Lunar Cycle Private Security

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Fawkes' POV

I find myself blinking up at a ceiling I've never seen in my life. The Madame's face appears in my line of sight, their top half still covered by the veil. "You see," they say, "but you do not truly understand what it is you have been shown."

"See what?" I croaked. They hand me a glass of water that I readily gulp down.

"I apologise, Captain Fawkes." I struggle to push myself up and they stack pillows behind my back for support. "I didn't realise letting you stay for so long when you had a mission would cause problems with your sight."

"Madame," I am bewildered. "What are you talking about?"

Their pale lips pursed in displeasure. They stand. "You should go soon."

I grab their hand as they leave. They stop but do not turn around. "Tell me," I said.

The Madame sighed and sat on the edge of the mattress. "These headaches," they said. "You get them quite often, do you not?"

I frowned. "How do you know?"

"I am more than you think, Captain."

"Fine, what about my headaches?" I let them drop the other topic for now.

They touch my cheek again. Though their nails are sharp, the contact is oddly...soothing. "Captain," they say softly, voice unexpectedly gentle. "It will not help anyone if I were to tell you now, least of all your friend. Perhaps, if you were to return after all this is over, I can help you then. For now, I think you will need your gift of sight to work the way it always has."

I am increasingly confused. "I don't understand," I said.

"Then you will come back when your mission is accomplished."


Having found what I came for, it was time for me to move on to my next stop in Sirena. But though my investigation had gone smoothly thus far, I was filled with endless questions about the Madame's words. And I couldn't forget the touch of cool fingers. Already, I wanted to turn back, but the mission came first. The Princes of Nasales came first.

My journey took me without further incident to my second destination. It is there, I spoke to the manager of the place, a certain Mer called Haddock. He received me in his office, not nervous or annoyed at my sudden appearance, but rather more concerned with appearances for the current guests. I thought he seemed quite practical, a quality I certainly appreciated.

"Messer Fawkes?" he says in an accented voice, reminiscent of someone hailing from the Northern regions. "Please, come into my office."

I followed, pulling long strokes to keep up with his swimming.

"What is it you are 'ere for, Messer?" He sat, or more accurately, floated behind his desk.

"You recall the honeymoon of the Princes of Nasales at your resort, sir?" I asked.

He nods once. "Yes, of course. It was an honour to host their highnesses."

"Excellent," I said. "I'd like to discuss the shark attack that happened while they were here."

It is only then that Haddock begins to look nervous. Of course, he didn't show it so apparently. But as I was swimming after him earlier, the image of Haddock's fin twitching highlighted his apprehension. I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise. "Yes, yes Messer. What do you wish to know?"

"Help me understand how your security was able to let a feral shark into the compounds," I said.

"Ah, Messer," he hedges nervously. "That is a very awkward topic to discuss."

"I am aware," I replied coolly.

"Then you understand when I ask for discretion?"

I agreed to his plea. It was a reasonable request, of course.

"You see, Messer," he says. "There has been change in security since the...unfortunate incident. That is, we hired a new company recently."

I looked at him sharply. "Was this before or after the attack?"

"After, Messer." He fiddled with a writing instrument. "Yes, we change the security after. The previous one, no good."

I contemplated his admission. "I see, and who was the previous company?"

"Lunar Cycle Private Security, Messer. Their headquarters are in Atlantis, but they are from the Kingdom of Lupus."

"Lupus? Is that not strange?"

Haddock shrugged. "I only care about efficiency, Messer. They did not perform, they must go."

"You say the original security detail has been completely replaced?"

He nodded fervently. "Yes, Messer. They are all gone. And you will be pleased to know that I will not hire them again."

No doubt Haddock thought I was conducting an inquiry into the safety of the resort and was trying to appease me from publicly condemning the place. I didn't bother to correct him.

I had hoped to speak to the guards, but the change ensured I could not do so easily. But knowing that their headquarters were in Atlantis certainly made it a little more convenient for me.

There was no point in my inspecting of the barrier anymore. Haddock would have had everything changed. It was far more productive for me to get to Atlantis instead.

"Thank you," I said to Haddock. "You've been incredibly helpful. I will take my leave."

He straightened, a gleam in his eyes. "Messer, perhaps you would like to stay for the night and recharge. You must have journeyed from far and it is late."

My eyes narrowed, but I hesitated. And in the second's pause, Haddock advanced further in his persuasion.

"Perhaps you can see for yourself, how much safer the resort is now." Haddock swam closer.

I found myself considering a night at the resort. It was true that I had travelled far. Edenis was no half-day ride to Sirena. And it was evening already. If I attempted to travel now, I'd be travelling on open waters through the night, all by my lonesome. Yes, it was far more practical to stay. "Very well," I acquiesced. "I will stay one night. Thank you for your hospitality."

Haddock bobbed in an imitation of a bow and led me to a decent suite. "We hope you enjoy your stay," he demurred. "And please call me if you need anything."

Seeing the wide bed had me suppressing a yawn. I nodded and wandered in further, not bothering to turn when the curtain of beads fell shut behind me and the privacy charms activated.

This investigation had me running all over the place so much—I thought it perfectly understandable that I was tired.

As I stared through the moonlight dappled waters through my underwater window, it struck me that I was looking at the exact same image I had seen right before I'd swooned on the steps of 'The Harem'.

The Madame's words about my seeing and not understanding came to mind. Was there a connection?

Tiredly, I let my eyelids drift shut. And though I tried to think about the Madame and my familiarity with the suite's view, I fell asleep too quickly to get very far with my thoughts.

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