2 - She was as persistent as Death

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I kicked myself mentally for getting myself caught in this situation. I should have trusted my gut in the morning and never ventured out here. But, here I was, trampling through underbrush with a peppy ans persistent werewolf. I took the moment to study her as she able on about her pack. She had a green aura, so in tune with the world around her that she harmonised with its energy, down to the beating of her heart. That, and the fact that she was a werewolf, meant losing her was not an option.

"Are you listening?" She bad stopped walking and was looking at me with a strange expression.

"No," I adjusted my bag and looked around. The woods here were plain and ordinary.

She sighed softly and stepped back. "I'm sorry if this is all too much and I'm overwhelming you, I just want this to work out."

She looked at you with concern. I frowned at the thought that anyone would need to be concerned for me. I was perfectly content with my life.

"You're not overwhelming me, you just talk a lot." She raised a brow as I said that, another smile spreading across her face. God's, she smiled a lot.

"Talking is overwhelming, I'll try not to blab on too much."

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked and she started walking once again.

"Well, you said you don't know anything about me. Most of my life is dedicated to the pack so I figured I'd show you around." I nodded as the trees began to thin out, eventually leading to a huge clearing, stretching out for acres in all directions.

"This is quite the space you have here," I mused and she nodded.

"The pack grounds are huge, us wolves need our space," she said as she waved at a group of people sitting in the grass not too far from us.

"So," I started, hoping that some attempts at conversation would satisfy her need to know me, "what exactly does a pack do?"

She looked up at me, a slightly bewildered look on her face. "You don't know what a packs for?"

"Do I look like a wolf to you?"

"I know you're not a werewolf, but they don't teach you guys about other species back at home?" She asked and I shook my head. "That's weird, we learn about the others here in schools, at least the basics."

"Warlocks spend the majority of their lives in Ravenvein, we don't see the need to know more about the other kinds," I said matter of factly, and I saw her frown at that statement.

"Well, the pack is like a huge family. Most of the wolves in Raynor live here, though some live in the towns and cities outside the forest. We are all bound together by a pack bond, it allows us to communicate mentally with each other, and with people you're closer to, like family and friends, you can feel their emotions too."

"Sounds invasive." She laughed, a light airy sound that carried in the breeze.

"It does but its not, no one can pry into your mind, its only what you share with them." I nodded and continued to follow her as we walked through the field.

Eventually, a cluster of cabins and houses began coming into view.

"We have a couple little villages like this spread out over the clearing where we live. There's a large one up near the northern point of the pack where the royals live," she explained and I watched as she used her hands to express herself.

"You're staring," she said quietly.

"I'm studying."


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