Big Brother

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Alexander's POV

The intensive lovemaking had left us collapsed on our sides and locked together. I was enjoying the feeling of our bodies being entwined like this.

Gods above, I was so in love with Cassidy that he seemed to glow for a moment under the moonlight.

"You're all glowing," I giggled. In my defence, I was sex drunk.

Cassidy laughed tiredly. "Afterglow, silly,"

"Mm," I kissed his nape. "I love you."

He made a pleased noise. "I love you too," he said before he fell asleep.

My mate was all tired out. I allowed myself a second of smugness before I, too, fell into unconsciousness.


We were invited to dine with Duke Kellen the next day. Queen Tasha had other matters to see to and we had no real reason to refuse his request.

Surprisingly, it wasn't just the three of us that Cass and I had expected. Prince Colin was also in attendance, still looking like a sullen teenager, but also curious at the two newcomers in his home.

It was a perfectly pleasant lunch. Unnervingly perfect, that is. Not once did Duke Kellen say or do anything that agitated my wolf. I was unsettled by his...congeniality. Prince Colin didn't say much, too busy eating in the way teenagers often ate like they were starving.

After lunch, the Duke stood and said, "Thank you for joining us," he smiled genuinely pleased. "I have work to do so I must leave you to Prince Colin. I'm sure we could all get to know each other better," he said, olive eyes twinkling.

I nodded in agreement and thanked him politely. Truthfully, even if he hadn't arranged this, I had been thinking about trying to talk to Prince Colin myself. This made everything easier.

"Are we related?" Prince Colin asked after Duke Kellen left. He spoke with the air of someone who was used to being followed and not following. He was probably the group leader among his friends, I thought.

I blinked in shock and a pulse of surprise filtered through the bond. "Um, maybe?" I cringed internally. That was awkward.

The Prince watched us sceptically. "Duke Kellen says we are brothers. You don't look like father or mother though." He paused then added, "Except maybe your eyes."

"My eyes?" I said weakly.

"They are like father's and mine and Timmy."


I wasn't making a great impression. He looked at me quite judgementally. "Yes, Timmy. Prince Timmeu, the baby?"

"Right," I laughed faintly. "I, uh—I don't know if we are brothers?" I said.

Several emotions flickered across his face. I thought I saw disappointment and...anger?

"That's what we are here to find out," Cassidy interjected. "Alex would love to be your brother, either way, I'm sure." He glanced at me.

I nodded empathetically.

"Okay, can you do anything cool?"

What was it about this boy that made me nervous? Cassidy touched my hand soothingly. "I can transform into a full wolf," I blurted.

"Anytime you want?" he asked sceptically.

"Yes," I answered.

Colin looked begrudgingly impressed. "That's cool," he admitted, "I can only do it during full moons."

Cassidy nudged me expectantly. I blinked in confusion. "Alex can teach you," he offered.

Gods, I was terrible at making friends. Cassidy who one of the few people who hadn't looked at me weirdly when we met and only because I was a wolf. And the parts where I was a human, I honestly don't know how I managed to flirt like that. It was a rather out-of-body experience. "Yes," I agreed rather belatedly, but my sentiment was genuine. I would try to teach him at least. It was probably easier than teaching myself, right?

"Now?" asked Colin. He looked like he was trying to hide his excitement with an indifferent expression but his scent gave him away.

"Sure," I replied. Why not? If he was my sibling too—and it was looking like they all were—I wanted them to like me back. They already smelled like new family to me.

We followed Colin to the training arena. Their training spaces were vastly different from the ones we had in Nasales. Where we had planked floors and wooden benches for spectators in a sheltered area, Lupus had a small forest with various sized clearings. It was interesting, and it was so much more appealing to my wolf. I would have to see if we could construct something similar back home.

Colin led us to the middle of a small clearing and turned to me expectantly. I blinked at him.

He looked annoyed. "Well?" he demanded. "Aren't you going to do something?"

"Now?" I asked incredulously.

The teenager rolled his eyes hard.

Silly me. Of course, he meant now. I narrowed my eyes at him and began unbuttoning my shirt. Cassidy, my beloved, very kindly held on to my clothes as I took them off piece by piece.

When I was down to my underwear, it occurred to me that I was stripping in front of a thirteen-year-old boy. My hands stilled uncertainly.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked. His eyebrows raised. "Are you scared?"

I supposed wolves in Lupus would be less particular about nudity when it was more common. My wolf bared its teeth at the challenge. I removed the last item protecting my modesty...and quickly turned to face Cassidy.

My cheeks were a little warm. This was obviously a product of my upbringing, but I was genuinely uncomfortable at letting a child see my dick. Cass gave me an appreciative look and I flushed harder.

'Later' I mouthed at him.

Colin groaned from behind and muttered "Adults" under his breath. The bond pulsed with amusement.

I shifted.

Cassidy buried a hand in my thick fur and scratched. I shivered in pleasure. I hadn't shifted in a while and it felt good to stretch this body again. Plus, with the full moon coming, my wolf was more energetic.

I nuzzled Cassidy's belly and stood on my hind paws to lick his face. In this shape, I was almost at his chest. Definitely bigger than a normal wolf.

I turned to look at Colin. He had forgotten his indifference and was openly watching with awe. Hell yeah, I was an awesome big brother.

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