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Fawkes' POV

My singular night at the resort served me well. I had woken fresh and bright and ready to move on.

Without my ship and my men, I moved slower but unhindered by attention. Barring the royal crest pressed into a piece of leather that I kept hidden in my pack, I was in plainclothes and free to move about far easier than I had in months. To be fair, I had been on active duty for months.

I would probably take some time off after this was over.


Before I looked for the scientist Alex had told me about, I detoured to the offices of Lunar Cycle Private Security. Their office was housed in another tower, though it was still much shorter than the skyscraper at the city centre.

The office was all smooth lines and polished surfaces, and I felt a little out of place in my dusty clothes. Nevertheless, I approached the counter where a lady in only sleek black and whites was seated.

"Excuse me," I said. "I am conducting an investigation on behalf of the Queen of Nasales. It would be much appreciated if I could have your cooperation." In my hand was the embossed leather with the crest.

She looked me over. "Do you have a warrant?"

I didn't. That was a problem I would have to circumvent. "No, this is an unofficial investigation."

"Then I cannot help you," she said, eyes not once leaving her device.

She continued to ignore me, and the moment of silence was enough for me to contemplate my next move. My fingers touched the sheathe of my blade. I shouldn't. I knew I shouldn't resort to such violent tactics. But there wasn't time for me to come back with the right paperwork.

I pulled my blade. There was a tiny sliver of space between its silvered edge and her neck. She freezes.

"Apologies, Miss." My hand doesn't waver. "I'll need everything you can give me on the people who ran the security at the Sirena Resort."

The mer watched me warily. My sword touches her neck.

"Now," I say. "Please."

She touches the device in her hands, eyes watching me from the corner as she taps shakily on its surface. "Sirena Resort stopped employing our services six moons ago."

"Who were the personnel? Give me a log of everyone who passed through the reef's barrier."

I am slightly guilty when she swallows nervously. The mer prints out a sheaf of papers from a machine that whirs quietly in a corner. It is impressive to see magic being used so effectively, a far cry from messy spells and rituals that the rest of us seem to still rely on.

"Read the names from the loglist."

Again, she complies. Admirably, her voice is calm and even. The names are read out quickly and clearly and I listened intently, trying to pick out names that stood out from the usual guests and staff. One name jumped out at me.

Mitsuku Rinidae. The scientist I had come here to look for.

"Stop," I commanded. "Go back to Mitsuku RInidae. Tell me everything you have on him."

"He came through the barrier and left after fifteen minutes," she replied.

"Thank you," I said. "Sorry for the whole sword thing," I added, gesturing at my weapon with my free hand. My sword is sheathed. "Goodbye."

I leave quickly. Very likely, she has or will call for security or something and I'll be arrested before I can leave the island, so I have to move fast.

As I make my way to the skyscraper which isn't too far, fortunately, my mind works furiously.

Mitsuku Rinidae entered the protected reef in Sirena and left after fifteen minutes. Mitsuku Rinidae was a scientist at the ASTAR laboratories in Atlantis. These two things didn't add up, though they weren't mutually exclusive apparently. Whatever the truth was, my friend and prince had gotten mauled in that time frame and he had something to do with it. It was a fleeting thought, but what if the scientist had brought and released a crazed shark into the reef?

My resolve to find Rinidae and the person behind this solidified.


I get past the skyscraper's security far easy than I would have expected after the stunt I pulled. My guess is that news hasn't travelled all the way here yet. That, or the mer administrator had not called for help. Either way, I was more inclined to hurry.

The guard cheerfully agreed to call Mister Rinidae down and let me wait near the elevator doors. Upon seeing me, the scientist approached nervously, limping with his cane.

"H-how can I help you?" he stuttered.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me," I said. "Perhaps we should take this somewhere with fewer eyes?"

Rinidae shuffled uncertainly. "What is this about?"

"This is about the Sirena Resort," I told him, carefully watching his reaction.

He flinched and nodded. "Yes, please, come with me."

I am cautious, but between me and this limping man, I thought I had a better chance of coming out victorious in a fight. He was very small.

"You are...?" he trailed off questioningly as we entered an empty office the size of a closet.

"Captain Fawkes, Second Guard of Nasales," I introduced myself. "We didn't have a chance to meet the last time I was here with the Princes of Nasales."

"Yes, yes, of course," he hurried to say. "Yes," he repeats, "what can I do for you?"

I am particularly disinclined to talk in circles right now. "Why were you at the Sirena Resort about six moons ago?"

"Sirena Resort?" he mutters skittishly. The scientist won't meet my eyes.

I slam a fist on the desk. Rinidae flinches hard. "I don't have the patience to talk it out of you. Right now, you are going to tell me the truth."

Rinidae nodded vigorously. I reached for him, but the sudden sharp stab of pain staggered my footsteps. The next few flashes of images had me gritting my teeth, temples cradled in my hands.

"Change of plans," I snarled out. "We are going to Lupus."

The scientist stood still and timid as I looped some rope between our wrists, tying us together. He hobbled along, doing his best to keep up with my longer strides.

We made our way to the port without incident. Now, I needed to figure out a way to Lupus.


There were a few boats and merchant ships that I could hitch a ride on. Shrewdly, I assessed the comings and goings of the crew to determine which would likely be most amenable to taking on two admittedly shady passengers.

My eyes passed over the ones with crests until I caught sight of one incredibly familiar ship. It was my ship. The one I'd left behind in Nasales with my second-in-command. 

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