ASTAR Laboratories

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Alexander's POV

It was a great start to the day. I had Cassidy all pressed up against me and rays of sunlight from a clear, blue sky to keep us warm. I let him sleep for a while more. We would have to get up for the day soon.

Fawkes had come back quite late, or rather early this morning. But knowing him, he was probably awake and getting ready for work without being hungover. I sometimes suspected he used magic, but he always shrugged it off. As far as we knew, he was human. It didn't matter to me either way. He was a good friend to have in a fight. And we had gotten into many, half of which he'd talked us into and out of.

The agenda for today was quite straightforward. Breakfast in the suite, a tour of the Atlantis' research and development labs and then set sail for Lupus. Fawkes wasn't joining us for the tour, though I knew he would want to. He had duties on board the ship that he had to attend.


After a light breakfast of toast and fruit,—I didn't want to eat too heavily because we were getting back on the boat later and frankly, I was tired of puking—an attendant came to knock on our door. She led us to another floor of this giant tower where President Halina and another severe-looking lady in a white lab coat was waiting for us.

"Good morning," the president greeted us pleasantly.

Cassidy and I returned her greeting amiably. She introduced us to the lab coat lady as the "Director of Atlantis Spells, Technology and Research Lab" who gave a curt but polite nod. President Halina wasn't joining us, but we were to follow the Director to the labs where someone would show us around.

We followed her further into the building. I'd forgotten what floor we were on already. Did these people never touch actual ground dirt? The Director took us to a huge room with endless rows of glass cubicles and apparatuses. I reminded myself not to touch anything, lest I accidentally broke something with my enhanced strength.

One the scientists hurried past and she beckoned him over. The blue scales at her wrists shimmered iridescent in the light. He looked harried and surprised at the sudden guests in the lab. I did feel a little sorry for him. The poor man was carrying a rather complicated-looking glass contraption in one hand and leaning heavily on his cane with the other. He probably didn't have the mental capacity for more tasks at the moment.

"This is Mitsuku Rinidae," said the Director. She glanced at him with something akin to pride in her slitted pupils. "He is our most accomplished researcher and head of this laboratory." The man looked flustered at the unexpected praise, gills rippling on his neck. "He will be the one to show you his workspace."

We thanked her and turned to face Rinidae. Cassidy smiled encouragingly at him.

She turned to him. "Mitsuku, this is Prince Alex and Prince Consort Cassidy of Nasales. Please see to their tour."

Rinidae struggled into a bow. Two things happened at once. The glassware slipped from his fingers and as he tried to catch it, he dropped his cane and both he and the apparatus fell to the ground. It shattered spectacularly.

The Director went to get a broom. I smelled blood. I hurried to check on him. His palm was bleeding where a shard had embedded itself when he protected his face. He was lucky it was his palm and not his eye. Cassidy went to grab the first aid kit strategically placed at the entrance.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

He was wide-eyed with shock. "Sorry," he kept mumbling.

"Here, let me see." I reached for his injured hand, wanting to remove the shard. He flinched when I pulled it out and my finger bled.

His eyes widened. Rinidae began muttering in a different language under his breath. He looked like he was going to have a breakdown.

"It's okay," I rushed to reassure him, holding up a completely healed hand. His bloody palm reached for mine and I let him take it. It appeared to ground him to see that I was indeed, just fine. "Perks of enhanced healing," I smiled wryly.

Cassidy came back then, frowning at our hands. "You were cut too?"

"I'm fine," I said. "It was a small one and I've healed."

He nodded, still frowning and handed me his handkerchief to clean my hand. I beamed at him. Cassidy unrolled a set of bandages and wrapped Rinidae's hand after cleaning it. The nervous man had stopped muttering and was watching silently as we patched his hand.

I helped him up once Cassidy pronounced him good to go. Rinidae was a very light man. Cass handed him his cane. He nodded in thanks, still looking rather shaken. The Director returned with a broom and efficiently cleared the broken glass. She gave Rinidae a look of concern, which he returned with a nod of reassurance. I didn't think she looked particularly convinced.

Rinidae coughed lightly and spoke. "I apologise for the fuss," he said. He had a lilting soft-spoken voice. "Please, follow me. I will give your tour." He turned slightly, raising his bandaged hand to direct us.

Cassidy glanced at the Director. She pursed her lips but said, "I'll leave you in his hands." She left.

We followed Rinidae.

He walked us through the lab, quietly explaining the projects his team was working on. It was interesting. They were experimenting on magical manipulation of genes, which he explained was what made us the way we were. Cassidy nodded along to his explanations, asking questions along the way. It was a worthwhile project, one that had great potential to help many.

By the end of the tour, Rinidae looked a little tired. His limp had become more pronounced and Cassidy found him a stool to sit on. He only gave a token amount of protest at sitting before royalty.

I thought he would be flushed from the exertion, but his skin was quite evenly coloured. Rinidae's face shimmered lightly as he turned his head. I squinted. He had makeup on. A masking potion to even out discolouration and skin tones.

My Cassidy didn't use more than hydrating potions and some eye shadows. He had tried masking potions once but stopped as soon as he started. I hadn't actually stopped him from using whatever he wanted though. He must have felt my disappointment at not seeing his blush.

Cass was such a thoughtful mate. I also didn't think he needed a masking potion anyway. My mate was beautiful. I smiled to myself at the thought.


Back on the ship, after Cassidy had done a wonderful job of distracting me from getting seasick yet again, we were snuggling in the cabin and about to doze off for a nap.

"Alex," Cassidy murmured sleepily. "What was that glowing?"

I smiled in amusement. "We're having an afterglow, sweetheart."

"Not this," he sighed. "Just now in the lab."

I cuddled him. "Sorry, don't remember any glow."

He pressed closer. "Mm, must have been the lighting." He yawned.

"Sleep," I said through my own yawn. We were due for arrival in Lupus in two days. It was probably wise to rest up.

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