Chapter 901

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Matt's POV: When I asked Gabby when she was going to let me touch her while she was wearing the sexy lingerie she got for me as a Christmas gift, I saw her sigh. I was confused as to why she sighed when she obviously wanted to wear it for me. "What's wrong babe?" Gabby then looked at me. "I don't think I should've brought it. Now you are expecting it." I then decided to sit next to her and put my hand on her hip. "No, I'm not." Gabby seemed shocked when I said that. I then moved to my hand to her neck and smiled as I rubbed her cheek.

"Gabby, I am never going to expect sex. We still need to protect your life. Anyways, I think I forgot condoms so...we can't." Gabby chuckled and nodded. "Oh, what a shame." I chuckled and smiled when she said that. "However, I wouldn't mind just touching you in that." I then decided to run my hand up her shirt. "Maybe give you a preview of what's going to happen on New Year's Eve when we're alone at home." Gabby smiled as she grabbed my head before kissing me softly. "I love you." I smiled when she said that. "I love you too."

Gabby smiled and was about to kiss me again when I heard Jay again. He just looked at us and sighed. "Sorry, Will wanted to know whether you need anything to eat. He's making the meals today." I was confused when he said that. "What do you mean he's making the meals today?" Jay smiled. "Each couple is responsible for cooking one day and on Christmas." Turning to look at Gabby, I got worried about which day we had. "What day is ours?" Jay smiled. "The 26th"

I sighed and nodded. "Guess my plans for an exciting Christmas night just went down the drain." Gabby chuckled and put her hand on my neck. "Jay, can you give us some privacy?" Jay nodded and then closed the door. Once it was closed, I moved closer to Gabby and kissed her softly. "I promise, we will have an exciting Christmas regardless of whether or not we get intimate time. I am already excited because last time I only have one first Christmas." I smiled when she said that. "I am just glad we are getting a second first Christmas as a married couple."

Gabby agreed and smiled when I said that. "If you think you are going to enjoy our second first Christmas as a married couple, just wait for Valentine's Day." I chuckled and smiled. "I am actually really excited for that because we get at least 48 hours alone. Between my birthday and then Valentine's day." Gabby smiled when I said that. "So, just curious...are we going back to work in the New Year or are we staying off?" I bit my lip and sighed. "I don't know yet."

Gabby then rubbed my cheek with her thumb. "I'm asking because I saw that Chief e-mailed me whether I wanted to extend my leave longer than January 3rd." I looked at her and then leaned my forehead against hers. "We already talked about this. We both agreed the best bet was to stay until Matteo was 6 months. That way he has a better immune system. However, I know Sylvie is going to be out until the end of next year. So, maybe we can ask your brother?"

I hoped Gabby wouldn't mind doing that but, I never knew. I also didn't want to abuse/take advantage of the fact that Sylvie is home since she's pregnant. If she has to work, then she should. We can figure something out. 

Gabby's POV: There has to be some babysitting services that are open for the children of first responders. However, one thing that would be nice was if his mom could come to Chicago and help us. I mean, she hasn't met Matteo yet. Wonder what Matt would think about us hosting his mom at our place.

"I actually was thinking about somebody else. I know this is something you are going to need to talk to Christie about but...what if we asked your mom to come help us with Matteo when we went back to work?" Matt looked at me and then grabbed my hand. "That actually sounds like a great idea. I'm surprised she hasn't reached out to talk to us about him yet."

I then looked at him. "Matt, I think you should be the one to reach out. Haven't you guys kept in touch? I mean...where does she live anyways?" Matt sighed and thought about it. "I think she moved back to her hometown. She's from Pasadena, California." I was shocked when he said that. "Now I get where you get your surfer hair style! Shit, that makes so much sense now."

Matt chuckled and smiled. "You know, I probably should call her and see how she's doing. Have you ever met my mom?" I sighed and shook my head. "I don't think so. You were with Hallie when she got released from jail." Matt nodded and agreed. "Listen, I think she still has the same number. Mind maybe if I call her?" I nodded and smiled. "You talk to her first. I will listen."

Matt agreed and smiled, rolling over to grab his phone so that he could try and call his mom. I just hope she didn't change her phone number.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 1Where stories live. Discover now