52 - Political tension

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Kyda's POV

Demeter was quick to arrive, his family and his guard hot on his heels. It had only been a few minutes since I had called, but I could already see him from my rooms window. I had quickly changed into some less rumpled clothes, as Ibhans mother helped him downstairs.

I followed soon after to find my home overflowing with bodies and tension. The return of my strength meant that the bonds were far too obvious and loud in the room and I had to actively tune them out. Ibhan sat at the kitchen table, and he alone was simmering with rage as his mother tried to give him breakfast, but he was closing himself off from the other warlocks in the room. 

"Maybe we should move this gathering to a conference room," a deep voice said from the front door. Demeter's presence was as intense as I remembered, his piercing yellow eyes quickly scanning the room. A tall, slender women, wrapped in a deep maroon dress stepped forward.

"Perhaps we  should," she said, holding out a hand to Demeter, "Lady Amelia," she introduced herself. Demeter eyed her cooly before accepting her hand.

"You understand that its very improper for you to come to my pack this way, directly to a family of wolves who have already been through far too much at the hands of warlocks?" he said and she nodded, letting out an airy little sigh.

"There is much wrong with this situation, so I would like for us to sit down and talk it out," she said with a little shrug, "lets be diplomatic about this."

"I'd be happy to," I interjected, and the Lady's gaze shifted to me.

"Easy, Kyda, I wont keep you out of this," Demeter said in my mind as I met Lady Amelia's gaze, unflinchingly.

"Come," Demeter said, waving an arm out of our house, "the closest cabin has been readied for us to meet properly, let us get comfortable. It's going to be a long day."


Wolves and warlocks alike filed out of my house until it was just Ibhan and our parents left. I nodded to them to leave as I sat down beside Ibhan who was still stoic and volatile. He turned to me once the parents had left the house.

"I don't think I can stay in the same room as them," he said. "Lady Amelia, her family, her guard, they were supposed to protect us from threats," he said. He reached a hand up and placed it on the side of my face and I leant in to his touch. "They treated you like a great kind of evil," he said, his eyebrows furrowing again in anger.

"All the more reason to go," I said, taking his hand from my face and holding it between my own. "Say your piece, get involved, make sure they don't forget it." He sighed, rubbing his free hand across his face and back through his hair.

"Come on then wolf," he said, standing and pulling me up out my seat, "let's give them a piece of my mind." I placed a kiss on his cheek, loving the way he immediately coloured pink, and lead the way to the cabin.

Large tables had been arranged in the middle of the room, and the divide in the population of the room was clear. The warlocks that had come with Lady Amelia sat on the far side of the room, their faces stoic masks.    The wolves sat across, tension thick as they assessed their visitors. Amelia and Demeter sat at opposite ends of the large table. I opted to stay a little further back in the crowd for now, Ibhans fingers still entwined with mine.

"Alright, Lady Amelia, would you care to tell us all why you have come down here to our pack?"

The Lady stood, smoothing her dress down over her hips, adn tossing long hair oveor her shoulder. I caught a glimpse of a holder strapped against her arm, her wand secured inside it.

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