38 - Skin to Skin

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Ibhans POV

I untied Kyda from Damien's back and lay her down in the grass. Her breathing was shallow and she wheezed. Eliza brought one of the water bottles over and I soaked a strip of fabric in the water before laying it across her head but it warmed within a few moments.

"She's burning," I murmured as I wiped away the sweat. Her shirt was already soaked through, and I gripped it from the hem where it was ripped and tore it the rest of the way, pulling it off of her. She moaned a small sound, waving her hand through the air. She caught my sleeve and tugged on it, mumbling something.

"What is it, wolf?" I asked, my anxiety mounting. I didn't know what to do.

"Hot, too hot," she murmured, I grabbed her hand and her breath hitched, "ice," she said softly.

"Skin to skin contact," Eliza reminded me and I gritted my teeth. An immature mate bond and a partial pack bond meant that my body was more than willing, but my mind knew that if things went sideways when I got her home it would be hell for both of us.

"Ibhan," I heard the whisper of my name leave her lips and all common sense dissolved. I pulled off my shirt, and assessed the few minor injuries I had gotten, making sure none were open wounds, before I sat back against a tree trunk. I grabbed Kyda from under her arms and pulled her up into my lap, wrapping my arms around her exposed waist. She sighed deeply, her head lolling back against my shoulder.

Fed and rested, I was much more aware of her in my lap than I had been when I held her on the ship. She was thinner than when I met her, though her muscle was still evident across her tall frame. Her skin was clammy but smooth under my fingers as I pressed her against my skin. After a few tense moments, I noticed her breathing sounded more clear, though she was still putting out heat like a furnace.

"Here, I have some—"

"Stay away," I hissed at Riaz before I realised that he was only bringing some cloths to me. They were soaked in water and had aloe Vera jelly smeared across one side. "Sorry," I said, shaking my head as the more protective side of the mate bond drove my behaviour.

Riaz approached more slowly this time, setting the bowl down beside me. He took one of the strips and placed it across her forehead, and took two more, placing them at the base of her neck. Once he was done, he retreated to where Eliza and Damien sat, giving us some space.

"Come on, wolf," I said softly as she trembled in my arms. I dribbled my head down to rest my chin on her shoulder as I held her. She said something unintelligible after a few minutes and I strained to make it out.

"It hurts," she said, her voice thin and croaky. She turned on her side, wrapping her arms around mine, holding it to her chest.

"I know, I know," I said as I rubbed her back with my free hand. I could feel her hot breath against my shoulder, and I felt panic begin to settle in my chest. I looked up, meeting Eliza's gaze and she came over quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to do," I said, "she relaxes but then she gets hot again and she's hurting," I said, grimacing as my kept slipping into the pack bond I had made, feeling the intensity of her pain.

Eliza took the cloths off and switched them out, before she also wiped sweat from my own brow. "You two are sharing energy right now," she said in an even tone, "that means you need to remain absolutely calm, or you're going to amplify what she's feeling right now," she explained.

I nodded and took a deep breath, trying to clear my head. I took another one, letting my eyes close as I did. Feathers sat on my shoulder, rubbing his head up against my cheek, which helped.

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