33 - Whispers and confrontation

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Kyda's POV

My sides hurt and part of my body throbbed with pain as I lay on the floor for the rest of the day. I couldn't get up anymore, the exercise may have been a bad idea. Mit tried to get me up again but I waved them away, giving in to the exhaustion.

At some point in my feverous dream, I thought I felt fingers brush against my face, and the faint smell of burning lavender flitted through the air. I sighed as goosebumps raced across my skin as I thought of Ibhan. No one had really prepared me for this reality, that if I didn't find him right away I would feel it this badly. But then again, nor was anyone prepared for the possibility that I would be lying in a cell drugged out of my mind to make sure I could truly feel pain.

Mit kept trying to make conversation with me every now and again, but I didn't have the heart to respond.

"think we're losing her..." I heard as I opened my eyes again. A face I recognised was in my cell, almost nose to nose with me. Amotan my brain faintly registered. I groaned as he picked me up under my arms, sitting me up against the bars. He splashed my face with water and I gasped, more alert as I reached up to wipe at my face.

As my vision cleared I noticed the mottled purple-green bruises across his face and arms, and the awkward way he knelt down. "Don't you go worrying about me," he murmured as he brang forward a bowl of slop, "you look far worse for wear." I tried to eat but my throat was sore and I choked on the warm broth instead, most of it trailing out of the side of my mouth.

Amotan kept trying to feed me and eventually, I gently pushed the bowl back. He sighed and set it down, wiping at my face with his damp cloth before he moved on. From this position Mit got back to work in trying to keep me awake, but it was far easier to let my eyes roll back in my head and slip into another delirious sleep.

My cell door opened again and I opened my eyes, blinking away the sleep. I was still propped against the bars of Mit's cell, and I groaned as I turned to face the door.

"Oh good, you're awake," Nathaniel said, crouching before me. I bared my teeth at him but I couldn't get my fangs to move, meaning I only flashed him a set of unimpressive human teeth. "Cute," he said as he gestured to two guards to step in.

"Where's Mia?" I asked, my voice croaky.

"Don't you worry, wolf, we're going to see her now," he said as the guards lifted me from under the arms and dragged me out of the cell. I heard Mit protest but a firm whack to the cell with a baton quieted the cells. They dragged me down the familiar route, though this time I noticed that Mattise was stood up in his cell, watching closely.

"Hey, Nathan," I called up, splittering before his full name could leave my mouth, "is this about the skull?"

In a flash I was pressed up against the bars of a cell, the guards had little daggers drawn, but an arm wrapped around my neck protectively from behind. Mattise stood right beside me, eyeing the guards coldly. Nathaniel smiled thinly and nodded to the guards to back down. I t was definitely about the skull.

"Seems you've made quite the little party of friends here," Nathaniel said as he gripped my jaw, "I guess we'll have to give them the same VIP treatment you're getting."

I growled lowly but he only tapped my cheek lightly before he continued walking, the guards pulling me away from the cell. I turned back and nodded to Mattise who looked hot with fury. I was taken to a different room this time, where there were more people, including Mia.

"Mia, how nice to see you," I called and she turned around, "I was afraid they forgot to invite you," I told her as the guards dumped me in a chair. I looked back at the people behind her, the adrenaline of the encounter in the cells still egging me on. "Who are your friends?"

Mia rolled her eyes before turning back to her group, leaving the guards to secure me to the chair. I whistled absently as they did, looking around the room. There was a small window in this one, but thick bars covered most of it. There were rows of cabinets across one wall, and a cluster of chairs filled with the new audience.

"She asked about the skulls today," I heard Nathaniel say and Mia immediately turned towards me.

"What do you know about the skull?" she asked, stalking towards me the way a cat stalked its prey.

"That you didn't do a very good job guarding a bunch of old bones," I said and she back handed me across my face. I laughed thinly, the sting of the slap was nothing compared to everything else, "you know most cemeteries can remain without guards since its so easy to stop people from taking bones, but you couldn't even manage that, could you?"

She raised her hand again, this time in a fist, but Nathaniel held her back. "Don't let it get personal," he warned, piquing my interest.

"Wait it was actually you?" I asked, scoffing, "I was talking about warlocks as a whole but it just seems you're bad at your job," I told her, "and everyone else is suffering for it." If looks could kill I would have been dead in that moment, but she turned away from me to the group of warlocks at the back of the room.

"As you can see, the suspect is uncooperative and obstructing the course of the investigation," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"They have the wrong person," I called, and Nathaniel dug his fingers into my shoulder. I leaned over and bit into his wrist and he yelped, pulling his hand back. "They may be human but they still bite," I hissed as he checked his hand.

"Why do you say that?" one warlock asked. He was an older man, hair greying in the fluorescent light.

"I came here for one reason only, and they don't believe me," I said, and he gestured for me to continue. "I came here to find my mate," I looked over to Nathaniel, "and he knows its true, but he just gets a kick out of torturing me, probably because he's in love with her," I said nodding over to Mia. She glared at me but I was over it. I needed out of here.

"Is this true?" the man asked and Mia waved her hand.

"A werewolf and a warlock? That combination is highly unlikely—"

"but not impossible," the man added, quieting Mia's excuse. "Did either of you bother to corroborate this story with her supposed mate?"

"She said her mate is Ibhan," Nathaniel added, sharing a look with the man that my brain was too foggy to interpret.

"Well that certainly complicates things," the man said. He looked at me with what I thought could be pity. "She'll have to go."

"You're letting me go?" I asked, my head perking up. The adrenaline had faded and the sleep was slowly pulling me under.

"Oh no, we cant let you go now," the man said, "that would cause far too many problems. We'll have to kill you," he tutted as he wrote in a small journal. Memories of Ibhan flashed in front of me, distorting my view. I strained against the restraints.

"No, I came here for my mate, and I will get to him," I said as I pulled against the chains.

"Poor thing, you don't want any of that melodrama," the man said, "you'd rather die." Something snapped, and a moment later I was stood up, chair clattering behind me, and my hand was wrapped around the mans throat, squeezing red into his cheeks.

"Hey, let him go!" Mia yelled picking up her wand. I threw the man back, the surge of anger fuelling my movements as I leapt towards her. Before she could wave her wand I grabbed her wrist, pulling it back and slamming her against a chest of drawers. She screamed and the other bodies in the room came to life, swirling around me. The shadows seemed to come to life and I clawed my way out of them and towards Nathaniel. He grabbed the vial of wolfsbane and dipped a knife into it, just as I pounced on him, fangs bared this time.

"Sorry, wolf," he grunted as he slashed at my arm with the poisoned knife, "you should have just shut up." I slashed my claws across his face as my vision began to blur. I tried my hardest to fight the feeling this time, focusing on the pain and on feeling. Focusing on the thought of Ibhan.

But a sharp blow to the back of my head sent me sprawling to the ground.

"Get her down and in the cell," someone yelled, "she needs to be bumped up the list. Immediately!" 

Will Ibhan find Kyda in time????? Or is she doing to die?????

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