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Alexander's POV

In situations where wrongdoing went unchecked, it was not in my nature to stand by idly and watch from the shadows. But I had Cassidy with me and there were so many dubious characters around. I was loathed to leave him alone and vulnerable even they didn't yet know of his presence here.

Then Duke Kellen had exchanged King Olcan for Seffrin and then proceeded to run straight into the circle himself, leaving Seffrin alone and exposed. Queen Tasha's forces had shown up just in time for the Duke to sacrifice himself instead. At least that's what it looked like.

Cassidy couldn't hear everything I did. It seemed that King Olcan's wolf had been passed to Colin's friend and Duke Kellen's wolf had been similarly given to King Olcan.

And with the Queen and Fawkes showing up with guards so suddenly, the other side's panic had been genuine.

"Get the Princess!" roared Rau, the woman who appeared to be the leader of the group. My eyes widened in alarm. The Queen and guards were busy rounding up the scattering members of the group. Seffrin had been left alone with her hands bound and movement restricted. It would be too easy for anyone to overcome her—I had to get to her first.

I shot a desperate glance at Cassidy who nodded and pushed me forward encouragingly. He would be safe where no one but the Duke, the King and I knew of his presence.

Worries assuaged, I leapt from the bushes in my sister's direction. She was startled by my sudden appearance but didn't protest when I sliced off her bindings with my claws.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Seffrin nodded. "What are doing here?"

"Came to save you," I grinned. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to expose my uncle," she admitted breathlessly, swinging the torch she'd picked up at an approaching wolf.

I made a face as I punched out another one of the bad wolves. "Cass and I can't tell if he's evil," I said. "But we don't think he's all that good either."

"If he isn't good, he's bad!" she yelled over the cacophony of claws and fangs clashing.

I couldn't answer her, too busy fending off two other wolves at the same time.

"I'll make sure he gets what he deserves," she vowed, turning to me after clocking a wolf in the face. He howled when the flames burned him.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Rau coming toward us. With the King, Duke Kellen and the girl stuck inside the circle and the Court Mage having disappeared entirely, it was obvious that the situation had turned desperate for the other side. And she had bested even Fawkes in combat.

My friend was fighting with his uninjured arm, but he was faltering. Human stamina could not compare with a werewolf and he'd only ever bested me in our training by being quick.

I couldn't leave Seffrin though.

Inevitably, Fawkes was felled, and my heart burned with rage at her impudence. She left him groaning and bleeding out in the dirt, but he was still alive. Fortunately for him, her focus was on getting to the Princess.

Grimly, I fought harder to keep the wolves from reaching Seffrin. And I only just barely manoeuvred myself in front of the charging she-wolf. There was not enough time to do more than block Seffrin with my body.

I could take a hit. Seffrin could not. My eyes slid shut in bleak anticipation.

No attack came. There was simply nothing.

I looked up in confusion. Rau held Rinidae by the throat, his blood dripped onto the soil. He choked wetly.

My shock was mirrored on her face and in that moment of hesitation, Cassidy struck her in the back of her head with a solid branch. Rau dropped. As did Rinidae.

By now, Queen Tasha had successfully rounded up the perpetrators. Except the Court Mage. Someone came to collect and appropriately restrain Rau. And Fawkes was patched up.

My attention was caught on Cassidy. He had squat down to check on Rinidae, but judging by the amount of blood spilled, he was definitely dying if not already dead. Cassidy was frantically trying to staunch the blood with his hands, but when he looked at me with stricken eyes, I knew Rinidae wouldn't survive.

There was a final blurt of blood from pale lips and the small man took his final gurgling breath. Cassidy let out a choked sob; I gathered him in my arms.

"It's over," I murmured, trying my hardest to reassure him. There wasn't much I could say to make him feel better about the little scientist. At least, there had only been one death tonight. "Let's go back," I whispered softly in his ear.

He nodded and I helped him up. My hand was pressed warmly to the small of his back. My mate took a step forward and stumbled, hissing in pain.

"Cass!" I cried out in alarm, catching him before he fell.

His hands were pressed to his belly, face contorted in discomfort.

"What's happening? What's wrong?" I demanded.

Cassidy was muttering under his breath. "No," he said. "No, no, no please."

"Cassidy, what is it?" The bond was crazy with panic and desperation.

He exhaled shakily. "The baby," he stuttered.

I pulled back to look. The scent of blood was strong. From between Cassidy's legs, the stain grew and darkened. He gasped in agony.

"No," I breathed. "No, Sweetheart, you're going to be fine. Let's go back. Trish can fix this."

Cassidy's eyes went to Rinidae's lifeless body. He shook his head. "It's too late," he whispered.

I picked Cassidy up in my arms and left for the dens.

"Never," I said harshly. "We'll fix this." 

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