17 - Home, Old Home

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Ibhans POV

When we broke through the onslaught of tornados and whirlpools, cheers exploded across the deck. The water and air elementals yelled their victory to the now empty skies as our course steadied.

"Boy, you can let then go now," Captain Isah called over to me. Joseph sat back on his knees and I took in a deep breath. As I let it out, I let go of my grip on the shadows and I fell forward. Joseph caught my head before it slammed into the deck and turned me over onto my back. My breathing was ragged and I was exhausted.

"You did good," Joseph said, patting my shoulder, staying sat besides me.

"Guess you were useful after all," Captain Isah said as he strolled over to where I was sprawled out.

"Is that your way of saying thanks?" I asked between gasps of air. He laughed, clutching his belly as he did.

"If thats what you want it to be," he said and he held out a hand to me. I took it and sat up, pausing as my head spun in violent circles.

"Damn," I closed my eyes as I felt my body sway and Joseph grabbed me in an instant from under my arms.

"You should rest before we reach the shore, you need it," he said. I could barely feel the wooden planks under my feet as he all but carried me back to the bunk we shared and rolled me awkwardly onto the bed. My breathing had settled and closed my eyes.

"I've never done anything like that before," I said into the quiet of the room.

"That kind of magic?" Joseph asked.

"That kind of selflessness," I said as I pulled the thin blanket over me and let the remainder of our boat ride rock me to sleep.

I woke shortly before we arrived, the sounds of the crew getting ready to call into the port echoing through the ship. Joseph was sat on the small stool in our room and he nodded to me as I sat up.

"Just in time," he said and he passed me a plate with a slice of bread and a small bowl of soup.

"Thanks," I said as I dug into the food, my stomach grumbling loudly to let me know that it approved of being fed.

"You were speaking in your sleep," Joseph said quietly after a moment.

"Oh?" I hadn't been known to talk in my sleep as a child, and I couldn't imagine why I was doing it now. Joseph hummed under his breath, his expression hard to read.

"Someone by the name of Kyda," he said and I choked on my soup. He handed me a flask of water, a smirk stretched across his face. "That confirms a lot," he said and I narrowed my eyes.

"You must have heard wrong," I said and he shrugged.

"Whatever I heard means something to you," he said as he drummed his fingers on the table. "Young men like yourself can only be calling the name of a lover when you're that deeply asleep," he mused and I huffed as I stirred my bread in my soup.

"Its nothing," I said and he stared intently at my face.

"Are you running from or to them?" he asked and I sighed.


"Hmph," he stood up and picked up his empty bowl, "I don't know what you remember of your dream, but you definitely were not running away from Kyda then. I hope you thought your journey through," he said as he held his hand out for my bowl too. I handed it to him wordlessly as I felt heat rush to my face. I hadn't heard her name aloud in so many days, but it sounded like my favourite song the moment he said it.

I stood up from the bed and secured my bag and robe once more. I had made it this far already, I would be fine. I pushed thoughts of her back down, cramming them into a corner, caging them in. I didn't need her. Plenty of warlocks were happy alone, we thrived on the isolation. My hands bunched up into fists as I gritted my teeth. I would be fine.

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