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A/n I got my book covers and banners hsh0shsh THEY LOOK SO GOOD

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A/n I got my book covers and banners hsh0shsh THEY LOOK SO GOOD. Thank you ami_gguk!!

I am still in my pajamas and really annoyed, sad, anxious. Tell me something I'm not feeling. "I don't like her anymore I like Dahlia" I said to jimin as he Shook his head "Then break up with Olivia! You can't be a two timer!"

I nodded as I texted my girlfriend of 2 weeks to meet me. We dated for a short time so its no big deal. To be honest I don't even actually like her I said "I like you too" out of pity.

"Listen I'm sorry. I truly am. I just found the perfect Señora for me." i said looking at the poor soul in front of me "It's all good and I would love to be nothing but a friend to you" she didn't look hurt at all and that's a good thing.

"Any last wishes?" I asked smiling a little "It's not like I'm dying!" she giggled "I'll see you then, friend" I bid her a goodbye "Go get her. I'm rooting for you kook!" she said as I went to dahlias dorm.

Knock. Knock. Knock! After a few minutes the door opened. I didn't see who opened it and instantly hugged the person in front of me. But something felt weird. Where are her boobs?!

"Dood what the fuck-" It wasn't her i backed away pushing the man in front of me. "OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY-Lucas?" "Yes bitch!" he was an old friend "Its been a long time huh" I nodded "Where is Dahlia?" I asked

"You didn't get the notice?" I remember now. She probably moved to the top floor "Where is her dorm? Sorry I'm in a hurry" i asked and he told me where it was "She moved yesterday to dorm no.69 and class just finished a few moments ago so she must be coming back" I was shook

"Class?! What day is it?! Did I sleep for A fucking day?!" I asked him with wide eyes "It's monday and yes you slept for a day" I groaned "I'll catch you later I'm In a hurry!"

I walked to dorm 203 and knocked "Oh hi jungkook." lisa said with a smile "Is dahlia there?" i asked not bothering to say hello "Nope. She went somewhere with some stuff day before yesterday and damn she looked really hurt by your kiss and stuff"

I sighed, regretting life decisions. "Any idea where she went?" I asked "Uh no. I gotta go now sorry" she said and closed the door. What am i supposed to do now? Baldy probably won't talk to me and she barely has friends.

I am going to look for her...After eating. I went to a restaurant and bought a light meal. I was hungry but the thought of dahlia made me lose my appetite. I was in deep thought when my phone ringed "What do you want jim-" I was cut off by jimin

"Jungkook get your ass here now! We're filming our debut MV today! Did you forget?!" I gasped in horror  "I forgot wait im coming right fucking now!" I kept some money on the table and ran out "Everyone's in the set getting ready I'll see you there! Bye!"

I went to get my E-Type jaguar and went on full speed to the set.

Its been a peaceful day. I didn't attend any classes because I wanted to avoid jungkook at any cost.
The weather is a little windy and it's cloudy so it was going to rain soon. So I decided to do dance in the tent now.

And also it's like 5pm now so I was afraid too. While I was dancing it started raining very heavily but I didn't really notice because I had headphones on until the tent fell. "WOAH WHAT THE FUC-" I was cut off by the tent falling from the other side too.

It rained really heavily and I was all wet and frightened. I tried getting back on my feet but the wind was powerful. I hugged my knees, crying the fuck out of myself while I prayed that someone would save me.

I finished all the work and now I'm looking for dahlia I looked everywhere. She isn't picking up her phone. I had a little hope left that she would be in the roof.

I walked slowly and steadily so that I wound not slip. It was drizzling now and thankfully the heavy rain stopped. I went to a corner and saw a huge tent and it looked like someone was in it. Some sad music was playing.

I knew it was Dahlia as soon as i saw her teddy. "Dahlia...its me" I said as I started lifting the tent "P-please save m-me" she said with her little voice. I lifted the tent and pushed it away.

Her little petrified figure was shaking and wet. "I am so sorry." I cupped her face "I broke up with her okay?" I said and she cried more "I like you Dahlia. I really do" I looked at her big eyes "I-i Lo-Love you t-to-" she was cut off by me kissing her wet thin lips.

The sun was rising

I kissed her with all my heart. I was going to take another step and enter the tongue but she coughed which made back away. "S-sorry" she blushed.

"your boobs are magnificent" she turned around and hit her head against the wall. Now I was going to do some kdrama shit and give her my precious jacket.

She drowned in my jacket and turned back again. Her cheeks were a colour of sangria. "Looks like you have a high Hemoglobin huh?" I teased but it looks like she didn't get it "Y-yes it's 14.4" I chuckled

"That's great" I cupped her face again and rubbed her apple cheeks and she smiled. I never noticed the little dimple that came out when she smiled "It's cute" she tilted her head in confusion "Your dimple"

"Oh Gracias" she said and I didn't reply because I was busy staring at her boobs again. "S-stop-" my eyes widened "I'm sorry! They're just delectable...and juicy" I whispered the last part so that the ingénue wont faint out of embarrassment.

"It's 5:30 and class is in 2 and a half hours. We should hurry" I said and we went to the dorm.
"Key?" I asked and she gulped "I-i don't have it yet"

"Hey you-" I sighed and knocked

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