40 - Honesty and Headaches

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Kydas POV

I was at once relieved and suffocated to be surrounded by my family. My entire body aches and every movement felt like I was dragging myself through quick drying cement, but I was alive. I had little idea to how I had got here, only ever hearing a few words when I had the energy to slip in and out of consciousness. I remember this cool feeling the most though, like a constant water blanket that had been wrapped around me. I missed it.

"You okay?" Kalina asked as I scanned the room.

"Wasn't Ibhan here?" I asked and she kissed her teeth.

"He left," pain stabbed through my chest, "I think he's outside with his friends," she gave an off handed wave.
Friends? I couldn't recall who any of them were, but I remembered the sound of overlapping voices.

"I feel weird," I said and Kalina took my hand.

"You've been through a lot, it's okay to feel weird," she said and I pulled my hand away.

"No, not weird like 'I've been deeply traumatised' weird, though trust me, it's there," I said, "but weird as in hollow and achey," I told her, rubbing at my chest.

"Ibhan has an immature mate bond with you," she admitted. "The dumbass kept reaching in to it and felt some of your pain and fainted when he brought you here."

"Oh," I tried to reach out in my mind but a sharp pain stopped me, and I grabbed my head.

"Yeah, you may want to lay off of the pack bond for a while, your wolf is still weak," she said, handing me a glass of water. There was a tremble in my glass as I held it, bringing it slowly to my lips. Remus and Robin quietly let themselves into my room and sat around my bed.

"How you doing?" Remus asked l, trying to keep his tone light but I could see the frown lines on his face.

"I'm good, but I can't wait to be out of here, reminds me too much of that prison cell," I said and I saw the expressions on my siblings face darken.

"What prison cell?" Remus asked and I sighed.

"I guess I should fill you all in," I said and Remus nodded for me to continue. So I told them it all, from the Dragonborn who got me to Ravenvein to the warlocks who decided I was enemy number one. About Mia and Nathaniel and their liberal use of wolfsbane which earned me a growl from all of my siblings. I also told them about Mit and Mattise and Amotan and how they tried to help me as much as they could l, and how I was so close to dying.

"But something happened that day, and I wasn't transferred, but I was far too out of it to know all the details of how I got here," I finished and Remus sighed.

"I guess I was too harsh on Ibhan," he said and I raised an eyebrow. "In my defence, you were like this close to dying," he said holding his fingers millimetres apart, "and he was holding you."

"So you connected the dots?" I asked, " or made your own?"

"Made my own," he groaned, "I'm sorry," he said with a small pouty face.

"You're ridiculous," I told him. "I want to see him," I said and my siblings shared an uneasy look.

"Why don't you rest for tonight, please? You can see him in the morning," Robin said and I was surprised at his pleading tone as he gripped my hand in his. My little brother had aged in the time I was gone.

"Fine," I said, laying back against the pillows, "but I want lots of food to compensate."


Despite asking for food, I didn't have much of an appetite, and I pushed aside my plates before the nausea could get any stronger. Kalina had left for the day, returning back to her mate and kids, but Remus and Robin remained. My parents had come and sat with me for a while, but they seemed agitated and nervous. I shrugged it off and lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

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