9 - With a Hop and a Skip

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Five long days passed with Ibhan laid up in the guest room. Remus and Robin popped in every once in a while, but he seemed content to sit by himself. I caught him playing around with the flowers in his satchel once, sorting them into piles or sketching them in his spell book. I never stayed in his room for too long though, the feelings were too much. I constantly wanted to be around him, or I found myself thinking about him when I was working or training the younger wolves.

At night I wandered if he thought of me. Then I would kick myself for being pathetic. But I couldn't help it, the mate bond demanded I stay close, that I know where he is and how he was all the time. When I tried to push him out of my mind, I got a headache from all the mental gymnastics it took to distract myself from him.

"Kyda, go take your man some food," Kalina said, snapping me out of my daydream. I sighed and took the plate from her.

"He is not my man," I reminded her and she kissed her teeth.

"The amount of time you two have spent together? There is no way you aren't feeling the bond yet," she said and I winced as her words hit home. "Oh, girl," she said, taking me by the shoulders, "you got it bad."

"thanks for the support," I said, wiggling out of her grasp.

"Talk to him, Kyda," she said, reinforcing her grip on my shoulders, "tell him."

"Tell him what? That I know almost nothing about him other than the fact that he smells like he was made for me, and that his stupid hair is the softest thing in the world and that I need him to stay here forever?" I whispered angrily, suddenly aware of how close the guest room was.

"Girl, you better say something or he is gonna walk on out of your life and you are gonna be the damn fool who let him get away!" she hissed back and I clenched my jaw. I hated it when she was right. I headed up the stairs before the food could get cold and knocked on the door. I was surprised to see Ibhan open it himself, leaning heavily on the frame. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. He huffed and turned to limp back into the bed. 

"I was exercising my leg," he said as he all but flopped onto the bed. I followed him into the room and set the plate on the nightstand. 

"Running a marathon tomorrow?" I asked and he shot me a sour look. 

"I have a long walk home, remember?" he said and I sucked in a deep breath. 

"Right, well, you should probably eat something then," I said and handed him the plate. I headed for the door, but stopped at the threshold. 

"What is it, wolf?" he asked and I sighed, leaving without giving him an answer. 

"Chicken," Kalina said as I came back down. I swatted her arm as she invaded my space. 

"Leave it alone, Kalina, he's getting ready to leave and I'm not going to stand in his way. He should stay because he wants to." We stood facing each other for a long moment. I could feel her concern and her need to help through our bond. She only wanted to see me happy, and while I appreciated that, I wasn't about to force someone to stay in my life. 

"I love you, " I said quietly, hugging her close to me. She wrapped me up in her arms and I let her hold me, gently swaying.

"It'll be okay," she assured me and I nodded. Letting go, I left the house and headed for the northern border of the woods where a coven of witches lived. I liked to visit the witches from time to time, they always had gossip from the citadel to share, and they made the most amazing tea. I shifted into my fur and ran, working off some of the tension as I quickly covered the distance.  

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