Power Transfer

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Duke Kellen's POV

Though most knew of me as the Duke of Lupus, I was technically also a Prince. It was that thought that prompted a dry chuckle out of me. Three Princes and a King walking into the jungle sounded like the beginning of a bad joke indeed.

As the four of us walked deeper into the forest, my sense of unease grew stronger. We eventually came to the clearing that I had permitted for LuPur's use and I stopped them from walking further into hearing range of the other wolves.

Every member of that terrorist organisation would be there, and I had every intention of catching them in the act. My problem was the pregnant human, my brother and his first son.

The full moon's hold on us wolves was strong, and we were walking into a dangerous place where the two other wolves I had with me would likely react very vehemently. It was an immensely unideal situation because I could count on Prince Alex and my brother to be unpredictable. Prince Cassidy might have more sense, but he was also currently in a state pregnancy.

I hated improvising when I had to save lives.

From that point forward, I whispered very quietly that silence was vital because they would be able to hear us if we took even a step further. My solemn instructions were met with satisfactory nods of understanding.

Good. They would at least be a little more cautious now.

All was well up till the final circle of trees around the area. Torches cast light in flickering circles on the ground and we were careful to stay out of that warm glow, but still close enough to see.

I kept a hand on Olcan's belt the second I saw Seffrin sitting in the circle scraped into the ground. My brother glowered at me but didn't protest. There was another child in the circle, Councillor Laren's daughter it seemed. I had seen her around my nephew, Colin, a few times. She was yet another unforeseen factor.

Was everyone going to get involved tonight?

Since my discovery of LuPur, I had yet to meet every member of the group. It was likely that I had met most of them before without realising that they were part of LuPur, so I was prepared to see some familiar faces.

I hadn't quite realised that I would recognise so many of them.

Councilman Laren was one that I expected. Some of my agents had met him. Councillor Rau was not someone that had been reported, but I'd suspected her quite heavily. She was a vocal member of the Lupus Council and very irritatingly so. I didn't expect to see the Court Mage at all.

In fact, he was notoriously neutral amongst all factions in the council and deferred to King Olcan or Queen Tasha for any decisions on spellcasting. I certainly never thought he would pick a side, let alone this side.

The Court Mage unsheathed a blade. Its polished engravements gleamed in the firelight. No amount of smoke could have covered the acrid stench of panic from the girls in the circle. And no amount of strength could have prevented Olcan from leaping out into the open area.

Just in case, I grabbed Prince Alexander and Prince Cassidy and pulled them back. They didn't try to rush out. Well, Prince Alexander did, but it was an abortive movement. Prince Cassidy was a very sensible young man and didn't bother. Internally, I approved. My oldest nephew had mated well.

All that did was leave my brother to face twenty or so whose actions were the manifestation of treason. Queen Tasha was the clearly sensible one in their relationship.

From the bushes, the Princes and I watched as my brother made demands for them to release his daughter.

"Release Seffrin, Rau," he commanded. "And I will spare you from my wrath for attempting an illegal ritual and reduce your charges for kidnapping a member of the royal family."

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