5 - Friends are not for Sacrificing

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I stood up and edged over to the treeline. I could smell the presence of another wolf, but I didn't understand why they were lurking. Ibhan stood too, and I saw him reach for his wand from the corner of my eye.

"Come forward, let me see you," I said quietly and a shaggy brown haired wolf leapt from the treeline. With no hesitation I met him halfway, already shifted midair. I pushed the wolf aside and snapped at him, snarling as I made sure he backed down. Satisfied he wasn't a threat I stopped to really look at him, there was something familiar about him.

"Shift back," I said as soon as I had. The wolf cocked his head at me before shifting, the satisfying crunch filling the clearing.

"Don't recognise me, Kyda?" He said, fixing me with a mock pout. The man before me was tan and broad, his messy hair falling over his eyes. There was something about his scent that stirred an old memory.

"Matthew?" I asked and he grinned, holding out his arms.

"I was getting a little worried there," he laughed and I stepped forward, hugging him tightly.

"What are you doing here, I thought you moved to the upper city?" I asked and the young wold shrugged sheepishly.

"I may have moved back alone."

"You went rogue?" I asked, surprised at the action. Wolves were tightly family orientated, separation wasn't a step we took lightly.

"Yep, feels weird but it's so much better than living that close to the courts, everyone there is so uptight." He suddenly stopped and looked around to where Ibhan stood, wand still gripped in his hand, his hood up guarding his features.

"Matthew, meet Ibhan, a friend of mine," I said and Matthew gave me a curious look.

"He's not a wolf."

"No, I'm not," Ibhan said, stepping closer, "Nor am I a friend."

"Oh come on, I brang you all the way out here just for us to not even be friends? Give me a break magic man," I said with an eye roll and I heard him scoff.

"You brang me to a puddle with flowers, wolf, that's hardly impressive."

"I'm sorry," Matthew stepped forward, "what am I missing here?"

I sighed and stepped closer to Ibhan and I could feel the heat of his glare.

"Mr high maintenance here shares a bond with me, possible mate attraction, so I figured I'd show him around and see if he'd like to stay."

"I'm being held here against my will," Ibhan chimed in and I whacked his arm.

"You are not," I said and he pushed his hood off and gave me a blank stare.

"If I walked off into the woods right now, would you follow?"

"Absolutely." He groaned and looked over to Matthew, "your friend is a stalker."

"She's a little crazy but she's also super nice," he said, sounding a little defensive.

"Why don't we all go home for lunch," I said and Matthew grinned.

"Can I come, I'd love to say hi to everyone."

"Sure," I.smiled and looked back at Ibhan who finally slipped his wand away in his sleeve.

"Right behind you, wolf."

Lunch passed by and the day quickly turned to night as we lounged around in the living room listening to Matthews stories. My parents had been ecstatic to see him come home, after they scolded him for leaving his family in the city.

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