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Its 7 am and its Sunday. I had to wake up early to take her to the dentist so me and taehyung have been knocking at her door for 18 minutes straight. God knows what she's doing in there. Is she dead or some shit?

"HEY! OPEN UP! WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" Taehyung screamed but there was no reply. I turned and saw baldy standing and asked him if he knew where my girlfriend is. "I saw her heading to your dorms direction a few minutes ago." he said

I groaned as we walked back to my dorm. She was sitting on the floor, scrolling on her phone. "TSK i stood there knocking on your door like a nincompoop for 20 minutes!" I said and she laughed.

"Anyways Let's go now" taehyung said and she  stood up. "NO! We have some business to do. You can wait out" I said and Taehyung smirked as he walked away. "What business- she was cut off by me attacking her neck.

I didn't give one fuck about giving her a hickey in a corridor. She couldn't help but let out a little sinful moan."J-jungkook w-what--- I cut her off with a kiss. I backed away and looked at the piece of art I made on her neck.

"Now that's a hickey" I did a chefs kiss "oh ohh o-okay" she blushed and I pinched her cheek "Aigoo your so cute" I said and she smiled "umm H-hickeys feel...weird" she said and she was lost in thought "There are things that feel Weirder" I smirked


I am so done with this juvenile. She was quiet and serene in the car but now she's crying. I'm literally dragging her and she's not even standing now. Everyone in the hospital are staring at us.

This was just mortifying! "You. Better. Get. Up" I said pulling between each word while taehyung was filming and laughing the fuck out of himself. "NOOO~! PLEASE JUNGKOOK~!" She whined and pulled her harder.

She held onto a random nurses pants and that was the worst thing she could do because I pulled her a lot so she pulled the young nurse's pants and BOOM the man's pants were off. Taehyung gasped as he set his camera aside to help the poor young man.

I had enough of her and picked her up in baby style. "Behave!" I said as she sobbed "I'm sorry baby  but we really need to remove that teeth" I said as we went in and Taehyung followed.

"Hello. I am sorry we are late because of an incident that occurred out of the blue."

I apologized to the dentist and she laughed "Oh yes I witnessed the "incident" she said "you can sit there" she said to Dahlia and Dahlia nodded rubbing her puffy eyes. "J-jungkook if I d-die please play everybody talks by n-neon tress on my f-funeral" she said.

"yeah sure" I rolled my eyes. I waited for an hour until she came out,stumbling. "Oh jungkook! It's you! Its been 345.60 years since I met you." she said as me and Taehyung cracked up "Ohh yes hello" I said

We walked to the car and sat down "Do you wanna know a fact about me?" she asked and a nodded "When I was 8 year old!" she said and sounded drunk "I wanted a kid for no specific reason. So I wrote 34 letters to the storks!" She pouted

"But my mom told me they didn't exist and I BELIEVE THAT THEY DO!" she sighed "What happened after that?" I asked "What do you think happened?" she sobbed "I-i did not get th-the B-baby" she Lowkey cried.

"JUNGKOOK STOP!" She said and I instantly stopped the car "What?! What?! What?!" I said "I saw a gigantic marshmello there!" She said and walked out. And I ran behind her. "jungkook get me one too!" taehyung tried acting cute.

"No fucker" I said and paid for ONE marshmello. She looked so happy about that one marshmello. "Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded with her stuffed bread cheeks.

Taehyung pouted sadly at her so she gave some to him. "Denks" he said and I sighed. I filmed Dahlia to flex on my story. We played some music while driving back to our dorms,things were going good until this happened.

~I can hear it calling~

"Umm why don't we just talk bout something instead of this?" said Taehyung while distracting us. I really didn't know why he was acting weird but realization hit me when I heard what song was being played.

"Nooo" she whined. I was too weak for her. I tried changing the song but she kept stopping me telling she loved that song.

"Why do you have change the song Jungkook its so nice" she said while stuffing a large chunk of marshmallow."But I still don't understand the comments people gave in the music video tho"

"Here we go again" Taehyung said in an annoyed tone.

"Girl the way you moOoOve~" I couldn't help but stare at her. I mean she wasn't the best at singing but she better than most of the people I know.

Time really flies it felt we just started but we already reached our dorms. I wish this ride was a little longer but yeah it had to end. It was so much fun but I still feel bad for the nurse.

She was quite annoying at first but now I find it cute. I went to check my messages and damn LITERALLY half of the university asked me who I was to Dahlia and trust me it's irksome.

"is she your girlfriend? Are you dating omoo?! I heard he took her virginity..." human beings disgust me sometimes ugh. Why would they even spread shitty rumors like those? She's a little juvenile.

Shit I'm soft. She makes me soft really often and that is not okay. But I would prefer that over her making me horny every minute for no reason. I have concupiscent dreams about that her.

ִֶָ𖧧. fingers jungkook ˖ʾ˓𖤣Where stories live. Discover now