Chapter 25

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Caper's POV

We start the drive to one of the hospitals on the map. Our team along with another team all meet near an entrance. This hospital seems to be pretty big, but not tall, maybe only two or three floors.

"Keep your eyes peeled everyone, we have no clue what lies beyond these doors." I inform the team. Sabina looks up at me, with worry in her eyes. I pull her in for a hug, and reassuringly kiss the top of her head. "I won't let anything happen to you, okay." I whisper to her. She nods her head, then we enter the hospital.

Sabina takes her new blade out of it's case and holds it so that it's ready when she needs it. I turn on the flashlight that's attached to my gun. We make our way further into the building, looking through some of the rooms that are near the main entrance that we entered through. Most of them are just offices, or storage rooms. There's nothing here really worth taking with us.

As we're walking, we come across a couple lone walkers, Sabina takes care of those with ease. We continue up the stairs to the next floor. I guess this is where the patient rooms start. We go through all the rooms and find nothing useful.

"Okay, let's split off into our original teams, we might be able to cover more ground this way. Besides I don't think we're gonna find anything here anyway." I tell both teams. The rest of our team members stay behind while the others make their way over to another section of the hospital.

We continue down a western hallway and find a bunch of operating rooms on both sides. "Caper look what I found." Sabina says a little ways ahead of us.

I walk over and it looks like one of the operating room doors has been reinforced. "Huh, strange. Mike get over here and help me open this door." I tell one of our team members. Mike walks over and together we shove the door open.

Once it's open we see that there is a light on in the middle of the room. Sabina follows us in, and we all start to look around. She swipes a piece of fabric away from a section of wall. "Izzy's Lab...?" She reads out loud. She turns and looks at me confused, but I just shrug. I don't know what to tell her.

I go back to what I was looking at, there's a bunch of stuff in the scrub room. Suddenly Sabina screeches. I nearly jump out of my skin at the blood curdling scream. I drop what I was holding and bolt to Sabine's side. Making sure that she's not injured.

That's when I see it, or rather her? There is a random girl standing in front of Sabina. "Who are you? And where did you come from? You weren't here when we came in." I question this mystery girl. She has a crazy look in her eyes.

"No, you can't be here. There's no one left in the hospital. How did you get in my lab? The only way in, is through the vents. I made sure that no one could get in through the doors. Now look what you've done, you've contaminated my lab. Now I have to sanitize everything again." This girl keeps rambling on.

Then she starts rummaging through her things that are scattered around the room, muttering to herself. I don't know what it is about this girl, but she doesn't just seem to have crazy eyes, but she is absolutely bonkers.

Sabina slowly walks up to the crazy girl, but I put my hand out to stop her. "No don't. You don't know if she could be dangerous." I warn her. But she gently takes my hand off her shoulder.

"It's ok Caper. I think I can get her to talk to us." She reassures me. Sabina walks over to the girl and kneels down beside her while she rummages through something by some shelves.

"Hi, my name is Sabina, what's your name?" She gently ask her. I walk over to them, and stand behind Sabina, so that if something happens, I can protect her. I don't trust this girl one bit.

Sabina turns to look at me and the look in her eyes basically says 'Fuck Off Caper' I take a step back. She turns back to the crazy girl. "My name is Izzy. Well it's not actually Izzy, but that's what my friends called me before everyone died. Honestly, I don't remember my real name. I've been on my own for many years. I haven't seen or spoken to anyone except for zombies since my friends all died." She explains to us.

"Well you and I have something in common then. I was on my own for about 4 years, until I found Caper and the rest his people. They've really helped me feel at home there. Our base is about 5 hours North of here." Sabina continues to explain to her, with a smile.

Izzy looks up at Sabina, then glances at me with a bit of fear in her eyes. "Oh don't worry about him. He just looks big and scary. But he won't hurt you." Sabina tells her then winks at me. This girl is going to be the death of me. "We're looking for survivors to bring back with us. Do you think you'd be interested in coming back with us?" She asks Izzy.

Izzy relaxes a little bit, then nods her head. "Yeah, I think I'd like that. I've been alone for too long. I miss interacting with living people." She answers Sabina.

"Alright, let's pack up your things, then we can load it up into the truck. You said that there's no one else in this hospital, right?" Izzy shakes her head no. "Okay, let's go then."

About an hour later we've packed up all of the things that Izzy wants to bring with her. Now we just need to bring it all out to the trucks.

"Be careful. This hospital is full of zombies. That's why I've been going through the vents. They can't follow me that way. I haven't been in the hallways in a really long time." Izzy warns us. Sabina's eye go wide. The last time she's come across a significant amount of walkers, was when she was at the department store. There was a hoard that chased her across a field.

Slowly, and quietly we start our trek towards the stairs, when we hear snarling. "Everyone, keep your weapons ready. I want all of us to get out of here alive please." I whisper to the team. I pull out the radio, and whisper to the other team here in the hospital. "Report." I say. But I get nothing in return. This is a bad sign.

I can feel Sabina shaking with fear. I look down at her and see that she's got tears rolling down her cheeks. I take her face in my hands, and make her look me in the eyes. "Look at me Sabina. I will not let anything happen to you. Stay with me and we'll make it out of this alive, okay." I reassure her. She shakily nods her head, but my speech does nothing about the tears that continue to pour down her face.

I pull Sabina in, and plant a deep kiss on her lips. They're salty from her tears, but there's still just as much passion there that I'm putting in for her. We separate, and she whimpers out "I love you Caper."

"I love you too Sabina" I reply, then we turn the corner and come face to face with a hoard of zombies.

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