22 - Woven Bags Cannot Hold Wolves

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Kydas POV

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Kydas POV

My head was pounding, a steady thump with every heart beat. I groaned, realising that a rope was pressing my tongue down in my mouth, my jaw held slightly ajar. Rough fabric scraped along the exposed skin of my hands tied behind my back. I was being transported in a large bag. I held still, trying to both contain my panic and not draw attention to myself.

A thin cloth was also wrapped over my nose, thin enough to let me breathe but thick enough to obscure my sense of smell. Clever, I thought to myself as I breathed deeply. The scent around me was still the same, a strange ash like smell that all warlocks seemed to have, those these ones were not intertwined with the heavy scent of lavender like Ibhan. My breath hitched as I thought of him, a small tremble running through my body. I missed him.

I shook away the thoughts, trying desperately to stay focused on my surroundings. I could hear the gentle clop of hooves on gravel, and wondered if we were near a town with paved roads. I didn't know anything about any place here, and that thought alone was enough to make me lose trust in all my instincts. I heard a murmur of voices and strained to hear, but the bag was thicker than I realised, I couldn't even tell what time of day it was.

I held my breath as I felt us stop. Were they taking a break? Or were they dumping my body somewhere where no one would find it? I forced in a slow breath, now was not the time to get hysterical. I needed to keep it together. I felt the bag move jauntily, and realised I was being put on the ground. The firm earth beneath me was welcome to the joints that had been awkwardly stretched for who knew how long. I couldn't help but squirm away as I felt the top of the bag being tugged on, someone trying to get it.

"Good morning, wolf," the large man greeted me. He hauled me up out of the bag by my arms and dumped me on the ground again. I snarled, my canines pushing against the rope in my mouth.

"Oh now, don't do that," the lady said. I looked at her face and felt some satisfaction at the bruising I could see over her face. Over most of the faces around me actually. I had done my best.

I stayed down on my knees, and watched as the two people before me talked in low voices, but I wasn't interested in their conversation. I focused on the ground and allowed myself to hear a deeper sound. Heartbeats. I had lost count of how many people I fought against earlier and I didn't know if there were more or less of them now, but I had to try and figure it out. Detecting heartbeats from this far was hard, the vibrations in the ground interfering, but I managed to confidently pick out eight. The two before me, and six minions.

"Wolf," the lady called out and my head snapped up, focus broken. She smiled and clasped her hand together, probably taking it as a sign of obedience. "We have such great plans for you," she said as she crouched before me. Her robe was tattered along the bottom, revealing a deep pink gown underneath, slightly shorter than her robe. She pulled a long, thin blade from out of her sleeve and a growl rumbled in my chest.

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