48 - Fortress

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Ibhans POV

"Peoples shadows and shadow marks are harder to grasp than other shadows," I said as I braved my footing, Kyda stood right in front of me, practically pressed against my chest, "but if you focus you can take hold of it," I looked down at the hint of my shadow around my feet and focused on it.

"I don't know how you did this so effortlessly," Riaz grumbled, one hand on Imogen's waist and the other holding his wand out to the ground.

"I was a little angry," I admitted.

"Well is the threat of imminent death enough to get you going?" Kyda asked as she looked back over my shoulder.

I slowly began pulling up my shadow, taking care to make sure it wrapped around both Kyda and I. I took a deep breath, glancing around once more. The other two seemed to have finally caught on and I watched as shadows swallowed them whole.

We could have walked straight into the fog unprotected, but there was no telling what lay inside. Shadow fog was epically dark and endless, a pay straight from the Valley of Kegsus, and was excellent bait. Having our own shadow layer would help conceal us further as we made our way through it, without letting the fog be used against us.

"I saw them head to the fog!" A voice shouted behind us, just as the shadow reached my head.

"Ready?" I asked Kyda.

"I trust you," she said, and that was all I needed. I rested my hand on her back to guide her forward as we stepped into the fog. I let out a sigh of relief as the coolness of the fog was kept at bay. My plan had worked.

"Are you guys in?" I called out, still trying to keep my focus on the shadow, not wanting it to slip.

"We're in!" Imogen's voice came through.

"Same here!" Damien replied and we carried on walking. I didn't know for sure if the other warlocks would follow us in or not. If they didn't, it meant someone else would be waiting for us.

"Relax," Kyda murmured, and I took in a slow breath. "You're doing great," she reassured me. I was taken aback at her faith in me, but I pushed that aside as I focused on keeping us cloaked.

"Ibhan!" I heard Kydas voice echo from the depths of the shadow and looked down at Kyda in confusion.

"I still hear you calling me," I said and she swallowed hard.

"You've already called me twice," she said and I noticed how tense she was herself and wondered what the echo of me was saying that she was fighting so hard against. She reached for my free hand and took it as we kept walking. "I'm right here," she reminded me and I nodded. I gave her hand a small squeeze as I heard her voice in the darkness again, it sounded desperate and in pain.

"Hey, how far are we going?" Damien yelled, almost breaking my focus.

"Until the pressure is off," I called back. The fog was heavy against me, and I was already worn out.

"You okay?" Kyda asked as we kept pushing forward.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she looked up at me with a smile.

"Could be worse," she said with a little shrug. "I don't think any one is following us," she said as she took in a deep breath. I nodded and focused as my breathing for heavier.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold this for," Eliza said, her voice sounding strained.

"Agreed," Riaz yelled back.

"Hold it, we can't take any risks, there has to be an end," I said and pushed forward, a little more determined. It felt like an eternity before I almost stumbled as the pressure around me finally let up.

"Are we out?" Kyda asked.

"Only one way to find out," I said and I released my shadow. I sagged against Kyda and she caught me, arms wrapping around my waist and hugging me to her as I tried to catch my breath. My hand still rested against the small of her back, holding her close, and I leaned into her for a few moments more.

"It worked," Riaz gasped, his arm slung over Imogens shoulders. Eliza was wrapped up in Damien's arms, and he held her so tightly, her feet barely touched the ground.

"Too bad you're not free," a voice said from up ahead. Kydas growled as I pulled back, straining to see ahead.

Several warlocks emerged from the tree line, each on guard uniform with a gold lined belt securing their robes in place. A belt I recognised well, as one my father had as part of his role as a high ranking offensive guard. A soldier.

"Gods we're so screwed," Eliza breathed.

"We have orders, bring them back dead or alive!" One woman yelled, and they advanced quickly, weapons drawn.

I threw up a shadow shield as two warlocks ran at us with swords held high, but I was ready to buckle. kyda reached into her pocket and pulled out her vial, and slamming it down in front of us. Vibes grew from the floor and straight ahead, catching the warlocks by surprise. As they fought off the vines we ran ahead but we're separated as a wall of shadow shot up from the ground. I stumbled into a tree and Kyda rolled away in the grass as she lost her footing.

"Get out of my way!" I heard Riaz yell and looked up to see him swing his wand around, a battering ram following and knocking back two warlocks. He ran forward and scooped up Imogen in his arms.

"Damien!" I called out to the wolf who bounded over to us in his four legged form. He spotted Imogen and understood immediately, stopping before Riaz. He was reluctant to let go for a moment, but he knew it was better that way.

I saw Kyda going blow for blow with another warlock, but a scream distracted me for helping her. Eliza staggered backwards as a sword sliced across the top of her arm. Damien snarled, his aura a dangerous red, clouded with black, but I held up my hand.

"Get Imogen out of here, I've got her!" He nodded and turned, slipping away into the woods. I ran towards Eliza, putting up a wall just in time as the sword are for her again.

"Can you move?" I asked her and she nodded despite the blood seeping out between her fingers. "Run!" I said as I made my own sword and swung upwards as I released the shadow wall. The warlocks sword met mine as he pushed down against me. I held my ground, widening my stance as I pushed back. Eventually he relented and I swung again, but he was quick, leaping back out of my reach. I shifted the sword to a pole and launched it towards him but he blocked it with a shield.

He ran at me full force and I pulled at the shadow of the grass, entrapping his legs, but his sword grew in length and slashed towards me. I stumbled back, narrowly missing the sharp edge of his blade. Somewhere in the distance I heard Riaz and Kyda cry out in pain and anger as they fought their own battles.

"Why are you fighting us?" I asked the man before me as I made another sword.

"It pays well," he said darkly, swinging again. We went blow for blow for a few tense moments, but unlike me, the man was energised and unharmed, not having experienced a week of being on the run. I was going to lose. I looked around see some bodies scattered across the floor, making sure none of them were Kyda.

"You're a disgrace," I told him as I swung again, the tip of my sword catching his cheek.

"I wasn't the one who brought shame to my whole family," he yelled as he jabbed forward with his sword. I tried to throw up a shield but I was just a little bit too late. I felt the cold edge of his sword swipe deeply across my abdomen, and blood poured down my torso. A deafening scream shook the trees around us as I fell to my knees, into a pool of my own blood.

Crying, screaming, throwing up etc etc

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