26 A Tale of Six Tails

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We planned to eat lunch at the Pokémon Center's picnic area. Paul offered to pay for the entire meal; remembering my manners, I thanked him. While he and the Pokémon grabbed food, I hurried off real quick to take care of some personal business.

Now, Paul sat with Luxio, Grotle, Eevee, and Growlithe waiting for me to return.

"Where the hell did Rosa say she was going?" grumbled Paul.

Luxio barked, chastising him for being impatient and reiterating the fact that I warned them about being a few minutes late.

"She could've at least allowed us to start eating without her."

Grotle smacked him for suggesting something so rude.

"No, it's alright, Grotle. I honestly didn't expect him to wait for me," I said as I approached their table with hands on my hips. Paul's impatience surprised me very little. "That's asking too much."

Their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

Paul shot up out of his seat. "Did you really make us wait just for a wardrobe change?!"

As I straightened the hem of my blue tank, I flatly answered, "I told you I was going to get changed. There was no way I could wear my old dress after it got torn up. So, this is my new look! What do you think?"

All the Pokémon voiced their approval, especially Luxio. He barked and wagged his tail with a wide smile.

"Thanks, guys!"

While they all marveled at me and my new outfit, Paul kept his flustered expression out of sight. "When... When did you even buy those?"

"I didn't. Nurse Joy gave them to me. She did a great job picking it out." Eevee hopped onto my shoulder. "You think so, too? The clothes are so light and comfy, and this skirt isn't too short. And you can't ignore the vibrant colors."

Despite loving the current red and blue theme, Grotle suggested wearing green clothes next time.

"I'll keep it in mind."

"Okay, okay. Enough with this sideshow," groaned Paul, his head still turned away. "Can we just move on from this shit and eat now...?" His eyes snapped open because, once again, he let his mouth do the talking.

"Hmph. And here I thought you'd actually be nice after everything that's happened," I spat with narrowed eyes.

"No, wait! That came out wrong. I mean—"

"Meant what? You worded it pretty clearly. After all, you couldn't care less about cute things like fashion, right?"

He sheepishly turned away. "Uh, well, that's true in most cases. But that's not what I'm saying here. I..."

"It's fine. Just forget it. Sorry, I made such a big deal out of something so stupid. I'll try to keep it under control next time." Ignoring his terrible attempts to correct himself, I shoved past him and took the opposite seat. "The only reason I'm here is because you bought me food. So, what's for lunch?"

After a moment, he plopped down in his chair. "Here. I figured these would be perfect for a time like this." He reached into his backpack and took out a couple of boxed lunches, plus several cans of Pokémon food. "There's no cooking involved and they're portable."

"Wow," I gasped.

Paul misinterpreted my tone. "Hey. I know it's not your cooking, but it's the best stuff they had in stock. If you don't like it then..."

"I never said it didn't look good, Paul!"

He stopped.

With my chest aching, I struggled to resist throwing something at him. "You really have a problem with everything that comes out of my mouth, don't you? I'm starting to think the food isn't even worth it."

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