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"Sign my yearbook." I say happily as I shove my yearbook towards Dakota

She hands me hers, I flip through the pages full of signatures until I find a blank page, "You're my best friend! I hope you have an amazing summer, I'm sorry that I'm so busy over the break but we'll hang out before I leave. -Stella" I wrote her a mini paragraph before handing it back.

She hands me mine and I immediately read it. "Have a great summer bb! I'm going to miss you so much! You have my number if you ever need me! Hope to see you soon! -Dakota" I smiled at her mini paragraph.

"I'm going to find Lydia and get her to sign it." I smile.

Her smile falters slightly, she must not have wanted to part ways so soon. I did say we would probably hang out before I leave. She thinks I am going on a family vacation, which I guess is not entirely incorrect. It is just also warped tour.

After just a small amount of searching, I was able to find Lydia. "Hey." I smile at her.

"Hey." She replies happily.

"Wanna sign my yearbook?" I ask.

"Of course." She says happily as she takes it from my hands.

"Wheres, yours?" I ask.

"Don't have one, too expensive." She shrugs.

"Oh." I say, I was somewhat bummed I did not get to sign one for her.

She shuts my book and hands it back to me with a smile. "Hey, can I come home with you?" She asks.

"Yeah let me just ask my dad." I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

The phone rings a few times before he picks up, "Hey." He greets.

"Hey, uh, can Lydia come home with us?" I ask.

"Uh, ask papa, I'm at Jack's right now." He says.

"Why are you at Jack's?" I ask first, "I thought you said you were picking me up today."

"Just a change of plans." He says casually.

"Okay but, why are you with Jack?" I ask again.

"You know what he's going through right now he needs me." He replies.

"It's been over a month, dad." I reply, "You are always with Jack, you see jack more than you see me, your daughter!" I was not in the mood to argue over the phone but it was all just coming out at once. It was true, he was always with Jack I felt like I never saw him, not to mention he won't let me come with.

"I know sweetheart, I promise I'll be home soon and we can spend as much time together as you want." He explains.

I sigh before hanging up. I did not even say goodbye, I was upset. I just wanted both my parents to be here and be happy but all they do is argue now.

I dial papa instead. The phone rings once before he picks up, "Hey sweetheart, I'm on my way to pick you up." He says into the phone.

"Okay, uh, can Lydia come home with us?" I ask through the phone awkwardly.

"Yeah, of course!" He responds happily.

"Okay, thanks." I reply.

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute." Papa says.

"See you soon." I say before hanging up the phone.

I turn to Lydia who probably heard both conversations, "you can come over." I reply.

"Nice." She smiles at me.

"I get picked up at that parking lot." I say as I point in the general direction of the parking lot.

Adopted by Rilex (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now