53 - Commitment

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Ibhans POV

My father walked towards me, stopping just in front. In the flurry of the morning we hadn't spoken, but here he was.

"Ibhan, I'm proud of you, you've nothing left to prove to me," he said, holding out a hand. It was an odd way of putting it, but it was probably the most honest thing he could say. I took his hand, but then decided to pull him closer, and for the first time in years I hugged my father. He froze for a moment, the contact catching him off guard, before he returned the hug. Stepping back I invited Kyda forward, who had a huge grin on her face.

"You must be Kyda," my father said, "I e heard a lot about you," he said.

"And I'd like to get to know you better," she replied holding out her hand. He assessed her for a moment longer before he shook her hand, and I felt a little relieved she wouldn't be meeting the same man I had lived with these last few years.

"We'll, I think we should get dinner started," Kydas mother said, and we stepped out of the kitchen as my mother joined Kydas parents in the meal prep.

By the time the meal was ready, there was no tension left in the room, and I was grateful. Walking on eggshells around my father for more years would have driven me to insanity. Instead, he sat and spoke to Kydas parents and her siblings, he even tolerated on of Kalinas pups playing hide and seek under the end of his robe. When we sat down to eat, my mother cleared her throat and looked over at me.

"What is it?" I asked and she shared a look with my father.

"We wanted to know when we can expect you back in Ravenvein," she said and I felt Kyda stiffen besides me. 

"Not any time soon," I said, "Kyda and I should get settled here before we visit." I said and an almost collective sigh resounded in the room. The first time I had been here I had been adamant that a life with Kyda was not what I wanted and that I wouldn't stay here longer than necessary.

I looked over to Kyda, who was trying her best to hide both her surprise and her smile. I think a part of me always knew she would stay in my life one way or another. She was every bit as different to me as I could think of, but it was probably the only way we would survive together.

"Of course," my mother said, her own smile spread across her face, "Riaz you're also welcome to join us," she said and Riaz almost choked on his food.

"Oh, I um, I'm actually gonna stay too, I have some things to take care of," he said and Imogen giggled from across the table as she watched him get flustered. Everyone poked fun at Riaz and teased Imogen for the rest of dinner, confirming everyone plans for the next few days. Eliza and Damien were also staying behind for a while, so Damien could show her around and visit old friends, but my parents would be going after a day or so.

I found myself slipping out of the back door soon after, tired of the constant socialising and small talk. I sighed heavily as I sat back on a little cushioned bench, watching the sky darken over me.

"Can I join you?" Kyda said from the doorway. I nodded and she sat down besides me. She seemed a little nervous so I turned towards her.

"What is it?" She bit the inside of her cheek as she collected herself. "Kyda," I prompted, and she finally looked up at me, smiling as she settled down.

"Thank you for staying," she said, though I felt like she wasn't quite finished.

"I don't think I could leave if I wanted to," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"You know, we really ought to secure our bond," she said before back tracking, "oh, no I didn't mean it like that—" I laughed as she tried and failed to explain herself.

"Silly wolf," I said, putting my hand under her chin. It was like a little magic trick, watching her melt into my touch. "What do we need to do?"

"Well, I know you heard me in your head earlier, and I know you've used the bond to track me, but you should try speaking too, create a full bond with me, it'll be more stable and easier to control," she said. "Just talk to me," she said in my head, a small echo like her voice was bouncing around inside my skull.

I focused on the bond I had used before, gently pulling at it until I felt completely surrounded by her presence. There was no pain this time, just the feeling of a bright summers day. "Hello?"

"Hi!" She replied excitedly, grabbing on to my hand. "You did it!! We can go both ways now!"

"Did I just give you more ways to annoy me?" I asked, and she grinned.

"It was all part of my plan," she said, leaning a little closer. A strange look passed over her face again, a bit of her nervousness returning. I rested my hand on the side of her neck, keeping her close.

"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," she said, though her voice was just a breathy whisper, "I'm just glad you're staying," she mumbled, not meeting my eyes.

"My garden," I called, "look at me." She dragged her eyes up to mine, deep brown and wide. "I'm going to kiss you now," I warned and she nodded, "because I love you too."

I didn't give her time to respond before I pressed my lips to hers. I slid my hand behind her head and the other around her waist, pulling her into my lap. Her hands rested on my shoulders as she steadied herself, and the kiss was slow and sweet. Everything about her was warm and tender but with an unimaginable strength beneath it, and her willingness to be vulnerable with me was scary but admirable. When I finally pulled back, she rested her head on my shoulder, opting to stay in my lap.

"I love you," she said, looking up at me after a few moments.

"So needy," I sighed and she lightly slapped my arm. I kissed the top of her head as an apology and she nuzzled back into my chest.



"Thank you for finding me," I said and she placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll always find you," she said, "you're my mate."

"You're my light," I said, squeezing her up against me. She laughed, a rich sound that made my heart beat a little faster.

"We have a lot to learn about each other," she pointed out and I shrugged.

"I don't doubt that you will be absolutely annoying to live with, but it's worth it to me, just because it's you," I told her honestly. "And because we've been through far too much to let anything come between us anymore. I am prepared to sacrifice everything for you, Kyda, I am in this, forever."

Her eyes looked a little watery as she sat up. "And I will always be by your side, I will always be supporting you," she said softly, and I felt my heart clench. She offered everything that I had lost, everything that I craved. And to think I almost pushed her away that first moment I saw her.

"Should we go in?" She asked.

"No, wolf," I settled back and tugged a blanket over us, "just stay with me."

The End

For now....

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