Accidental Nudity

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Cassidy's POV

I woke to sunlight shining through the little window from the other side of the bed and I snuggled closer to the warm body wrapped around me. The really hard and smooth and warm body. I rubbed my cheek against it.

Hard and smooth?

Opening my eyes allowed me the truly wondrous vision of the sculpted chest of a young man.

Curious, I pulled away a little to look down. He had really nice abs. Utterly drool-worthy. I wanted to look further down, but he had me very snugly held in his arms. So I looked up instead and saw the sleeping face of perfection.

That chiselled jawline and those high cheekbones. With eyelashes so thick and black and long enough to dust his cheekbones. My thirsty gaze inevitably fell upon his mouth and I'd never understood the saying 'made for sin' until now. He was truly delectable.

Perfection shifted his position and cuddled me closer to him.

I want to keep him.

The movement had him brushing his erection against my thigh.

What does one do what temptation sleeps so peacefully by your side?

I tried to wriggle out of his arms but that just made my thigh rub harder against his erection. That must've felt nice. I struggled harder and successfully wormed my way out of those really strong arms and fell off the bed with a crash.

My broken wrist reminded me of its presence and my eyes watered in pain.

He jumped up. "Wha—! Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Just fine," I gasped as I sat there holding my wrist. My body felt like one giant bruise and my injured wrist was double the size.

But I was momentarily distracted from my injuries when I looked up. The man was kneeling on the bed as he looked down at me.

I turned my face away, blushing. "Could you cover yourself, please?" I begged, trying to look everywhere but at him.

"Oh. Oh my, I'm sorry," he said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Merciful heavens, those biceps would kill me.

"I'm Alexander," he introduced himself.

"Cassidy. Or just Cassie or little red is fine. You are exquisite!" I blurted out.

I slapped my good hand over my mouth and mentally face-palmed myself. My cheeks grew warm. He laughed, a clear rich warm sound of happiness and suddenly I didn't care that I was embarrassing myself like that.

I blushed harder. He chuckled and said, "I'll put on some pants and take you home."

I looked up from my spot on the floor and nearly burst a blood vessel. He was opening the chest of drawers at the other side of the room; bent forward and his bare ass was right there. His ass looked like it had been shaped by the greatest artisan. I whipped my head to the side, but the damage was done.

I swiped the drool away.

I so want to bite that ass.

Stop being disrespectful.

Alexander is a nice gentleman who will take you home and you probably won't ever see him again.

I heard a cough and looked up to see Alexander looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I was mortified. He caught me staring at his butt.

In a desperate attempt to change his focus, I said the first thing that entered my mind. "Do you happen to have a pet wolf?" I asked. And then blushed again.

What. Was. That.


"Pardon?" I focussed back on him.

"I said 'no'. I don't have a pet wolf."

"Oh," was all I could come up with.

He had green eyes? Very much like the wolf from last night. The wolf had green eyes!

"You are the wolf!" I blurted out.

He raised his eyebrows at me again. "Well done, Cassidy," he said and clapped mockingly. "You figured it out."

The baritone of his low voice rolled over me. I shivered.

"Are you going to change into a wolf again so I can ride you?" I asked.

His brows furrowed. "You don't think before you speak do you?"

"No, not really why?" I looked at him.

"You just asked if you could ride me," he deadpanned.

"Oh. Oh-" My cheeks burned.

How is it I managed to blush so many times by just talking to him? At this rate, I'll be a tomato soon.

"I didn't mean that as an innuendo," I pouted.

He laughed that beautiful sound again. "I know Cassidy. I was just teasing you. And yes, we are quite far away from the castle. I'd let you ride me," he said with a straight face.

I blinked. I blinked again "Oh my god! I can't believe you said that with a straight face!" The corners of his mouth twitched. I stared at him. His lips curved up even more. He laughed a full belly laugh. It was like the Bell of Happiness had rung, not that I know what that sounds like. Not the point. It just sounded really beautiful.

"Well, come on then."

I got up. "Are you going to take your pants off so you can shift into your wolf form?" I asked.

"Yes. So, you can ride me," he said dryly.

I flushed red. I swear I could be a tomato.

"You know, I think I get why people call you 'Little red'," he said conversationally.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you blush a pretty red colour," he replied.

I blushed again.

Stop blushing.

"It's actually because of my hair colour and my riding hood," I said.

"It suits you," he said. "But I think I'll just call you 'Cass'."

He removed his pants. I looked away. My awkward morning wood was gone, but I knew that if I watched him strip, it would come back with a vengeance.

But if I'd known he was going to take off his clothes again, I wouldn't have insisted he protect his modesty. Something he hadn't seemed to mind sharing.

I decided to distract myself by putting on my riding hood again, relying on the pain of doing up the laces as a source of distraction, and willing my cheeks to cool down.

When I turned back, Alexander was back in his wolf form. I climbed onto his back, caressing his soft fur. He purred softly, a deep rumbling starting from his chest. He looked back at me as if to ask if I was ready. I nodded. He padded forward and I lurched forward, grabbing his fur to hold on.

I yelped. "Warn a guy will you."

Alexander huffed and started forward again. This time, I was ready. He leapt down the stairs and my heart caught in my throat.

Outside the cottage, he picked up speed and I leaned forward. This was way better than horse riding. My hood was down, and I could feel the wind in my hair. It was awesome.

The ride couldn't last long enough. Too soon, we were at the edge of the forest and the manor was just in view. Alexander slowed down and came to a stop just outside the gates of the manor. I climbed off and pat his snout.

"Will I see you again?" I asked. He looked intently into my eyes with his own emerald ones and licked my cheek. I smiled.

He rubbed his nose against my neck before turning around and ran back into the forest. I stood there watching his retreating back until I couldn't see him anymore. Then I turned and banged on the gates.

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