Multiple Proposals

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Cassidy's POV

I yawned sleepily in the morning sunlight and stretched. I turned my head to look at Alex, except he wasn't there. I frowned.

Maybe he's in the shower or getting breakfast.

My jaw cracked open with another yawn. All that sex has left me hungry and sticky.

I got up to take a shower. Alex wasn't in the bathroom. Or in the dining room for breakfast. I ate my breakfast in silence wondering where Alex could have gone.

After breakfast, I asked around but none of the staff had seen Alex. I was walking back to our room when I bumped into a maid who had just come from cleaning our room. She couldn't seem to meet my eyes.

"Hello, I don't suppose you've seen Alex have you?" I asked.

She blushed.

What did I say? I took note of the dirty sheets she carried. Hey, those came from our room. Oh. Awkward.

"I saw His Highness leaving the house at dawn, sir." She stuttered.

Leaving. "Do you know why?" I wondered absentmindedly.

"No, sir."

"Alright, thanks," I muttered as I back to my room.

Alex left the manor quite a while ago and isn't back yet. I bit my lip, should I go look for him?

I should look for him. And if we run into one another, I'll just say I went for a walk. That decided, I dressed and left the manor.

I decided to start looking for him in the town centre and begin walking in that direction. It was a nice day for a stroll, the sun wasn't glaring even though it was almost noon and it was breezy. There were a few boutiques and cafés in the town centre.

As I walked past, I would look at the people inside. All eating together happily, just enjoying each other's company. Except maybe that one guy who was waiting all alone, looking at something in his hands. He looks just like Alex, that dark hair and cheekbones, not to mention those biceps.

Wait a minute, that is Alex! I've never seen anyone's biceps rival Alex's. Alex has got the most solid biceps hands down.

I went in just as the waiter put a steak in front of Alex. I walked over and sat down. He looked up.

"Cassidy! What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised as he slipped something into his pocket. I narrowed my eyes.

"I thought I'd come to surprise you," I answered. "Mind telling me where you've been all morning?"

"Oh," he blushed. " I was running errands."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I have something for you?" He offered.

"You cannot distract me that easily," I paused. "Is it nice?" I asked, choosing to forget his disappearance for the time being.

"Join me for lunch. I'll show you after." He said, smiling enigmatically.



After lunch, we headed for the gardens in the centre of the town square. Our fingers were laced together as we strolled among the lovely flower bushes and trees. A light wind ruffled our hair as we walked.

Alex tugged on my hand and pulled us behind a tree and pressed me against it. He leaned down and kissed me. Alex's tongue darted out of his mouth to touch my lips, asking for permission to enter. Permission definitely granted.

Red Riding Hood | BoyxBoy | COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon