Information Overload

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Alexander's POV

While Cassidy had gone to find a snack, I stayed in the library picking through a book on lunar rituals and spells. It was interesting to see that even werewolves had their own version of magic other than the shifting. There seemed to be quite a few portions in the book that hinted to using the magic of our transformation to power spells.

I skimmed through the pages and stopped to read wherever I felt like it, only startling when the door opened, and someone slipped rather furtively into the room.

The man didn't see me as he snuck in. I watched amusedly as his salt and pepper hair bobbed while he quietly closed the door.

"Hello," I called out.

The man flinched and whirled around. My breath caught. Now that I could look at him properly, it was obvious that this was a big man, albeit hunched over suspiciously at the moment. His face was familiar, in that I'd seen it before, in the portrait that Duke Kellen had sent. More than that, I'd recognise his eyes even without having seen the painting. Because they were mine. This was King Olcan.

"Hello," King Olcan returned. He straightened up and came towards me. His new posture made him look every bit the dignified King.

With him towering over me as I sat on the chaise, my nerves grew, and I waved uncertainly at the man who was quite possibly my father. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Cassidy was feeling through the bond.

"Who are you?" he squinted at me.

I got to my feet smoother than I felt inside. "I am Prince Alexander Kanight of Nasales," I said and bowed. "Your majesty."

He made a face at the honorifics. "Save it. I'm in a dressing gown and hiding from my brother."

To cover my amusement, I cleared my throat lightly. King Olcan was unexpected in every aspect I'd imagined him to be, thus far. "Please call me Alex," I replied.

He nodded distractedly. "Where is your mother?" he wondered.

My frown appeared for a second before I could control myself. If King Olcan noticed, he wasn't calling it out. "Queen Annabelle is in Nasales," I told him. It was weird to call my mother by her title, but I wanted to see his reaction.

King Olcan's reaction was a disappointment. He didn't flinch or widen his eyes or do anything to show recognition. I even sniffed discreetly and all I could detect was confusion. I swallowed my disappointment.

"I must have been mistaken," muttered the king under his breath. "Sorry," he said facing me. "You look like someone I know."

I nodded half-heartedly and wondered what to say now.

In the end, I didn't have to. Cassidy pushed open the library doors.

"Alex," he called. "Is everything alright? I felt something through the bond—" He cut himself off when he saw King Olcan.

King Olcan blinked in surprise. "Hello," he said.

"Your majesty," I started. "This is my mate, Prince Consort Cassidy of Nasales."

Cassidy bowed. "It is an honour to meet you, your majesty."

The king returns his bow and sways alarmingly when he straightens. I hurry to steady him. Cassidy and I share a look.

"Are you alright?" I ask King Olcan hesitantly.

He waves a hand dismissively. "Yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine. I don't need more rest," he announces in annoyance and wanders in the direction of the desk.

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