39 - Questions

102 10 1

Ibhans POV

"Look, Remus, this wasn't me, when she got to Ravenvein things got bad and I didn't even know she was there! Will you just let me see her?" I asked him, looking over his shoulder in the direction Robin took her, my hands feeling restless and itchy.

"You're gonna need a better explanation than that," he said flatly. "Wait here." He turned and stalked away, towards their home, and Eliza gave me back my shirt.

"Boy, you're in a lot of trouble now," Riaz said under his breath and I glared at him. Holding his hands up in surrender he stepped back, "sorry."

"I'm not waiting here, You guys can leave now if you want, thank you for helping me get all this way," I said.

"Are you stupid?" Eliza hissed, grabbing my arm, "I don't know if you realise but you just brought the golden child of this pack back in your arms half dead and you want to sit here alone!"

"She is not half dead," I said, looking down at Eliza and her face softened.

"Big, stupid, oaf you are. You have a physical and emotional attachment, you're not gonna listen to anything I say," she said, letting go of me and stepping back.

"We're still staying," Damien said, "you need people to vouch for you," he reasoned.

"Fine, but I'm going to see her," I said and Riaz clapped his hands together.

"Great, let's get moving," he said as he threw my bag back to me and started in the direction Robin had taken Kyda. The medic building came into view, and I found myself reaching into my bond with Kyda and pain exploded behind my eyes. I was running, full sprint ahead, bursting through the clinic doors, behind me I head Remus yelling my name.

I ran down the hall, instinctively without really seeing any of the signs, until I came to a hall where Robin stood before a set of double doors.

"Robin," I was breathing heavy, "get out of my way, or I will hurt you," I said and he bared his teeth at me. "No, you don't get to stop me," I told him, walking closer to him. He was young but large, but I didn't care. "Get out of my way," I said, my voice measured and even. He met my gaze for a long moment, before he stepped aside. I pushed open the doors and sighed, thankful that the kid hadn't decided to throw me aside like I knew he could.

I pushed open the first door on my left, and my chest squeezed tightly at the sight. One doctor stood with a clipboard, ordering around about three nurses as they hooked Kyda onto monitors and saline drips. The doctor looked to me as I walked in, and I saw anger flash on their face before they masked it.

"Do you know how much wolfsbane she was injected with?" The doctor asked, but his voice sounded weird and muffled, like I was under water. I shook my head, feeling dizzy and leaning against the foot of the bed.

"She's dying," I said into the room, before it all went black.

"Idiot," I heard someone hiss as I opened my eyes. I looked around the room at the blurry figures surrounding me, pulling myself up when my eyes landed on Kyda. I was slumped in an armchair though I didn't know how I got there.

"How many times did I tell you not to feed in to your bond," Eliza whispered sharply as she slapped my arm.

"I don't care," I said as I tried to move closer to Kyda. I stumbled and someone caught my arm, making me sit in a chair closer to her bed.

"Do not cause any more damage than you already have," Remus said through gritted teeth as he let go of me. I nodded and turned my attention back to Kyda. There was another medicine attached to the drip on her arm, and her heart beat was steady but fast on the monitor. Blood pressure was on the lower borderline, but stable.

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