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*fast forward a few months*

Caroline's POV

"Hey wake up" jack says shaking me "why" I say rolling over "just look" he says hugging me. I open my eyes and see jack with a huge teddy bear. "Awww" I say hugging him "what's it for" I ask "nothing I just wanted to give you something to show that I love you" he says kissing me. The makeout session gets pretty heated until we hear Johnson "hey jack- okay nevermind" he says walking in then walking out. Jack and I pull away. "What man" jack says "I am not walking in there again" JJ yells. Jack and I laugh and walk out there. "What did you need bro" Jack says JJ. "I was wondering if you have seen my phone but I found it" he says. "Oh okay" Jack says walking over to the kitchen. Jack shows me his phone it was a tweet johnson tweeted. "@Jackjackjohnson nothing like walking into two people making out". I would have seen it but I left my phone in the bedroom.

After breakfast I get dressed. I decide to tweet back at johnson "@carolinerose you are welcome @jackjackjohnson". Jack walks into our room. I see he tweeted JJ back too. "@Jackgilinsky anytime bro @jackjackjohnson". I laugh. "we are going to go hiking" Jack says "are we now" I say "yes to the Hollywood sign with Cam Nash and Johnson" he says "ok mr" I say laughing. Jack tickles me. "Jack stop" I say trying to breath. "Only if you kiss me" he says "fine" I say and kiss him. Of course jack takes this chance and starts making out with me. "Hey what are you guys wearin- dammit guys shut the door" Johnson says. Jack and I start laughing. We hear our phones go off and see JJ tweeted again mentioning us. "@Jackjackjohndon twice in one day @jackgilinsky @carolinerose" I tweet back "@carolinerose blame @jackgilinsky for that one"

I get dressed in cropped black leggings, my black nikes, and a tie dye muscle tee. (Pic above or below). Jack lays on the bed while I get ready. I put my hair in a French braid and put on concealer, mascara and Chapstick. (a/n right now I am listening to doing it right and I am so proud of them and I guess gilinsky doesn't give a damn about what you say😂)

"Ready babe" jack says "yes" I say and help him up. We walk out and see the boys in the living room. Nash is tackling Cam and johnson is making a snapchat of them.

We walk out of our house. "Shotgun" Nash and I say at the same time (a/n or you can be Gilinsky and say shotty 😂) we both sprint to the car. We both pull at the door handle but it's locked. "Gilinsky open the damn door" nash yells. "Ok who ever can say what color underwear I am wearing gets the seat" jack says smirking "she's your girlfriend that's unfair" Nash says "guess first" I say laughing "black" Nash guesses "grey" I say smiling because I know I am right. "Shit" Nash says and jack unlocks the car. Jack gets in the drivers seat and I sit in the passengers and Cam JJ and Nash in the back.

"How's the weather back there" I ask Nash laughing "dude why didn't you guess grey that is literally the most common" cameron says laughing "black just came to mind" nash says laughing.

We park the car and start the hike. We all split off into separate conversions. Jack and I are talking together. "Do we have anything big happening this week" jack asks "in 6 days I think we leave to Omaha for the 4th of July" I say. "So tell me again what is happening" jack says "okay so the 3 days before the 4th is with my mom side who you have already meet then on the fourth and two days after is with my dads side which you haven't meet and I am terrified of you meeting" I say "why are you scared" Jack says putting his arm around my shoulder "because they are very loud and there is a lot of them" I say laughing "don't worry it will all work out" jack says kissing me. "Get it" Cam yells. Jack flips him off and we keep walking.

We make it to the top and we take a break and take pictures. Jack and I take a picture together smiling and then another one where he is kissing my cheek. Nash takes a picture in the middle of jack and I. He tweets it and posts it on Instagram saying "mom and dad".
I put the picture of him kissing my cheek as my background on my phone.

After the hike we drive home. I shower and jack JJ and I make grilled cheeses for lunch/ dinner.


hey hope you enjoyed

Okay it's not an authors note unless I talk about Jadison. It is actually tearing jack and jack apart like I found a video of Johnson looking really sad with Sam's arm around him and I started crying. Johnson fake smiles and I couldn't find the original but here is the video that I saw: http://instagram.com/p/0RIk8HLoIr/


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