32/ part 2

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(Still Caroline's POV)

"I'm gonna really quickly shower" he says walking into the bathroom. I start to straighten my hair. After I finish I hear Jack come out of the bathroom. "That shower is amazing" he says laughing "I bet" I say laughing.

I do my makeup while Jack and I watch the office. "I'm going to get dressed" I say standing up. I get dressed in a pink purple and while peplum top, black skinny jeans, and black heels (pic above or to the side)

Right as I put on one of my heels there is a knock at the door. "I got it" I say standing up and then falling down. Jack and I start laughing really hard. They knock again and I try to get then door but then I fall again right as I open it. Jack and I start laughing so hard.

"Hey guys" Molly says walking in. "Hi" is all I manage to say. Jack just waves and he starts crying. "Jack I haven't seen you laugh this hard since Christmas" laura says laughing. Jack and I start laughing even hard from thinking about Christmas. "I can't breathe" I say laughing.

After Jack and I stop laughing my mascara is smeared. I fix it with a q tip. "Where are we even going" Jack says digging through his suitcase. "The place that we went to with mom and dad last time" laura says "oh that place was really good" Jack says pulling a shirt and pants out of his suitcase.

Jack takes out his shirt and puts on his maroon hoodie sweatshirt. "Damn my little brother has abs" Laura says laughing "he is very proud of them" I say laughing. Jack opens his mouth but then closes it and starts laughing. He puts on his grey pants and his shoes.

We grab our coats and walk into the hall ways of the hotel. Jack starts running down the hall ways.
We get into a taxi and go to the restaurant.

We sit down at a booth, Jack sits on the inside and I sit on the end. Molly and Laura sit on the other side. "Hi my name is Josh and I'll be your server" our waiter says. "what would you like to drink" he says "I'll have a coke" Jack says "I'll have a lemonade" I say "I'll have a water" Molly says "I'll have a ice tea" laura says.

After we get our drinks we order. I get parmesan chicken with pasta. We talk for a while. A show is on the tv their about mystery killers. Jack and I have been kind of watching it. It goes through every state and says the killer of someone shot, murdered, etc of only a few people

I watch the Minnesota one. "This women past away a little bit her name was Kimberly Rosemount" the voice of the TV says. Jack holds my hand very tight. "She was shot in the stomach by John Loset" the voice continues. "Excuse I need some fresh air" I say as my eye start tearing up.

Jacks POV

Caroline gets up from the table crying to go outside. "What happened" Laura asks nervously. I don't even listen to what she says "holy shit" I say putting my hands over my head. "Oh my God was that her mom" Molly says. I nod and get up to find caroline.

I walk outside and see her sitting down crying into her knees. I sit down next to her and rub her back. She rests her head on my shoulder. "Do you know him" I ask "kinda he was really quite and scary" she says.

"Let's go back inside" I stay grabbing her hand "okay" she says sniffling. We walk in and sit back down. Molly and Laura both get up and hug her and apologize. "I'm going to really quickly call my dad" she says "I'll be right back" she says getting up. "I'll go with her" I say. "Jack you are a really good boyfriend" Laura says "I try" I say winking.

"Hi dad" she says "I found out who shot mom" she says tearing up. I rub her back and she relaxes. "John Loset" she says and listens to her dad. After the call we sit back down.

We finish eating and go back to the hotel.

Caroline's POV

I put on sweatpants and put on one of jacks sweatshirts and take off my makeup. I snuggle up to Jack and fall asleep.


I wanted to have a little bit a drama in this chapter!


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