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A few moments later he kept his phone down and went to sleep. I thought about this little friend of his even though it was not a good thing for me to think about him'

Half and hour later he was snoring and I rolled to the other side of the bed to see if he was asleep.

But I pushed him a little. He groaned looking back at me. I was such a great actor. My mouth was slightly open and my leg was on the pillow in the middle.

It totally looked like I was sleeping. I soon rolled to my side of the bed. And stretched my hand to reach my bag that's when i fell with a thud.

Jungkook let out a groan and then cursed. But then he looked at me on the ground rubbing my back and his eyes widened. "Hey you weren't sleeping?" he helped me get up. And as soon as he did he crossed the pillow line and grabbed my waist. Kind of hugging me.

I was of course, blushing, he looked at me with furious eyes. "You better SLEEP! NOW!" He looked really annoyed. "I will t-try to sleep" I said and tried to go to my side of the bed but he grabbed me again. This time he grabbed very tightly. He ran fingers through my hair.

He was warm and I could feel his abs. I had abs too but his abs felt like those guys work out and stuff. I was looking at him with my huge eyes. And he squinted his eyes like he was looking at something seriously.

"Aha one of pour eye is smaller than the others" he said and touched my eyes which made me close my eyes. "now that you've closed your eyes you can't open them until I tell you to" He warned and I nodded my head a little. And I soon fell asleep without me knowing. But I felt him go away from me. I realized that he was wiping my drool of his shirt.

I woke up early and took a bath, got dressed and this hoe was still sleeping. I left her too sleep for some time. In the mean time i realized she hasn't bathed in like 3 days because of the tape incident.
I kept a robe and towel ready and woke her up.

I shook her again and again. She woke up soon stretching and yawning I could see her abs a little when her shirt lifted up when she was stretching. "You can take a bath and get dressed" I said "Okay~" she said and took the towel and stuff and went to the bathroom.

Her voice was quite deep for a girl. And her raspy voices makes me feel some kinda way. I was scrolling on insta when she came back wearing the robe it was huge for her. "um jungkook we have a p-problem" I lifted my brow "What problem" she turned herself around facing the wall and started slamming her head lightly.

"I don't ha-have u-undergarments and the ones I was wearing um kinda uh g-got wet." my eyes widened "Oh Ohh can't you just wear something without them?" that was such a dumb thing to say

"Um I at lease need un-underthings" this was messed up "Right you need underwear. Since we have no choice I'm going to take this huge risk and get underwear" "What ok be quick, p-please" she said. And I rushed out.

Its been about 15 mins since I went and I finally found a shop. But they only had the lace shit and I had to buy that. I ran back so no one would notice the cover. "I'm back!" I said and threw the pain-in-the-ass cover to her.

She went to change. "Ew you could've gotten other Ones" she had the nerve to say that "your such an ungrateful kid" I said and she shrugged and changed. She came back wearing some black leggings which she found in her back pack and Taehyung's neon green shirt and a neon green hat backwards.

"Ow my eyes hurt" I said laughing "What~ It looks quite okay" I grinned "Yeah the hat looks cool" I said so that I didn't hurt her fellow feelings again but it really looked cool too. She smiled looking at herself in the mirror. "Since you look like your going to drown in that shirt let's take a picture"

I took our my phone and she posed with a '🤘' and I did the same. "Go and stand there" I pointed and she stood posing like a cool guy. And I laughed taking a photo. "Hehe Imma post these" I said and she nodded.

Liked by jungwon_is_cute, roses_are_black, minhos_back and 317 others Jeon_jungcock : She's like yoongay in 2016

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Liked by jungwon_is_cute, roses_are_black, minhos_back and 317 others
Jeon_jungcock : She's like yoongay in 2016. Swag~

Yoongay: STFU I was a growing kid back then.

Aussie_chan:it's going to rain soon. Wear a rain coat!

Jeon_jungcock: @Aussie_chan okay Karen🙂

Dahlia_torres : S W E G

Rock_chic_jay: @Dahlia_torres LOL SKSKSKS
85 more comments.

Then I went to snapchat and started talking. "Hola everybody. This is my first snapchat with a 21 year old kid" I brought the camera close to her. "Hola mi amigos. Yo soy Dahlia" i looked at her weirdly "Okay y'all can translate that" I chuckled and she laughed "So as you can see she's very short and perfect for a shoulder stand for me"

I rested my hand on her head. "Stop~~!" she whined and I laughed, ruffling her hair.
And then she snatched my phone talked a lot in a few seconds in Spanish or Italian I don't clearly know. I watched her lips move with every word she was saying.

Sometimes it sounded like she was cursing me but I didn't know so I shrugged it off. She kept talking and talking until I stopped her. And said Bai and she was jumping behind me to say Bai too. "I had more to say" she gave me a blood-curdling glare. I looked at her and then walked out taking my bag.

But she went inside the closet again and I followed. "What more do you wanna steal" I playfully asked. She scoffed and said "I am searching for a rain coat, look out it's raining" I went and opened the curtain it was raining.

"Move I know where they are" I pushed her away. And she stumbled and went back. "They're all huge so that's good for you." I chuckled and handed her a back one and took the white on for myself. We wore the coats and walked out. As soon as i opened the door I saw jimin and Taehyung standing.

I walked with a little away from her and went to taehyung since I knew he was gonna ask some prurient questions. But she kept following me. I was starting to get a little annoyed. I paused and so did taehyung "What. do you want now?" I asked and she shook her head. "go and walk with baldy or something. STOP FOLLOWING ME LIKE A KID WHO FOLLOWS THIER MOM"

I went a little too harsh but I didn't care at the moment. "S-sorry" she said and walked past me a little fast. The thing about her was she was too tender-hearted. I felt guilty but my thoughts went away when taehyung spoke.

"Is Dahlia still a virgo intacta?" i scoffed "Can't you just say virgin AND YES SHE IS, FUCKER" I said and hit him playfully. He had his dramatic sad face on. "I shouldn't keep my hopes up for now" he said drastically. I laughed and we reached the elevator soon.

ִֶָ𖧧. fingers jungkook ˖ʾ˓𖤣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora