50 - Heart to Heart Monitor

96 14 4

Kyda's POV

He was cold, colder than normal, when I took his hand in mine. I smoothed back his hair from his face, letting my fingers gently trace some of the bruises on his face. The blanket had been securely tucked around his waist, only his arms out for the access. I sat down on the edge of his bed and watched him for a few minutes before someone cleared their throat again.

"Kyda?" Damien said, slowly approaching the bed. I looked up at him, though my head felt heavy and my eyes were filled with tears.

"Hm?" He nervously scratched at the back of his neck.

"I think you should lay in the bed, the closer the better," he said. I looked down at Ibhan and was suddenly nervous.

"I don't think he'd like that," I said and Riaz scoffed.

"Sorry, but when we rescued you from the prison, he spent literally every spare second cuddling you.
I think he'll be fine with you helping him live," Riaz pointed out and I stroked my thumb across the back of his hand. I vaguely remembered the feeling of cool water, the same feeling I had felt when he saw me outside of the medic centre, I knew he had held me. Finally, I nodded in agreement, and Damien helped me carefully move Ibhan to the side and I lay on my side beside him, his hand still in mine.

I lay my head on the pillow and watched. Every time my eyes felt heavy with sleep, anxiety would take over and I would sit up a little to watch his monitors as they beeped away, but nothing seemed to change much.

People came and went from the room, nurses, doctors, visitors, but I couldn't hear them. I didn't have any room in my mind for anything other than listening to Ibhans heart and watching the monitors. I only left the bed for a few short breaks, quickly returning every time. His friends stayed around, as did Imogen, which was nice. I didn't know them that well but they seemed sincere.

I had no idea how much time had passed before his heart beat finally picked up, the beeping on the monitor speeding up. I sat up a little to get a better look at his face as his eyes fluttered.

"Ibhan?" I asked gently and his eyes, still heavy with sleep and medicine, flitted over to meet mine. He mumbled something unintelligible, though I caught the word 'wolf' for sure.

I gave his hand a small squeeze and he looked down. "I hope you don't mind, they said the more contact the better," I explained.

He frowned a little before slurring, "is better with your shirt off," as his eyes fell closed. I was a little taken aback but I was more glad that he had decided to open his eyes and look at me. I smoothed back his hair with my free hand, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Thank you," I said quietly, and he huffed a little as he turned towards me, ever so slightly.

My spirits lifted a little over the next three days as he spent more and more time awake. By the third day he was sitting up in bed in the morning when I arrived. Riaz was the only other person with him and he quickly excused himself for breakfast.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

"Morning," he replied, moving over in his bed, maybe out of habit. I sat on the bed, facing him, and put down the bag of snack I had brought.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked and he nodded as he mulled over his answer.

"Better than when I had been on the brink of death," he said dryly. I rolled my eyes and was about to get up when he held out his hand. Just a little bit, palm turned upwards, a tentative invitation. I placed my hand in his and he let out a slow breath, resting his head back against the bed. I felt heat rush through me and butterflies swarmed my stomach.

"Um, I never got to ask before, with the whole brink of death thing, but should we call your parents?" I asked and he turned his head to look at me.

"My mother, I think it'll be nice if she came, I'll tell Riaz no-" he thought for a moment, "I'll tell Eliza to call her," he said.

"And can I get you anything else for now? To make you more comfy?" I asked.

"I'm not gonna push you away again," he said quietly.


"The more lucid I get, the further away you sit from me," he said, and he was right.

"I just wanted to give you space," I explained but he shook his head.

"No, wolf, we don't need space," he said, his grip on my hand tightening a little. I felt tears well in my eyes as I looked at him, still slightly bruised and sleepy, messy hair covering deep set eyes. 

"Is this you accepting me as your mate?" I asked and a smirk grew across his face.

"You wolves," he said softly, his free hand cupping the side of my face, "so needy," I rolled my eyes, but I didn't deny myself the pleasure of leaning in to his touch. "Your aura is green, like the forest come alive. You are my garden, my light," he whispered, "you always will be." Relief swelled in my chest and I placed my hand over his as a smile took over, feeling giddy and lightheaded.

"Wolf?" he called again, "Kyda?"


"Kiss me," he said, gaze unflinching as he looked up at me. I leant in closer, placing my own hand on his face as my lips pressed softly against his. He was warm and the scent of lavender and smoke invaded my senses. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pressing me closer to him as the kiss deepened. I let my fingers push back through his curls, cradling his head as my lips moved in sync with his.

I pulled back a few moments later, and his face was flushed and the tips of his ears red.

"Ibhan, you're blushing," I pointed out with a grin and he scowled, though a lazy smile took over.

"Shut up, wolf, I'm allowed to be a little red with love," he admitted and my heart skipped a few beats as I sat there, still in his arms, inches from his face.

"Well that makes two of us," I said, settling beside him on the bed, leaning my head on his shoulder. He made a little humming noise as I laced our fingers together, letting a new wave of comfort surround us. This was what we had fought for.



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