52 I Love You 100,000

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A/N: If this title gives anyone Endgame flashbacks, I'm sorry.

The impact from Iron Tail spread like a shockwave throughout Golem's entire body, from the tips of its teeth to the claws on its feet, causing him to faint before he even hit the ground.

"What the...? Where'd that rat come from?"

"You're okay!" Pikachu landed in front of me. She still wore her scarf, and she held the beanie in her mouth. After taking a moment to set the hat back on her head, Pikachu growled at our opponents. "I'm guessing that was payback, right?"

Seeing his Pokémon get taken out so easily was nothing short of surprising, and yet it left Attila slightly impressed as well. "Not bad, but don't be too sure of yourself. The next one won't be so easy. Call him my trump card."

He tossed a Poké Ball.

From out of the device emerged a Pokémon taller than everyone here. A reptilian mass of green scales, teeth, and claws, and an equally-sharp set of eyes that stabbed souls, and spikes decorating its head, back, and tail. Its snout wrinkled with a thirst for battle. Fangs were bared. A growl came from its throat; a very intense, sharp, rumbling hiss that could be felt with the bottoms of your feet.

Thankfully, I was afraid of ghosts and not reptiles. If I had even an ounce of herpetophobia, I would've sprinted away from there as fast as a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.

"And I thought Gyarados was scary."


"You kids have never seen one before, have ya? If you think it looks cool, just wait and see its power! Tyranitar! Hyper Beam!"

With a spine-chilling snarl, Tyranitar cracked its jaws open.

In a blink, the dirt patch where we stood a moment ago had been burnt by Hyper Beam, drawing a trail all the way to the water.

"Thanks for getting out of the way." Attila fired another net that captured Charmeleon, Persian, Primeape, and the Eevee family. "Ooh. That silver Eevee will get me some cash for sure, and that Butterfree."

"Stop it! Vulpix and Ponyta use Fire Spin!"

"Tyranitar!" In a single movement, Tyranitar was in front of its trainer and shielding him from the combined Fire Spin. Smoke and embers bounced off its body while it remained perfectly still, smirking just like its trainer.

"No damage?!"

"Now use Sandstorm!" Tyranitar roared. A giant sand twister appeared and surrounded its body, gradually moving towards us. The growing tornado swallowed Nidoking in its wake, but it looked unharmed.

"Right. Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-types don't take damage. Rhyhorn, block it!"

Rhyhorn jumped in front of Vulpix and Ponyta to shield them.

"Nice! Now, our turn. Just like we practiced. Thunder Bolt!" By bracing himself against the dirt, Rhyhorn fired a deadly bolt of lightning from his horn. It tore through the sandstorm and struck Tyranitar in the face, staggering him. "Bullseye!"

"While they're busy, we'll take Nidoking. Kadabra use Psybeam!" Kadabra appeared to the side of our opponents and shot his attack. However, the whirling sandstorm reduced the Psybeam to a simple ray of light that left Nidoking completely unharmed. "What? Just how strong is that sandstorm?"

"Strong enough. Megahorn!" Nidoking knocked out Kadabra.

"Shit," cursed Paul.

"You annoying brats need to quiet down." Attila aimed the cannon again, and fired.

Trials of a Champion - Kanto [Pokemon x OC]Where stories live. Discover now