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Bela-Oh God Mr.Seghal be quiet!!
I said irrtated. We are in our room discussing about the decorations we are gonna do at the terrace with Rhithik, Yuvi and last but not least my irrtating hubby. Vish is left to come so we are waiting for her and Kuhu is with Shivanya distracting her.

Mahir-But why??
He whined whispering in my ear.

Bela-You cannot romance with me right now as everyone is here....
I whispered back to him.

Mahir-Then say them to close there eyes!!

Bela-Mahir your unbelievable...

Mahir-I know that.....
He was cut off by Rhithik.

Rhihtik-Ok everyone... Vish is here!!
We discussed about everything. Kuhu would bring Shivanya with her after everything is done while we go to the venue to decorate.

Yuvi-Ok then don't waste any time. Let's go....
He said and we nodded going out of our room only to stop in mid-tracks seeing Shivanya.

Shivanya-Where is everyone going leaving me??
She asked. Damn it. What would we do now??

Yuvi-Umm.... me and Vish are going out.... Mahir bhai and Rhithik is going to get there files from office and Bela Bhabhi....
He covered up eveyone and finally stopped seeing me. If we get caught everything is a flop. So l continued having no other way.

Bela-I was coming to see you....
I covered up.

Shivanya-Ok come then let's goo...
She said dragging me with her. I looked at others everyone nodded except my hubby who looked at Yuvi or basically glared at him. I chuckled and went with Shivanya. We went to her room and started talking.


I whined and he shut his ears.

Yuvi-Listen!! Stop whining and let me tell you why l said like that....
I huffed and nodded.

Yuvi-First of all. If we say you and Bela Bhabhi me and Vish are going out. Rhihtik is left then off course Shivanya will take Rhithik with her understand!?

Rhithik-Stop your banters man and concentrate on the road.
He said. How did l forget we are on a video call. Each of them going in there respective cars. I nodded having no way and started driving.
We reached the hotel after a ride of fifteen minutes. We brought the stuff while we called all the required party planners to decorate.
Rhithik was learning what to speak on and on and Yuvi as usual romancing with his wife. Everyone is irrtating.
Yeah yeah everyone would be irrtating if your Angel isn't there. snapped my subconcious. I just rolled my eyes mentally.

Party Planner-Sir, Mam everything is done!! I'll take your leave......
She said and we nodded Thanking her.
Now just one thing is left. Shivanya, Kuhu and Bela should come. Yuvi messaged Kuhu while l messaged Bela to come with Shivanya.
We heard Shivanya after sometime.

Shivnaya-Bela!! Idiot why did you tell me to come here?? Where are you?? Why did you leave me alone??
She said on the phone.

Bela-Chill girl!!
I heard Bela beside me. I was shocked. Shivanya was near the terrace entrance while we are hiding behind the decorations.

Shivanya-What chill!? It's dark here like a desserted place. Why did you bring me here!!

She said again and l chuckled slowly.

Shivanya-I'll kill you now!! Why are you repeating the same thing?? And.....
She stopped seeing the lights turning on. She was shocked and tears were spilling from her eyes.

Rhithik-Miss.Shivanya Mehra!! Will you marry me??
He asked on his knees with a ring. I smiled remembering my proposal to her and hers to me but ours was different.
She nodded crying and Rhithik slipped the ring in her finger. Shivanya's little tears started becoming loud sobs. She went on her knees and hugged Rhithik while he consoled her. They are such a cute couple.
We five left the place silently giving them some privacy.

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