The Messenger

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Fawkes' POV

Even the fastest mode of transportation back to Nasales would take almost a week. I left my ship in the very capable hands of my second-in-command upon arriving in Nasales and requested an audience with the King and Queen. I wanted to give them Alex and Cassidy's message before I left again. Alex had revealed some pressing events that I needed to investigate.


It didn't take long for their Majesties to send for me. They were waiting for me in the library with no one around, perfectly catering to my request for privacy.

King Edward waved the guards away and they shut the door quietly behind me.

"Your majesties," I bow.

"Captain Fawkes," Queen Annabelle smiles warmly. "Welcome back."

I thanked her politely.

"What did you want to see us for?" she asked curiously.

"It's about Prince Alexander and Prince Consort Cassidy," I say. Subtly, their body language shifted to giving me their full attention.

"What news do you have of my son?" King Edward enquires.

I nodded. "I come bearing good tidings for your majesties," I began. "Princes Alexander and Cassidy are expecting a child."

Queen Annabelle looked intrigued. "A child? Whose child have they adopted?"

"Ah," I said. "Your majesties, what I am about to say is the reason I have asked for the utmost privacy."

King Edward placed a hand on the Queen's and nodded for me to continue.

"Prince Consort Cassidy is pregnant," I tell them.

"Impossible," Queen Annabelle said flatly.

I bowed again in deference. "It is the truth, your majesty. I have seen it."

"How?" King Edward asked.

I frowned. "Forgive me, I am not certain of the details. However, I was told there were ways to achieve this by way of a ritual." Before they could ask more questions I couldn't answer, I hastened to say my next piece. "Princes Alexander and Cassidy have entrusted me with the duty of passing this message as they are unable to come home at present."

Queen Annabelle looked hurt for a brief second before her features smoothed over. "Why not?" she asked.

"The Healers in Lupus have advised against travelling with Cassidy's current condition," I inform her. "And Prince Alexander gets terribly seasick on water."

Queen Annabelle sighs. "We understand," said King Edward. "Thank you for telling us."

"It is my duty," I reply.

Internally, I am relieved that they didn't react badly to the news of Cassidy's unnatural pregnancy. However, I did not anticipate the next thing I had to tell them to be as easily received.

"There is another thing, your majesties."

They listen attentively. I curl my toes nervously, the action unseen in my boots.

"There was an incident in Lupus. Prince Alexander and Prince Consort Cassidy had an encounter with a succubus," I said, quickly adding that the succubus had already been dealt with by me and the relevant authorities in Lupus. "Your majesties, I beg your forgiveness if you consider my following words to be an overreaction, but I reason to believe that Alexander and Cassidy are being targeted. I am unclear about the reason for this evildoing, but I ask your majesties to consider the facts.

"Since Prince Alexander and Prince Consort Cassidy first met, there have been a series of attacks that we have all thought unrelated and accidental. However, I was present when the succubus attacked them in Lupus and she called them an 'easy target'." I paused momentarily for them to absorb the information I'd just presented. "It is a strange thing to call the heir of a kingdom, as your majesties are aware, given that she also recognised their official titles."

"We are aware," Queen Annabelle says. Her voice is low with tightly controlled rage.

I nodded my acknowledgement. "It is my suspicion that there is an unknown agent behind these attacks, including the shark one in Sirena."

Both their majesties looked up sharply at that.

"I see," King Edward says. "And how are they?"

The change in topic was a little sudden, but I expected it as I had failed to update them on the Princes' well-being in my haste to explain the situation. "The Princes are well, your majesty. Prince Consort Cassidy is whole and healthy and glowing with his pregnancy. Prince Alexander has his hands full taking care of his husband."

The Queen nodded, slightly mollified. "Good," she murmurs to herself. King Edward holds her hand tightly.

"Ah, your majesties," I say a little hesitantly. While I didn't expect to refuse my next request, I didn't want to cause alarm either. "If I may, I would like to investigate the factors behind these attacks."

"Do you have leads?" Queen Annabelle asked sharply.

I nodded. "I believe so, your majesty." They looked interested. "Prince Alexander has provided the list of incidents and locations and there are some individuals I'd like to interview. I would like to request your blessings for this investigation," I tell them, bowing respectfully as I make my appeal.

"You have our blessing," King Edward announces. "You will have whatever resources are necessary. And you will keep us abreast of the situation, of course."

I nod once. "Yes, your majesty. I will send word as soon as I know more."

They are watching me as I straighten up. "Where will go first?" the Queen asked.

"To Edenis, your majesty," I replied. "It is where the incubus attack occurred. I hope to speak to Lord and Lady Jacob if they are available. I'm sure they will have some ideas about the attack."

"Very well," she says. "I will write you a letter to pass to Lord Jacob. They shall comply with your investigations. Good luck."

I thank them, salute and leave the library for my sleeping quarters—a place I rarely use since I don't spend much time in Nasales at all.

Alone, I sit heavily on my sleeping cot and rest my head in my hands. They have given me all the permission and resources I'd need to help my friend, but now I carried the weight of the King and Queen's expectations on my shoulders. Alone. There was no one I could trust with this quest, no partner I could rely on. I felt a tiny headache developing.

Well, since I was waiting for the official royal seal of their majesties, I figured I'd take a nap first. Hopefully, the headache would clear itself in a dream. 

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