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Queen Annabelle's POV

Staying in Nasales was driving me to insanity. I didn't have anything to do here, other than pretend my sons were fine, that they hadn't been repeatedly attacked, that one of them was apparently magically pregnant and getting closer to giving me a grandchild. And my actual job as Queen.

The only person who understood what my mind was constantly on was my husband. Both of us were waiting very anxiously for the return of Captain Garrison Fawkes, although my nerves about it were far more apparent than Edward's. I tried not to talk about it with him too often since he knew as much as I did and there wasn't really any point in flogging that dead horse.

It was only after his suggestion of sharing what we already knew with Lord Henry Winters—who definitely had a right to know as Cassidy's father—that the circle of people in the know expanded to three.

"Henry, thank you for joining us on such short notice," I smiled at our friend.

"Dear Annie, I'd never turn down dinner with friends. Especially with the children out of the nest, you know how it is." He chuckled jovially.

"I do, indeed," I acknowledged. "The boys haven't returned from Lupus. That is what Edward and I wanted to talk to you about."

Henry looked between us curiously. "Is something the matter?"

I tried to smile reassuringly, though I'm not sure it helped because Henry only looked more alarmed. "I have, well, good news, of a sort, and some bad news," I told him.

His eyebrows raised. "Go on, just say it quickly."

"Cassidy is pregnant, and we think someone is trying to have them killed." Henry's jaw dropped in shock. "We don't know if those two things are actually related," I added quickly.

"I see," he says faintly. Henry takes a long gulp of his wine. "I have questions."

"Naturally." I gestured for him to ask away. "Fair warning, Edward and I are woefully lacking in information as well, but we'll do our best to answer what we can."

"Alright," he agreed. "You said my son was...pregnant?"

"That is what we were told," Edward tells him.


I shake my head apologetically. "It was ritualistic, we believe. But no one knows how or when it happened."

"I'd like to see my son," Henry says frowning.

"As would we," I remind him. "But they can't come home."

"Why the hell not?" Henry demanded.

Edward placed a placating hand on Henry's shoulder. "Cassidy has been advised against travelling in his condition."

He shakes off my husband's hand. "Then I will go to him."

"You can't—" I begin to say, but in that moment, I realise that he could.

Lord Henry Winters was not bound by a painful history with the Kingdom of Lupus and its people. Lord Henry Winters could make the trip to Lupus without causing a diplomatic faux pas just by showing his face. And I could not.

"Yes, you should go," I said abruptly. The two men turn in my direction.

"I will make plans immediately," says Henry. "Perhaps you might join me?"

Edward and I make eye contact. Lord Winters, while a close friend of Edward's, is not in the know. In the twenty-something years of knowing each other, my husband had not breathed a word of my origins to anyone. Even though I'd not sworn him to secrecy, he'd kept silent, partially because it wasn't his story to tell, but also because it would put me in danger if it got out.

How could I explain to Lord Winters my reason for not following him?

There was a question in Edward's eyes. I nodded. It had been over two decades. Lord Henry Winters, a staunch supporter of our marriage back then, had been one of the few. He deserved the truth, and it was time to stop making the same mistakes that had driven Alex away.


In the end, it was decided that Lord Winters would take Captain Fawkes' ship and crew that he'd left behind and go to Lupus. And I would join him in disguise. No one, but the contingent of guards we brought, was to know that I was on my way to Lupus. Especially those in Lupus.

Edward had kissed me softly and wished me luck. I smiled at him in the privacy of our chambers. "Be safe," he said.

"I will."

Captain Fawkes' second-in-command was a young woman with dark skin, light eyes and a strong air of competence. She showed us our lodgings on the ship and set sail immediately. Like every envoy we had sent to Lupus, this one was also expected to stop at the port of Atlantis for a supply run and minor diplomatic acknowledgement.

But since only the crew and Lord Winters were aware of my presence on board, Atlantis had sent a minister to greet Lord Winters instead. And they were out for lunch somewhere in that city of glass and steel, I had mine on the ship, waiting impatiently for our departure.

I admit I was having a good sulk in my cabin when Lieutenant Gragner knocked on my door.

"Your majesty," she said. "There's someone here to see you."

Immediately, I was cautious. I was taking this trip incognito. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Captain Fawkes, your majesty."

My worry eased, but my anticipation peaked. "Send him in."

Captain Fawkes entered and behind him, a timid looking man shuffling his in with a wrist attached quite securely to the Captain's. "Your majesty," said Captain Fawkes. "I didn't realise you were on my ship."

"Yes, it was rather impromptu," I agreed. "Lord Winters and I are on our way to Lupus."

He nodded in understanding. "I see," the captain paused. "Would it be alright if we hitched a ride with you then?"

I smiled in amusement. "Officially, I'm bedridden with a severe bout of flu in Nasales. Do as you will, Captain."

Captain Fawkes grinned. It was a dashing smile that would capture many hearts. "Many thanks, your majesty."

"And who is this behind you?"

"Ah," the captain tugged the little man forward. "This is Mitsuku Rinidae, a scientist from the city of Atlantis," he introduced. "However, I'd like to keep his story to myself for now, your majesty. With your permission, of course. I would prefer to reveal it later when we have everyone gathered." He said this conspiringly.

"Very dramatic of you," I remarked, and he ducked his head sheepishly. "Very well, I admit I am curious, but I will allow it."

"Thank you, your majesty."

It wasn't long before Lord Winters returned, and we set sail once more. This time, with two more passengers on board.

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