31 / part 1

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Caroline's POV

Today Jack and I are flying out to see his sisters in Michigan.
(A/N If you don't know what they look like they are the ones in the pic Molly has brown hair and laura has blond)
I get out of bed and brush my teeth. I do only a little bit a makeup because I'll get ready after we land. I put on a sweatshirt leggings and black converse because it's going to be cold in Michigan.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a granola bar. "Ready" Jack says walking out of our room. "yes" I say. Johnson comes out of his room "ready" he says. We walk outside and put our bags in the trunk.

We blast music and talk all the way to the airport. we get out of the car and say bye to JJ and walk into the airport. We get past security and find our gate. we walk around because we have 20 till we board. I get a naked smoothie and sandwich. Jack gets a sandwich and chips.

We board the plane. I get window seat. "Hello everyone Delta airlines welcome you. We would like to inform you that there are going to be a few spare first class seats if you would like them please ask a flight attendant ." The intercom says. "Excuse me can we have the seats" I ask a flight attendant walking by "yes come right on up" she says and Jack and I grab our stuff.

We sit down and the plane takes off. Jack snapchats a picture of us. I put in ear phones and start listening to music and occasionally dancing to it.

We land. We walk off the plane and start walking to baggage claim. While we are waiting for the suitcases to start going I go on my phone.

I go on snapchat and look at jacks story. They are all videos of me dancing. Jack laughs looking over my shoulder. "I'm surprised i didn't notice" I say laughing. "Me too" Jack says kissing my forehead.
"Stop you two are too cute" I hear someone say. It's jacks sisters Molly and Laura. Jack hugs them and so do I. We get our bags and walk out of the airport.

"Aren't you cold" Jack says wrapping his arms around me "did you forget that I grew up in Minnesota" i say hugging his arms. "Literally my relationship goals" Molly says. Jack and I laugh.

We make it to the hotel that we are staying at. "where are mom and dad" Jack says Laura "they are in room 201 you guys are in 205" Laura says "thanks" Jack says "Molly and I are going to go back to the dorms and change really quickly then come back" Laura says "okay see you later" Jack and i say.

We find 201 and knock on the door. David answers "if it isn't my favorite person and Jack" he says hugging us. Katherine comes running up and hugging us. "Hey guys" she says "how was the flight" she asks "great" I say "we are going to go to our room" Jack says grabbing the key "ok text us when you want to meet up" David says
(A/N can we talk about how good David's snapchat stories for a second)

We walk into the room. It's 5:06. "Molly texted me saying that us 4 are going to dinner at 7:30" Jack says reading off is phone "sounds great" I say hugging him.


Part 2 will be up soon!


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