37 - the heat of pain

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Ibhans POV

I woke up slowly, the rocking of the ship inviting me back under, but Riazs' insistent shaking of my shoulder won the battle. I was about to sit up when I realised the warmth I was comforted by was Kyda, still sprawled over me. My face burned as I looked down at how our legs were intertwined with each other. One of my hands rested on her back, securing her against me, and the other I had just lifted from the back of her head. She had turned sometime in her sleep, face pressed into my chest and I took a deep breath as I became hyper aware of every inch of her body that touched mine.

I looked up at Riaz and scowled as I noticed his shit eating grin, "good nap?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows and in that moment, Kyda was, quite literally, the only thing holding me back from strangling him once again.

"Leave him alone," Eliza said with a yawn, "he hasn't seen her in forever, he needed that. So did she," she added, nodding to Kyda. My arm was still wrapped around her, and it took great effort to move it away, gently laying her down on her side. Feathers crooned happily as he pressed into her hair, snuggling up against her as he went back to sleep.

"Fuck," I whispered as I looked away, I could feel my ears burn as I sat up, stretching out my back. But I had no pain. In fact, it was probably the best sleep I'd had in years.

"We're not too far from shore," Riaz said, and I stood up to be greeted with the familiar sight of Raynor on the horizon.

"Good," I said as I walked over to a small table that held food. I grabbed a bread roll and some smoke fish and scoffed it, my stomach cramping as I did, demanding more, but I knew it would only make me sick. I grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down, before refilling it and taking it back to Kyda, with a piece of bread for Feathers. Gently, I lifted her head up and parted her lips, trickling water into her mouth. It took a few moments for her body to register the water, but she eventually swallowed, and I gave her a few more sips before letting her be.

"What's the plan?" Damien asked. He had woken up a while ago and sat back against the barrels, Eliza in his lap this time, eyes closed as she nestled into his chest.

"We have to take her home," I said, "the medics there will know best."

"Limeacre," Damien said with a nod, "best place for a werewolf to be."

"I never did ask, are you from there too?"

He sighed and gave a small nod, "its complicated, but yes, I have a cousin still living there last time I checked."

"Good," I said, "I don't know how far the guards from the containment centre are willing to chase us, but we shouldn't take any risks."

"We're not splitting up," Riaz added as he patted my back. I rolled my eyes and double checked my satchel and wand were still in place. Captain Isah came hobbling over on his leg soon after, eyeing Kyda.

"Didn't get a chance to thank you both earlier," he said, nodding to Riaz, "for helping the crew. We may have to get some warlocks to do that full time for us," he thought aloud, gaze trailing off into the distance. After a moment, he looked back down at us, "how's the girl?"

"I honestly don't know," I said, the urge to reach out and place my hand on her head was strong.

"Hang in there, kid, she'll come around," he said before he turned on his peg leg and walked off, yelling as always. It wasn't long before we made it the harbour, the sounds of the port towns rolling off of the shore. I felt a little nostalgic as I took it in.

I turned back to Kyda when we were close to boarding, to find Damien stretching and taking off his shirt. "Damien, you don't have to carry her again-" I started but he cut me off.

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