16 - The Skies Are Not So Blue Up Close

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I wandered through mountains and fields of flowers, lost but persistent for the better part of 2 days. I had consulted the journal Remus gave me multiple times, but everything around me was so new I couldn't trust myself to find the way alone. It didn't help that as I got further from the pack, the link was harder to reach. The background chatter had eventually faded into nothing, just leaving behind a faint pull to home.

I rubbed at my chest as a more pressing pain shot through. I was beginning to feel the effects of the mate bond being ignored and it was not pretty. Sleeping had been rough, eating made me nauseous, and I could barely form a single coherent thought. I shoved aside my feelings as much as I could, until I eventually saw a small farm. With aching feet and a heavy heart I dragged myself the rest of the way.

"Hey, can I get some help over here?!" I called out as I stumbled.

"What's all the fuss about?" a grumpy looking man shouted as he opened the door to his home.

"Please, I just need some direction," I said, approaching him slowly.

"You look like shit," he said and I sighed. He shook his head and turned back into the house, "Put some stew on the stove, we got a lost one!" he turned back to me and eyed me closely, "come in for a minute."

I didn't bother with any questions, following the man into his home. The interior was warm and cosy, wear and tear showing that this was a family home, well lived in and well loved. I was lead through to a kitchen where a slender woman stood over a stove, mixing something in a large pot that smelled delicious. She turned towards me and gave me a warm smile.

"Oh, poor dear, you look exhausted," she cooed as she ladled some vegetable stew into a bowl and placed it before me.

"I feel exhausted," I said, "and thank you for the food, but I really just needed some directions."

"Nonsense, eat up, you need a good meal before you go off adventuring," she said, handing me a spoon.

"What's your name?" the old man asked as I mixed the hot stew.

"Kyda, I'm on the guard at the Limeacre pack," I said and the two of them shared a quick look.

"I'm Han, and this is my lady, Jo," the man said and I smiled, "what are you doing this far away from home?" he asked. I sighed and rolled back my shoulders, trying to release the tension that was building in my body the longer I stayed idle.

"I'm looking for my mate, he-" I cleared my throat awkwardly, "he had to leave suddenly for home, but I need to speak to him," I said and the lady, Jo, sat by me and patted my hand.

"So that's why you look so pent up," she said as she encouraged me to eat, "you're falling for your mate," she said and I winced.

"So, he's not a wolf?" Han asked and I nodded. "Where does he call home?"

"Ravenvein." Han let out a low whistle as I said it, scratching at his greying beard.

"What a mess you're in, girl," he said as he joined us at the table, "he couldn't be more different to you if he tried."

"Oh, I'm well aware," I said as I ate more of the stew.

"Well, Ravenvein is no easy fortress to breach," he told me, "the whole place is surrounded by a force of nature so wild most wouldn't survive a trip through alone," he said, but there was a little spark in his eye.

"So how can I get there?" I asked.

"By dragon," he said and I groaned.

"Where am I supposed to get a dragon?" I asked and he laughed, the crows lines deepening in his sun-warmed skin.

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