Former Flame

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Queen Annabelle's POV

"Hello, Olcan."

After more than twenty years, those were the first two words I said to my former lover. Somewhere in my peripheral vision, Alex's face has transformed from angry to surprised. I see him call me, but I don't hear it. My focus is on Olcan's face, now lined with age and hair starting to silver at the edges. I cannot help but compare his face with my son's.

Olcan stands. "Annabeth," he says.

"It's Annabelle now," I smiled faintly. "Queen Annabelle."

"What are you doing here?" he asked. The emotions warring on his face felt like a mirror of my own.

I, too, want to catch up, but here in this hall with countless eyes and ears... I hold my silence a little longer. "Perhaps we can take this reunion to somewhere more private," I suggested.

"You may use the family den rooms," Queen Tasha offered.

There is no malice in her eyes when I turned to her. "Thank you," I said.

There would always be a part of me that could never stop loving Olcan and there was once I would have exchanged all I had for a life with him; but not anymore. I loved Edward and my home in Nasales now. I could not return to Lupus even if it was safe now. My 'thanks' was for loving Olcan in my stead and giving him what I never could.

She nodded her acknowledgement of my gratitude for everything I couldn't yet voice.


Olcan and I moved to one of the private family dens for our long-overdue reunion. Two decades ago, he had promised to return for me, and I had trusted him. I didn't blame him for not keeping his promise. The circumstances back then had been far too volatile and my own growing relationship with then Prince Edward had shifted too many of my priorities.

"I came to see my sons," I said to him when we were alone.

"Prince Alexander and Cassidy," he clarified. The emerald eyes that Alex had watched me as we sat across each other at the low tea tables.


My answer puzzled him for a moment. "I had no idea Edward had wolf ancestry," he said after a moment.

"He doesn't," I replied. Olcan's eyes narrowed in my direction. There was a question in his eyes, and this time, I was finally ready to answer. "Alex is your son, Olcan."

Emerald eyes widened at the explicit confirmation. "How?"

"You know how." I gave him a look. "I only found out after you left me in Nasales."

Hesitantly, he asked, "does Edward know?"

"He does," I replied. "I think he does."

We'd never spoken about who Alex had come from, but both my husband and I had our own suspicions. The timing of the conception fell during the transition phase of my migration to Nasales. Edward had initially been a rebound for the heartbroken girl I was but had developed very quickly into something more and I never regretted marrying him. It also meant that when we discovered my pregnancy, Edward had promised to take responsibility and I accepted.

"Olcan," I started. "I want to make something clear."

He nodded to show he was listening.

"Alex will not stay in Lupus. He is mine and Edward's son." I took a deep breath before my next words. "You lost the right when you let Edward raise him."

"If I'd known you were with my child, I would never have left you there," he frowned.

"Our lives would have been in danger if we'd stayed. You know that."

Olcan sighed. "You're right," he admitted. "You would have had to leave anyway. I understand. And I'm sorry I couldn't be the father that Alex needed."

I reached for his hand. "Thank you for giving me Alex."

"If I wasn't also mated with pups now, I'd probably fight harder against this decision, you realise?" he told me.

"I know, that's why I didn't tell you."

My former lover squeezed my fingers kindly. "If only they could see how wonderful a queen you make." I smiled back. "Are you happy?" he asked.

"Very much so," I told him gently.

Olcan nodded and let my hand go. "That's all I wanted."


I am unspeakably relieved that Olcan didn't react badly to our conversation. If he had, I don't know if I would have done what I did next.

After our talk, I sent someone to call for Alex. It was high time for Alex to know the truth. My son probably agreed, and it didn't take long for him to show up with Cassidy. I don't know why I'd expected him to come alone.

My eyes lingered on Cassidy's belly as he was herded into the room by Alex. They shared a seat at the side.

"Alex," I said lightly. "I'd like to introduce you to King Olcan, your sire."

The boys stared at me, wide-eyed. "So, it's true?" Alex asked.

"Yes," I affirmed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was...afraid."

"Why didn't King Olcan tell me when we came here?" he asked, eyes darting in Olcan's direction.

"He didn't know either," I replied.

Alex's face scrunched in annoyance. "How many people have you kept this from?" he demanded.

I sighed. Alex, my sweet emotional child. "Everyone."

His eyes boggled. "Father doesn't even know?" Alex glanced uncertainly at Olcan at 'father'.

"I think he knows, you can ask him when we go home."

Olcan—who had been respectfully keeping silent while I broke the news to Alex—spoke up. "I'd like to offer my reassurance that there is no obligation to see me as your father now," he told Alex. "I do, however, hope to get to know you better if you would permit. I'd be the fun uncle, unlike Kellen. Recent events have shown that he is not fun at all."

I sat back as Alex looked hesitant until Cassidy placed a hand on his thigh. They were very cute, but I hid my amusement.

"I think Alex would like that," Cassidy answered for him.

Of course, he would want that. One of my biggest regrets was that I had been unable to give Alex more siblings no matter how much he'd begged. After Alex was born, Edward and I had simply been unable to conceive again. I couldn't fault him for accepting Olcan's invite.


By the end of the discussion, Alex appeared to have somewhat forgiven me for my initial deceit. I was grateful for it. I missed my baby.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you and ran away to Lupus," he'd said to me later.

I pulled him into my arms. "I missed you too," I murmured into his shoulder. Alex was so much taller than me now, but it still felt like only yesterday that I had to bend down for him to hug me. My baby had grown so big.

"How long will you stay in Lupus?" he asked.

"As long as you and Cassidy need," I told him. "Captain Fawkes told me about my grandchild."

"Ah," he said, fidgeting.

"In future, consider making the baby at home instead."

"Yes, mother," he said weakly.

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