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Taeyhyung pov:
So today I broke 1plates , 5 eggs , and dropped the baby formula (milk powder). Now my house smells more than shit. The powder dropped on the eggs that I knocked down. Anyway Tae eun is already full.....I guess.

I just first used my vacuum cleaner to suck the non-egged powder around the egged ones but the vaccum was strong enough to suck the liquid and now the vacuum cleaner smells like a rotten eggs. It's not my fault, who knows that it is soo powerful?! But the floor got cleaned anyways!

Today y/n had her first talk as RJ! I was soo excited for her voice from a radio. She was thinking over and over for an name and at last she chose Kim To-ri. But her workstation is really far away. She should departure earlier from the house to be on time.

I usually don't use radio, but I got a new one yesterday. Her show starts at 9 am. She was nervous about it. But she can do it! She is capable of doing anything of her interest.

Soon the clock ticked 9 and the show was on air. Little tae eun was in her crib sleeping beside me. I just completed my today's chapter of narration, so I got some extra time to listen.

She spoke , but not much. Mostly she was outshined by her partner, not by talent but by overtalks. She barely let her to speak. But when she spoke, she wasn't lucky!

A freakin, selfish, workless, grumpy, ahjusshi tried to tease her! I was really angry on that guy. He just asked 'how to play to get hard'!!

How could he speak to my wife like that. Y/n was kinda speechless for a second but then she gave an appropriate answer and again he triggered her.........does this grumpy ass don't have any other business? Oh right he is unemployed, but still does he take this open talk for granted? At last she gave an answer and shut that mans mouth. Phew!! I wish I could speak.............wait I can.

But what's the toll free number. Woah lemme google it and what should I google.......call number of xxxxxradio stations, but it got a numbers running down the list and how the heck will know which number.

At last when the break was on, they announced the numbers!!Oh, they did it every time how could I notice! Anyway, I called though the break was still on. At first a female spoke. She asked my name. Wait....I can't use my real name.

Y/n can't guess me. Think......at last I choose Kim Yeontan. Ah I wanted that to be the name of my first pet, but that's fine I didn't get one yet. 

Th3y said me to wait.......which felt like forever at last our calls connected luckily it was only her this time.

I tried to say some encouraging words and the answers the question of the day and she kinda sounded calm after she spoke to me.

I am sure that y/n didn't guess me......with the proud of success I crossed my leg......maybe a little too high it hit the table and knocked down the breakfast plate. Aiiish.......it just scattered in million pieces and woke up Tae eun. Poor baby started to cry. I cut the call and took Tae eun. I again put Tae eun to sleep. Suddenly I heard my phone bing.....when I looked into it I really hoped it was y/n, but she was still on air. And then I realised it was the owner of the book I am narrating.

Didn't I post today's?...............wait did I? I did finish but I didn't post..........What the heck!!!

The next moment I posted the narration I was freakin 5 hours late. I already took some extra time to do this extra long chapters. What reason should I give........... 'my WiFi didn't work' , 'I lost my phone', 'I lost my voice'........but anyway I got a call again,  and the caller ID read 'authornim' ah its him the author!! The owner!! I picked the call up ....... ready for the consequences

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