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Caroline's POV
Today is the day of my moms funeral and I'm not mentally ready at all. I get up shower, straighten my hair, do natural makeup. "You look beautiful" jack says hugging me from behind shirtless. "Thanks" I say tearing up walking over and getting my shoes. "Come here" jack says with his arms open. I walk over and hug him back digging my head into his chest. I start crying really hard. Jack keeps hugging me. "Do you guys want- sorry" Nolan says walking through the door and leaving. "You should get dressed" I say poking his chest. "You don't think I should go like this" he says pointing up at down his body. "Get dressed Gilinsky" I say laughing.

I'm wearing a black knee length dress, black tights, and black booties. Jacks wearing a black suit and black dress shoes. We walk out into the main area where everyone is and get breakfast. I have coffee cake and fruit.

"Coco and Jack can you help me" noah says in his pjs. "Yeah" we say getting up walking into Noah and my dads room. "Can you help get on my suit" he says. We help him get it on in just a few minutes.

"Everyone ready" my grandma says. I get on my coat and get into my grandparents other car. Jack gets into the car and I'm sitting on the passenger side. We drive over to the church. we make it to the church and everyone is getting out and walking in. Jack finds a spot and gets out of the car. He opens up my door and I start tearing up again. I grab his hand and we start walking in.

"I can't believe this is real" I say with tears rolling down my face. We walk over to the side. "I'm here for you babe" he says kissing me. i take a deep breath. "I'm ready" I say and we walk into the church.

After a short visitation we take our seats in the front row. I'm sitting next to my dad and Jack. Noah is sitting on the other side of Jack. I funeral begins and I start tearing up. Jack hold my hand through the whole thing. A few of my moms friends come up to talk. First is my moms best friend Jill. The next person that goes up is my moms second best friend. After the funeral I fell really sad. All of my moms closets friends and my family come back to my grandparents house.

A few people speak about her and tell stories. I was asked to speak about her at the funeral but I knew I wouldn't be able to do it. I decided my speak about her now. everyone is going around the circle that wants to speak says something about her. It's my turn.

"I was asked to speak at the funeral but I knew that I would probably end up standing in a puddle of tears" I say starting off. "One thing that I loved about my mom is that she could keep any secret safe or something that wasn't to good for me she could find out any secret" I say and my voice starts cracking. "She was the best mom I could ask for I loved her so much and sometimes we had fights, but the last year I have start to get really close and I don't remember our last fight" I say crying. "One of my favorite stories was in September when Jack and I just started dating and I you knew her she would always do this thing where you would be standing right beside her and she would kick you in the butt" I say crying laughing "but anyway Jack and I were getting ready to leave and we were talking to her and Jack was standing next to her, and I say bye and right before Jack moves she does the thing and I Was so embarrassed and jacks face was priceless and my moms face was historical" I say laughing but mostly crying and everyone else laughs.

I stop because I know I can't go any longer with our balling my head off. It's jacks turn. "Hi I'm Jack Caroline's boyfriend if you don't know me" he says I smile at him "So one time I was over at the Rosemounts house and caroline and I were watching the office in the living room" Jack says. I start laughing because I remember this. "There is this one episode where Michael goes and teaches at a school, and there are these really expensive textbooks and he takes one and rips it up and says "this textbook may be expensive, but this lesson is priceless" and mrs Rosemount comes into the room crying from laughing and she tells us that that's her favorite episode and when I say crying I mean she starts falling on the floor from laughing so hard" I say and everyone starts laughing.

After everyone went we got dinner. My grandma made soup and rolls. Jack and I get out dinner and sit down. We talk about stuff and put our dishes away and go back into the living room.

People start telling stories again and I start tearing up because of how much I miss her.

Jacks POV
Everyone is telling stories again and I can tell that caroline can't handle it because she is tearing up more and more every second. "Do you want to go into a different room" I say into her ear. She shakes her head no and tears start rolling down her face. She buries her face into in chest and I wrap my arms around her.

A few minutes later she runs out of the room and everyone looks at her. Her dad looks at me and I get up and try to find her. I find her in our room laying in her bed crying. I lay next to her and her cuddles up next me and falls asleep. she wakes up. "Wanna go back out there" I say "how about we watch Netflix" she says "I thought you'd say that" I say laughing and kiss her.

I get my laptop and log in. She insists on watching gossip girl. After a many episodes as falls asleep. I check the clock and its 2:32 am and I shortly fall asleep.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one is going to be on the shorter side but the one after that will be normal!!!

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