Wolf Wants

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Alexander's POV


I whipped my head around to look at my betrothed. My eyes widened in shock. Cassidy was sitting right there, staring at me. I could hear his heart beating wildly.

"Have you two met already?" The man sitting beside Cassidy asked. Lord Winters. He must be Cassidy's father.

"Yes, sir, we have met indeed." And had sex. Today. A rather ill-advised handjob at the time, knowing that I'd be meeting my intended on the same night but semantics.

I could see Cassidy thinking the same thing since he flushed a lovely bright red.

I dropped as gracefully as I could into my seat.

"Shall we?" I asked.

We all begin to dig into our food. I sighed a little in relief. Maybe now since everyone was busy eating, no one would talk.

"So," Cassidy said conversationally.

Alas, the silence was not to be. I huffed.

"So," he said again. "Anabelle, what was Alex like when he was young?"

Since when were they on a first-name basis? I looked up at Cassidy. He looked at me with big innocent eyes that were actually really beautiful.

I grit my teeth. Two can play that game, I thought to myself, as my mother laughingly regaled everyone with embarrassing stories of my childhood and my father joining in every now and then.

It's not my fault I wanted to be a horse and ended up crawling all over the place neighing as best as I could like a horse! I was young and the guards' horses were so big and strong, and there were no other werewolves I could look up to. The next best thing was a big strong horse. Nevermind that they weren't shifters.

I glared at Cassidy when he laughed at that particular story.

"Lord Winters, what was Cassidy like when he was young? I'm really curious," I asked innocently.

Cassidy's laughter stopped abruptly, and he glared at me. I sent a smug smile in his direction.

"At least I didn't want to be a horse," he butted in as his father began recounting his tales.

"Oh son, you didn't want to be a horse. But you did want to be a princess," his father said.

Cassidy flushed red and I laughed. 'He could be a princess if we married' I thought.

I tuned in, just in time hear Lord Winters saying, "—You wore your mother's dress and tried to walk around like a princess."

I swear I tried not to, but I couldn't help laughing at the image of a tiny Cass tripping around in a trailing dress.

I giggled while Cassidy stared daggers at me. He was so adorable! I clutched my stomach, still laughing a little. Apparently, my laugh was infectious and soon everyone was laughing too. Even Cassidy. I smiled. I loved it when Cassidy laughed. I'd get these nice little clenches in my chest. The rest of dinner passed in companionable talk and laughter.

After dinner, we headed to the drawing-room. But my father and Lord Winters kept on walking straight. I looked questioningly at my mother.

"Oh, honey, your father and I have some things to discuss with Lord Winters. Do go on without us first." She smiled. And then winked. I flushed.

I nodded and opened the door for Cassidy and entered behind him. He stood in the middle of the room and look straight at me. I swallowed a little.

"So, that's what today's dinner was for," he started conversationally.

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