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TW: This chapter has mentions of sexual assault near the end. Please proceed with caution.


"Im excited." I say as I bounce up and down impatiently on the balls of my feet.

Jack was the only other person ready for this party. Zack and my parents were taking too long to get ready.

It is nine o'clock right now and I'm quickly losing patience. "I'm ready to go." Zack says as he exits the bunk area.

"Okay, but what about my parents?" I ask.

"They're still getting ready." Zack explains, scratching the back of his neck.

"They're probably busy sucking face before the party." Jack rolls his eyes.

"Ew." I cringe at the image Jack gave me.

After a few more minutes both dad and papa emerge from the back of the bus.

"Finally." I complain, "We have to go, while people are still sober." I say, dragging them out of the bus.

"Are your friends going to be there?" Papa asks.

"Yeah, we're gonna hang out till everyone's drunk and boring." I explain.

"Drunk people aren't boring." Dad adds, "they're hilarious."

"They're weird." I reply.

"Okay, true, especially when you are sober and they are not." He agrees.

"I'm just really excited to meet everyone." I reply.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Papa adds.

When we get to the party there people all sitting around, drinks in hand, listening to music. I scan the area looking for faces I recognize. Not too far infront of me I spot Cody Carson and Maxx Danziger from my favorite band, Set It Off.

I was immediately star struck as I realized that only a few feet infront of me was two members of my all time favorite band. The band I've been listening to since I was eleven, and now I have the chance to speak to them.

My legs have seemingly forgotten how to move as I just stand and stare. I am so relieved that they have yet to look in my direction as I am sure I look completely insane right about now. "How can you still be star struck?" Papa asks as he pats my back.

"It's the- what?" I was struggling to form proper sentences as I gaped at these poor innocent people who I am sure would not appreciate being stared at while off stage.

"Go talk to them." Papa suggests.

"No, I- I can't." I reply nervously, becoming increasingly, uncharacteristically shy.

"I'll introduce you." Dad says happily. before I could process what was even going on I was being pushed in the direction of the two men I was previously gawking at.

"Hey, Cody." Dad greets him on a first name basis as if they have been friends their whole lives.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Cody Carson replies as they pull eachother into a quick bro hug.

I was in awe at this interaction, my father was acting so casual around this man I have mentally put on a high pedestal.

"This is my daughter Stella." He introduces me, "she's a huge fan of your music." He explains, completely singling me out and putting me on the spot.

"Is that so?" He asks, "I didn't know you had a daughter." His last statement directed towards the parent to the left of me.

Papa was standing to my right by he had been silent during the entire exchange. I guess this makes sense as I have always seen dad as the more charismatic of the pair. Papa's people skills are a bit more, I would like to say blunt, if that makes sense. He is still great with people, do not get me wrong.

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