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Alexander's POV

Cassidy and I agreed to read the books that Queen Tasha had kindly brought before we properly discussed the pregnancy. But instead of relocating to the library for our research, we stayed in our rooms so that he could easily take a nap when it was much needed.

This was obviously an important decision and I vowed that whatever he decided to do, I would support him.


A week later, in between naps and the visits from the siblings, Cass and I were ready to talk.

We got comfortable, seated face to face on the bed. I took Cassidy's hand in mine and waited for him to speak.

"I'm pregnant," he finally says, and I nod encouragingly. "And it's definitely yours." I rub tiny circles into the skin of his hands with my thumb. Cassidy bites his lip. "Do you...want children?" he asks.

"I do," I tell him softly.

Cassidy swallows. "Oh," he says. He looks away. "What if I don't?"

Immediately, I pull him into an embrace. "As long you're happy," I reply.

"I want you to be happy too," he whispers.

"I'm happy with you."

"Alex..." The bond thrums with uncertainty.

"I am happy," I repeat, "with you."

Cassidy is quiet for a while, but he doesn't pull away from me. I'm glad.

Eventually, he pulls back to look at me.

"I'm scared," he tells me honestly. I wait for him to continue. "This pregnancy is...unconventional. I'm worried about what it will do to me."

I nodded. Truthfully, I had not considered that. It only made me renew my vow to support his choice.

"Are you truly okay with this?" Cassidy asks.

I cup his cheeks. "Yes," I say. "Cassidy, I won't lie to you and say I don't want children. But I will be okay with your decision and I will support you. I want a big family, but we don't need children to have that." I smile and kiss his forehead. "We have the siblings here, don't we? That's plenty of family for me. I just want you to be happy."

Cassidy nods and I feel the relief coursing through the bond. "I don't know what to do," he admits.

"That's okay, sweetheart," I reassure. "We can talk to Healer Trish and Queen Tasha and anyone you want to. We have time. You don't have to decide now."

He nods again, this time in true relief. We hold each other tightly and Cass yawns not a moment later. I chuckle softly.

"Nap time."

Cassidy sighs. "I feel like I'm the baby here."

"You are," I agree. "The cutest baby."

He laughs reluctantly. "Don't be weird, Alex. Come cuddle me while I nap."

"Yes, dear."


We pay Healer Trish a visit later, to talk about the logistics of male pregnancies. She sits us down and explains that in male pregnancies are actually pretty similar to female ones, which is a good thing.

Aside from the needing extra time and energy for Cassidy's body to adjust internally, he should be capable of birthing a healthy child. With the aid of the best midwives in Lupus, of course.

When we brought it up, Trish advised us to refrain from travelling too much as it would be too tiring for Cassidy. And since there was a chance that the baby would be a werewolf, it was probably wiser to stay where we were. Cassidy nodded in understanding and I squeezed his hand.

He didn't look at me, but a stab of guilt pierced the bond when he asked the healer about abortion.

"If I don't want to carry to term, what do I do?" he asks quietly.

Even though we had discussed this, it seems Cassidy does need more reassurance that it's okay. I thread my fingers through his and send my love and acceptance through the bond. He sits a little straighter with it.

Healer Trish looks between us and shakes her head in comprehension. "There is a herb you can take," she tells us, "that will terminate the pregnancy.

"However," she continues sternly, "I would ask you not to rely on taking medicines every time you want an abortion. It will cause far worse damage to Prince Cassidy in the long run than a simple barrier charm will."

"Barrier charms?" I say quizzically.

She glances at me sharply. "I see." She opens a drawer and pulls out a chest of resources for...safe sex practices.

Cassidy stinks of embarrassment—so do I.

We listen very attentively and take notes as she explains the risks of unprotected sex and the measures that we can take to keep ourselves safe. In the end, Trish pulls out a little piece of parchment and writes 'Opstructi' on it.

"Put your thumb and index finger together," she instructs, and we do so obediently. "Repeat the word on the paper and imagine a clear, thin sheathe."

Again, we follow, and she produces two small bottles before us.

"Separate your fingers and slide them down the side of these bottles to put the sheathe on."

I pull my finger apart and, indeed, there is a thin, almost invisible lining between them. I run my fingers down the bottle and the lining slides over smoothly without trapping any air inside. It fits the bottle perfectly.

"Good," Trish says, satisfied. "I trust you will use this on yourselves."

We nod, slightly awed, and she sends us on our way.

As we walk back, we bump into Queen Tasha who asks if everything is alright.

Cassidy assures her that everything is fine and thanked her for the reading material she had kindly provided.

"Ah, yes," she says. "I will bring you some more." The queen takes Cassidy's hands in her own. "Having a little one is so exciting, isn't it?" she exclaims.

Cassidy coughs uncomfortably. "Right."

"Is everything alright?" she asks, concern etched into her kind face.

"Yes," he hurries to say but hesitates after. I press my hand to his lower back in silent support. "Alex and I...may not keep the baby."

The queen glances at me and turns back to Cass. "Is this your choice or his?" she asks him.

"It's ours," he replies. "But we haven't decided yet."

"I see."

I wrap a protective arm around Cass a little belligerently. "It's Cassidy's body that will pay the price of having our child." My chin juts out in a slight challenge. "He will choose, and I will support him regardless."

Queen Tasha arches a brow at me. "Yes," she says simply.

Mollified, I step back slightly.

She nods at us. "I will bring other books to you later." We step aside to let her pass.


Back in our quarters, Cassidy sits heavily on the bed.

"Tired?" I ask.

He slouches. "A little." Cassidy flops onto his back. "I can't believe you almost challenged the Queen."

"She didn't have to assume the worst." I pout at him.

"I know, darling," he says. "But I'm glad she asked though. It made me feel better to know that someone with power is willing to stand for victims."

I lie beside him on the bed. "I understand."

He turns onto his side to smile at me. "We should have a nice, hot bath and just relax until it's dinner time."

I roll over to face him, grinning. "I agree."

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