Queen's Beginning

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Queen Annabelle's POV

A promising young man, that Captain Fawkes, and my son's childhood friend. I keep my composure until he leaves the library and the doors shut firmly behind him. My husband holds my hand and didn't say a word of complaint in spite of the painful grip I must have on him.

I haven't seen my son in nearly four months and the first news I hear of him is that his husband is pregnant. Although certain species of male shifters are able to carry an entire pregnancy to term, it is a feat impossible for human males. Unless sorcery is involved. I close my eyes.

Edward had moved to rub my shoulders—they were tight and hard under the new stress of all the new revelations.

What I want most is to see my baby again and even though I have not voiced my bitterness, I know it is there and I know it is because he left without a goodbye. When Alex had first embarked for the Kingdom of Lupus, I was angry at him.

But so much time had passed—enough for him to start the beginnings of a new family it seems—and I am left fuming at myself, for being so quick to temper and too slow to listen. Most of all, I am disappointed in myself for becoming someone I never thought I'd be.

Captain Fawkes told us that Alex and Cassidy couldn't come home yet. I didn't like it, but I understood. Alex's werewolf blood meant that even the finest physicians in this kingdom would not have the experience of the healers in Lupus. Simply because any child of Alex's could be a werewolf. Their healers would have the necessary expertise.

Unfortunately, my knowledge of Lupus meant knowing that being in the Kingdom of Lupus alone without the right allies was bound to be treacherous. The people there were vain and arrogant and caught up in their own animalistic desires.

"The children are fine," Edward says quietly.

My husband is not a loquacious man. But his words, when spoken, are often filled with meaning and this time is no different. His words are a promise and an affirmation that my son and his husband are fine and will remain that way.

I touch cold fingers to his comforting hands on my shoulders. He clasps them in between warm palms.

"I'll brew some tea," Edward tells me softly. He disappears through the doors, leaving me to my thoughts.

Alone now, it is only too easy to remember the past. I do not mean to be dramatic, but it has been decades since I'd thought about the sordid details of my previous life. And without my husband here, my mind strays right back to my time in the Kingdom of Lupus.

I'd been young and naïve back then, a firm believer that I was untouchable with my looks and my connections. Then, I had been a favoured consort of the second prince of Lupus. Far more favoured than any other person looking to join the social circle of the young princes.

Ollie is what his friends called him, and I was one of them. Perhaps the closest one. We saw far more of each other than our other friends ever did, I believe.

Everything was going well and there were good times to be had, until Ollie and I did something apparently far more unforgivable than being together.

Of course, we'd fought against the Lupus council, proclaiming our devotion to each other. Kelly, his older brother, had been the only person who had not opposed us though he did not stand with us either.

It wasn't until Ollie had come to me, frantic with fear, that I knew I couldn't win this. So, I left, leaving a heartbroken prince to pick up the pieces of his kingdom. My escape, aided by the second prince, put me right in the arms of King Edward, then Prince Edward.

Ollie had begged his friend to take me in until it was safe for me to return. But when Edward and I had a child together, Ollie never came for me.

Every now and then, my heart aches with longing for what could have been, but Edward takes my hand in his and I am swiftly reminded of what I do have and how blessed I am to have him and my son. I have never regretted my decision to stay in the Kingdom of Nasales.

But I worry now, about my decision to keep my past from Alexander. If he had known, would he still have gone to Lupus to find it? If he chose to go anyway, would he be safer or in more danger with that knowledge?

So many 'what ifs' but I am interrupted from my spiralling thoughts by Edward's return, a pot of freshly brewed tea on a tray in his steady hands. I cannot help my sigh of relief. He pours me a hot cup of tea, which I take gratefully, managing a small smile for my thoughtful husband.

"Perhaps writing the letter for Fawkes would take you mind off things for a bit?" he suggests.

I nodded my assent. Edward was right, I couldn't see my son because he was in Lupus, but I could aid his friend in keeping my son, my son-in-law and my future grandchild safer. I would write this letter to Lord Jacobs.

Edward cleared the tea things as I moved to the desk in the library. I readied some parchment and a ink. The letter was short, but I gave him certain details and requested his cooperation with the bearer of this missive.

And when I was done, I slipped the letter into an envelope and sealed it with the royal crest. Lord Jacob would see this and understand the severity of the situation. He had been a good ally to have back when I'd first married Edward. That had been before he's met his lovely wife and moved to Edenis to be with her.

I had been happy for them, but sad that my friend was leaving.


After, I walk to the guards' housing barracks, not willing to hand the message to anyone but Fawkes himself. I knocked and there was some shuffling before he answered.

"Here," I said.

He accepts with both hands. "Thank you, your majesty." He bows. "I will depart immediately."

I studied his face. He looked tired, but my urgent desire for my son to be safe had me nodding my assent.

"I'll finish packing my things," he said and shut the door behind him when I left.

My fists clenched in frustration. If I could just go back to Lupus...

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