh of relief.

"We need back up, and lots of it. We are at Hospital #1 on the map. Get as many people here as you can, ASAP!" I relay into the radio.

"Yes Sir!" Harper replies. Now that I've called for back up, we can either try to get out of here, or try to find somewhere safe to hide out.

I turn to the team. "What do you guys want to do? Find a room and hunker down, or continue to make our way back to the trucks?" They all look at each other. I know the safest thing to do is to hide, but that won't get us out of here and back to our friends and families. Besides we still have the rest of this city to go through, then two more after that.

"Lets just try to get outta here." Sabina says. "I know I'm good at killing these stupid things, but that doesn't mean that I'm not scared of them. The faster we get outta here, the faster we can just leave." Everyone nods their heads.

"Are you sure Sabina. I've never seen you look so scared than you did out there." She nods her head again.

"If it's ok for me to interrupt, I have noticed something with Sabina." Izzy interrupts. "Just from watching her, and listening to her, I've picked up that there has been some trauma in the past. She's been in a similar situation as this before hasn't she? And it was somewhat recent, right?"

With wide eyes, Sabina nods her head again. "How did you know?" She asks timidly.

"Well, you see, I know the signs of PTSD. And you my dear have a really bad case of it." Izzy continues to inform us. It all makes sense now. Sabina's frequent nightmares, inability to fall asleep unless she's with me. The fear she has now of just facing the walkers. Why haven't we diagnosed her with this before!?

We quickly find a room to hide in while we continue this conversation, and catch our breath. "Caper?" Sabina says quietly. I pull her into my arms, wrapping them tightly around her waist. "I want to go home." She sobs into my chest.

"I know my love. After we get out of here, I will take you home. Harper can finish the run with the rest of the teams." I softly say into her ear. Kissing the top of her head, I look at everyone else. Everyone is just talking among themselves, but Izzy is just observing everything that's going on between us all.

After sitting in this room for quite some time, I have decided that I will take the team with me to clear a way to the main door. I look down at Sabina who is peacefully asleep on my lap, and gently shake her shoulder. She stirs, then opens her eyes.

"Hey, baby girl, I'm going to take the guys with me to make a path to the doors. I want you to stay here with the door locked. I will come back for you." I reassure her.

Sabina looks up at me, worry written all over her face. "Ok." She says weakly.

I fill in the guys about the plan, and we gather our weapons. I turn to Sabina, "I will be back ok. Don't leave this room." She nods her head, with tears streaming down her face. I pull her into me, and wrap my arms tightly around her waist. "I love you Sabina." I whisper in her ear.

She holds onto me just as tight then lets go. "Hurry back." She says, then we leave the room.

Once I'm out, I hear the door lock behind me. "Ok guys, I want to get this done as quickly as possible." We make our way down a hallway, towards the stairs that we came up when we got here. There are no walkers down this hallway. One of the guys opens the stairwell door. There are a few zombies in the stairwell, since we didn't close the door at the bottom when we came up, not thinking that there would be many in the building. Clearly we were wrong.

After clearing the stairs, we continue down to the main lobby. There are a few walkers, but nothing we can't handle without guns.

"Ok, there's a path clear. I'm going to run back and get Sabina." They nod, and continue to the trucks. Izzy follows behind them, but there's a worried look in her eyes. But I brush it off as her just being crazy.

Quickly I make my way back to the stairwell, when I start to hear snarling coming from behind me. I turn around and see that there is a group of walkers coming strait for me. I bolt back for the main door.

"Hey! I need some help here!" I yell before I even get out the door. The rest of our team comes out, weapons at the ready. As soon as I turn back around the group of zombies is already at the door. "Holy Shit I forgot that these things were so fast!" I think out loud.

I pull out Sabina's old Katana that she had been using during training, and start slicing through the zombies. Body parts go flying every which way, as we slaughter these stupid creatures. This is causing a real set back. I wanted to be back at Sabina by now and already have her on our way home.

This horde of zombies seems to never end! At this rate I'm never going to get back to Sabina. "Hey! Do you think you guys can handle this? I want to get to Sabina and maybe find another way outta here." I yell out to my team.

"Yes sir, we got it from here, you go get Sab outta here!" One of the members replies. With that I start to make my way back to the stairwell. Quickly taking the stairs two at a time, I find myself back at the room that I left Sabina in... only problem is the door is open and she's not in there.

"SABINA!!" I scream out. "No, No, No! I told her not to leave!" I start to panic. I run down the other side of the hallway, and come across an opening. There are 4 hallways branching off this opening, not including the one I came out of. "Sabina! Where are you?!" Still no answer.

I walk to the middle of the room, and listen to everything around me. That's when I hear it. Loud snarling in the distance, and a high pitch scream. "Caper, HELP ME!!!"

Right as I'm about to run down the hallway, I hear Sabina screaming from, the floor under me starts to shake violently.

Suddenly a crashing sounds come from the distance, and a huge cloud of dust comes from the hallway I was about to run down. That's when I realize that there was a huge hoard of walkers chasing Sabina, and the weak structure of the hospital has collapsed due to the sheer weight of the hoard.

Taking Sabina with them. 

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