42 - Resistance

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Kydas POV

I sighed and twisted over in the bed. I couldn't sleep all night, feeling irritated and restless. I needed something but nothing brought me any comfort. I needed Ibhan. But I had no idea where we stood with each other after last night.

"Hi baby," my mum called as she walked in, "oh you look exhausted," she cooed as she sat beside me, pulling her in to her chest. I definitely felt more comfortable in her arms, but it wasn't enough.

"I'm okay, just need my own bed I think," I said and she kissed my forehead.

"Soon, baby, and then you can stay laid up in that bed until I'm ready to let you go again," she said with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes.

"I missed you," I said as I rested my head on her shoulder. "Even without all the horrible stuff that happened, it was still so weird to be away from home."

"Well we're just glad you're back in one piece," she said, kissing my head again. After a few more moments she held me back at arms length. "Kalina told us all the details," she said softly, "how are you really?"

I felt hot tears burn behind my eyes as my mother studied my face. I took a deep, shuddering breath but I couldn't swallow my emotions this time and I sobbed into my mothers arms. Big, ugly sobs that made my bride tremble and tear that soaked through her shirt. I sniffed hard, gasping for breath and my mother smoothed back my hair.

"Okay, baby, okay, you're hyperventilating you gotta slow down," she said softly and I grabbed her arms, feeling light headed, my lungs struggling to catch up with my body.

"Hey, hey, look at me, copy me," she said, taking in deep slow breaths. It took me another minute or so to finally get control of myself, though my body still shook as my my mother held me. "Good, you're okay, you're doing so good," my mother encouraged me softly as I relaxed. She got me comfortable and laid me back down in the bed, and she stroked my hair before I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, hushed voices spoke at the end of my bed.
"Are you sure? I don't think being here is doing her any good—"

"No, she should stay where the doctors are close by—"

"I'm not staying," I said, groggily wiping at my face, "I'm going home," I said as I finally focused on the sight of my parents standing at the end of my bed.

"Kyda," my father said, sitting down beside the bed, "I think you should stay here, at least for another few days," he said and I shook my head.

"I understand your concern but I am not staying here any longer than I need to," I said and he huffed.

"Kyda don't do this," he said but I held up my hand.

"No. You can't do this to me, I was locked in a cell for days and beaten and tortured and my only friend was a blind dreamwalker and they couldn't do much for me but at least they made me sleep through the pain, I can't do that here!" I said, my volume rising as I spoke, my voice shaking with emotion.

My father sat back, looking defeated, tears at the corners of his own eyes. "I'm sorry," he said softly, "I just need to take care of you," he said.

"I need to go home," I told him, "now, please," I said and he nodded as he hugged me to his chest.

"I will kill the people who did this to you," he murmured as he kissed the top of my head.

"Not if I beat you to it," I told him and he squeezed me once more before they agreed to take me home.

When my dad wheeled me out of the door, I couldn't help but tip back my head, soaking in the warm rays.

"Oh my god, I think I'm in heaven," I sighed, and my dad laughed as he stopped, giving me a minute to enjoy the sun before we got in the car someone had driven over.  "No quad bike?" I asked and my father shrugged.

"I figured we could do without the gawking crowds," he said and I nodded in agreement. I wasn't up for any well wishers just yet. Before we moved on, I couldn't help but look towards the spot I had been in last night, where Ibhan had found me.

"Ready?" My dad asked and I wasn't, part of me hoping Ibhan would walk out from between those trees again, but I nodded anyway.

The sight of my home made my heart ache a little. I felt like I had been away for so long, and nostalgia swallowed me for a moment as I entered the house. I sat in the living room for a while as my parents fussed at me, making sure I wasn't in any pain or needed anything.

The pain was still there, but it was more of a dull throb throughout my body. I still didn't have much of my abilities back, though I'm sure my sense of smell was a little sharper. My mum kept feeding me little snacks and fruits throughout the evening, telling me I needed to get my weight back. My body was still battered and it would be a while before I was back to how I was.

My siblings came over for dinner, lounging across the living room with me, and be evening I felt much better.

"My husband said he'll be happy to deal with the kids alone tonight if you want me to stay," Kalina said later as she hoisted me up the stairs to my room. I wiggled back against my pillows and relaxed.

"I'm not opposed to some company," I said, hoping that having her here would help me sleep some more. I missed Mits' little black out trick, feeling exhausted but enable to keep my eyes closed.

"Good," she wasted no time crawling into the bed beside me, and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Was it this bad for you?" I asked and she sighed.

"Girl I don't think anyone has had it as bad as you," she said, taking one of my hands in hers. They were firm and warm, her skin soft to the touch.

"I think he held me, very close to his body," I said, remembering how it felt when he touched me, and those moments of relief when we escaped. "I think he risked his life for me," I said.

"Well, he's certainly welcome back here any time he likes," she said softly.

"I don't even have the strength to go and find him, to say thank you, to say-" I gestured vaguely, "anything at all."

"Do you want me to go find him?" She asked and I looked up at her in surprise.

"Would you really?" I asked and she smiled.

"I remember what is was like being away from my mate for just a few days, knowing that he would be back, and how uneasy I still was. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now with no idea of what the future of your relationship with him looks like," she said and for the second time that day, I was ready to cry.

"I just need to speak to him and clear my head and set things straight," I said, "I don't know what our relationship will be, but I know there has to be one. And," I felt my face warm as I thought of Ibhan a little more, "I like his moody attitude, and the fact that he's a little obsessed with flowers. Oh, and his drawings? They're beautiful," I said, catching myself when I realised Kalina was staring at me with a huge grin on her face.

"My baby sister is crushing so hard right now," she said with a shake of her head, "I never thought I'd see the day."

"Shut up," I said, pushing her shoulder away from me and she laughed.

"Its okay, you wanna lie on your tummy and get your diary out? Kick your legs while you write 'Kyda hearts Ibhan' all over it?" She teased and I hit her with a pillow, satisfied that it was better than the shot I had taken at Remus the previous night.

"I just like hanging out with him," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Girl, you got it so bad," she giggled and I pressed a pillow to my face as my own grin took over. He was handsome, and lean, and he picked pretty flowers. God I had it so bad.

"You're supposed to be taking care of me," I told her once I had composed me face and removed the pillow.

"I am," she said, very matter of factly, "when was the last time you smiled like that?" She asked and I sighed. She was right, she always was.

This one is a little shorter because I just wanted to explore the emotional fall out of what Kyda has been through the last couple chapters

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